What Is Wrong With 68 Million Americans?

The DNC gave us The Clinton Corp Coronation and now almost dead never was any good Biden....Go Figure.

What does that have to do with your support of the Nutjob-in-Chief? Yes, the Democrats are a goat rope. There's no requirement to support either party yet you are a staunch defender of TrumpCorp. Why?
For sometime, he provided "comic relief" on DP. Much like Truth Detector does here. After a while, he realized that members were laughing at him and not with him. Somehow, he wound up here.

I was on DP for awhile myself, along with other forums now and again for the past 20 years.

The screamers are pretty funny. Sad, but funny.
What does that have to do with your support of the Nutjob-in-Chief? Yes, the Democrats are a goat rope. There's no requirement to support either party yet you are a staunch defender of TrumpCorp. Why?

I can answer why: Years ago, Hawk's Dad won a sales award and got a tour of a building by tRump himself. Based on this ONE encounter, his Dad became infatuated with tRump and passed said infatuation on to Hawk.
I can answer why: Years ago, Hawk's Dad won a sales award and got a tour of a building by tRump himself. Based on this ONE encounter, his Dad became infatuated with tRump and passed said infatuation on to Hawk.

A plausible story. Any truth to it?

We're agreed he's infatuated with Trump despite all of his claims about being a Zen Socialist.
Trump has been on my radar since the first Dec Trump Tower was open....my dad got a tour from Trump as part of an award he won for being a good salesman. My understanding of Trump the man is largely informed from by dads read, which was likely right as my dad was a good salesman in part because he was a good people reader. I have also followed him in the years since.

Trump is a good guy, I admire him, we need a lot more like him.

‘Nuff said.

You admire pathologically lying sociopaths.
People misusing power is as old as written history. The good news is most people are good and a good system of checks and balances controls the assholes.

As you just admitted, tech isn't the problem, it's the people. Tech solves a lot of problems but the people problem is solved with oversight.

I agree that oversight is a lot of the solution. I can't say that I believe most people are good, however. Most people are selfish. That doesn't make them evil per se, but it doesn't make them good either.
I agree that oversight is a lot of the solution. I can't say that I believe most people are good, however. Most people are selfish. That doesn't make them evil per se, but it doesn't make them good either.

Selfish is fairly normal. That doesn't mean a person is bad or evil. Stealing from others, like lying to steal an election from the American people is both selfish and evil. Being a little selfish were no harm is done to others is common albeit not completely honorable.
How Trump’s Mental Illness Infected 48% of the Electorate

[FONT=&]“What is wrong with 68 million Americans?” is a question many are asking the day after the election. Why should the race even be close? Why did 48% of voting adults choose to remain with a president who leaves a trail of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, the nation bankrupt, children in cages, and our natural habitat under existential threat?

[FONT=&]It makes no rational sense—unless we correctly identify the problem. For almost four years, mental health professionals have been urging the nation to bring a mental health perspective to a mental health problem, instead of assuming that everything is political. All substitute approaches have failed, just as the best pandemic control comes from infectious disease specialists, not from a radiologist or economists. We have also anticipated the current situation as a product of having mental pathology in power for a prolonged period.



HAY!!! keep your asses in the battleground states! We don't need to rig California!!!

-- The Left
Hello signalmankenneth,

How Trump’s Mental Illness Infected 48% of the Electorate

[FONT=&]“What is wrong with 68 million Americans?” is a question many are asking the day after the election. Why should the race even be close? Why did 48% of voting adults choose to remain with a president who leaves a trail of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, the nation bankrupt, children in cages, and our natural habitat under existential threat?

[FONT=&]It makes no rational sense—unless we correctly identify the problem. For almost four years, mental health professionals have been urging the nation to bring a mental health perspective to a mental health problem, instead of assuming that everything is political. All substitute approaches have failed, just as the best pandemic control comes from infectious disease specialists, not from a radiologist or economists. We have also anticipated the current situation as a product of having mental pathology in power for a prolonged period.




It's just sad. And DANGEROUS!
Hello signalmankenneth,

It's just sad. And DANGEROUS!

We both understand that there's a serious problem, PoliTalker.
We couldn't agree less on the solution, unfortunately.
Trump supporters aren't merely wrong.
They're a cancer that need to be cut out.

That leaves partition or war, and partition makes more sense to me.
Conciliation, on the other hand, appears a Pollyanna pipedream to me.
There's no rational argument to defend it as a realistic option.
Are you blind to the seething hatred that surrounds us?
Or are you optimistic because what you want really seems like what can actually be?

I wouldn't want to make that latter argument and have to defend it with Aaristotelian logic.
How Trump’s Mental Illness Infected 48% of the Electorate

[FONT=&]“What is wrong with 68 million Americans?” is a question many are asking the day after the election. Why should the race even be close? Why did 48% of voting adults choose to remain with a president who leaves a trail of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, the nation bankrupt, children in cages, and our natural habitat under existential threat?

[FONT=&]It makes no rational sense—unless we correctly identify the problem. For almost four years, mental health professionals have been urging the nation to bring a mental health perspective to a mental health problem, instead of assuming that everything is political. All substitute approaches have failed, just as the best pandemic control comes from infectious disease specialists, not from a radiologist or economists. We have also anticipated the current situation as a product of having mental pathology in power for a prolonged period.




I think you mean "what ARE wrong with 68 million americans?", dumbass.
I think you mean "what ARE wrong with 68 million americans?", dumbass.

No. If there's one big thing wrong, it's "What is."
The plural term "68 million Americans" is simply the object of a preposition, "with."
The problem is singular, and thus "is" would be correct.
But keep trying.
I am not a Trump supporter, not a republican, altho I have played the part on here to attempt to get some good discussion going.

But I ask you and everyone here, what is an American to do if the Democratic (Liberal) platform does not appeal to them?

Some of them are scared by Fox News into believing the Democratic platform is Socialist or Communist and most of us will have to admit those voters are uneducated and easily swayed (and there are just as many like that on the other side btw). So let's remove them from this discussion.

But there are people who feel that the Republican platform is better than the Democratic platform, so who are they supposed to vote for? You have to vote for Trump, right?

My father is a staunch republican, he calls himself a libertarian, but he is a supply-side pure capitalist no government involvement type of guy and he will vote Republican every time, he does not like Trump, he pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ rights but these issues are not important compared to the economy of the country and he feels like if Trump or any Republican can get the country's economy in a great spot then life will be better for everyone eventually and therefore he would vote for Trump.

I disagree with the idea that Republican policies will make the country better so I would vote Democrat, but I understand someone who votes Republican.

Isn't that fair?

I commend you on at least trying to identify the segment of the population that votes for Trump. I think that is the goal here, trying to identify the groups that support Trump.
Hello NiftyNiblick,

We both understand that there's a serious problem, PoliTalker.
We couldn't agree less on the solution, unfortunately.
Trump supporters aren't merely wrong.
They're a cancer that need to be cut out.

That leaves partition or war, and partition makes more sense to me.
Conciliation, on the other hand, appears a Pollyanna pipedream to me.
There's no rational argument to defend it as a realistic option.
Are you blind to the seething hatred that surrounds us?
Or are you optimistic because what you want really seems like what can actually be?

I wouldn't want to make that latter argument and have to defend it with Aaristotelian logic.

You're right, we disagree.

There is no clear place to draw the boundaries.

Drawing boundaries will not work.

We have to solve the hate problem.

Tall order, yes, but there is no other viable option.

I do not believe partitioning could work.

Trying really hard to picture it:

Suppose the boundaries are drawn at State lines. Red States, Blue States.

(Forget for a moment the big stink about what to do with purple States.)

What do you do with the adamant Trump fan who lives in a blue State?

He's not going to want to leave. Born and raised there. Proud of his spread. He's not going anywhere. He is going to be pissed off about it.

Just one example.

All this idea will do would be to amp up attitudes and get people fighting mad.

And then you're going to tell him he has to get a passport to cross the same State line he has been crossing his whole life to do business?

He's not gonna like that.

The problem with this idea is that, while you may like it, you cannot assume that everybody else is going to like it.

I don't like it. Lots of people are not going to like it. There is a reason it is not a popular idea.

What if you somehow got a slight majority on it and made it happen anyway?

Now you've got a whole bunch of people who are super-angry at what has happened.

And the idea came from a liberal?

That will not be received well. I can tell you that much.

Not gonna work.

Might as well just ask for a shooting civil war.


We have to stay united and solve our difference the best we can.