What Movie did you just recently Watch?

Has he gotten better? After the last few with him in them I stopped watching movies with him. Seriously, "The Man in the Iron Mask" sucked, so did that one ... was it, "Catch Me If You Can"?
I didn't care for The Man in the Iron Mask either. Such a great story, so poorly done. And Titanic was just melodramatic tripe, really.

But yes, he's gotten better. I've not seen The Departed yet but he did a superb job in Blood Diamond. His was the pivotal role in the movie and couldn't have been easy to play. Archer was an a**hole, through and through, but not a villain. He had to walk that line or the story wouldn't have worked. DiCaprio played him perfectly, I think.

Was he a bad man who did one good thing or a good man who did a lot of bad things? You're left to make your own judgment at the end, which is exactly how it should be.
I didn't care for The Man in the Iron Mask either. Such a great story, so poorly done. And Titanic was just melodramatic tripe, really.

But yes, he's gotten better. I've not seen The Departed yet but he did a superb job in Blood Diamond. His was the pivotal role in the movie and couldn't have been easy to play. Archer was an a**hole, through and through, but not a villain. He had to walk that line or the story wouldn't have worked. DiCaprio played him perfectly, I think.

Was he a bad man who did one good thing or a good man who did a lot of bad things? You're left to make your own judgment at the end, which is exactly how it should be.

Melodramatic tripe! I was thinking of becoming a lesbian when The Titanic was out, because I couldn't get my fiance to take me to see it. Then quite by accident, with no planning whatsoever, I found a more hetero way to force his hand. We were working out at the gym, and a gym friend of his was on the treadmill next to me and the subject came up. When Jim came over to us, his friend said "look the girl wants to see The Titanic, if you don't take her, I will".

We went that weekend.

What is the big to-do about taking a girl to see a girl movie? Geez. And, you get off easy with me, because I don't like most girl movies to begin with. It's a rare occurrence with me.
He outshined Nicholson (I agree about him being overrated) and Matt Damon, who is also a pretty decent actor. Damo is just being a man. No doubt he thinks Pamela Anderson gave a great performance in "Chain and Bondage" or whatever that movie was that she was in. You know how they are. If an actor is good, they always have to say, oh I heard he's gay. Or, he sucks.
Not really. I think Keifer Sutherland is a great actor. And that Margheim lady that played in "The Practice". Shoot, she seemed so damned intelligent. Then I saw her in a real life scenario and found out that she isn't. I find it amazing that somebody so vacant could play such a powerful and intelligent person.

Seriously, can you watch Titanic and go calling him a "good actor" in that flick?
Not really. I think Keifer Sutherland is a great actor. And that Margheim lady that played in "The Practice". Shoot, she seemed so damned intelligent. Then I saw her in a real life scenario and found out that she isn't. I find it amazing that somebody so vacant could play such a powerful and intelligent person.

Seriously, can you watch Titanic and go calling him a "good actor" in that flick?

I don't think he was a bad actor in Titanic, but he was no where near what he is today. Keifer Sutherland is no threat to any man, Damo. Gross.

Who did she play on The Practice? I don't reconize the name.
Melodramatic tripe! I was thinking of becoming a lesbian when The Titanic was out, because I couldn't get my fiance to take me to see it. Then quite by accident, with no planning whatsoever, I found a more hetero way to force his hand. We were working out at the gym, and a gym friend of his was on the treadmill next to me and the subject came up. When Jim came over to us, his friend said "look the girl wants to see The Titanic, if you don't take her, I will".

We went that weekend.

What is the big to-do about taking a girl to see a girl movie? Geez. And, you get off easy with me, because I don't like most girl movies to begin with. It's a rare occurrence with me.
Oh, I took KC to see it. It's one of those male obligations, that occasional chick-flick. ;)

Would you settle for Thelma and Louise? Thought not.

Actually, my objection to Titanic is more to the hype and praise heaped on it. It wasn't a bad movie. In fact, it definitely had some fine moments. High art it was not, however. And, oh gods, was it too long or what?
Oh, I took KC to see it. It's one of those male obligations, that occasional chick-flick. ;)

Would you settle for Thelma and Louise? Thought not.

Actually, my objection to Titanic is more to the hype and praise heaped on it. It wasn't a bad movie. In fact, it definitely had some fine moments. High art it was not, however. And, oh gods, was it too long or what?

I agree, it is a male obligation, or should be. It was too long though, I can't disagree.
I don't think he was a bad actor in Titanic, but he was no where near what he is today. Keifer Sutherland is no threat to any man, Damo. Gross.

Who did she play on The Practice? I don't reconize the name.
She is the larger lady. She now plays a role in one of my wife's favorite shows The Ghost Whisperer.
Oh, I took KC to see it. It's one of those male obligations, that occasional chick-flick. ;)

Would you settle for Thelma and Louise? Thought not.

Actually, my objection to Titanic is more to the hype and praise heaped on it. It wasn't a bad movie. In fact, it definitely had some fine moments. High art it was not, however. And, oh gods, was it too long or what?

I liked Titantic at the time, but my taste in movies has drastically changed. But I dont' think he was bad in it at all. I thought he did an OK job.
Damo... Leo was definitely better in the Departed than in the ones you mentioned. Personally I could not stand him either. When I saw the previews of blood diamond I was turned off by him once again. But given the above comments perhaps I should give it a try as maybe the previews just weren't enough.
"I didn't care for The Man in the Iron Mask either. Such a great story, so poorly done."

I love that book. HATED that attempt of a movie based on it.
Damo... Leo was definitely better in the Departed than in the ones you mentioned. Personally I could not stand him either. When I saw the previews of blood diamond I was turned off by him once again. But given the above comments perhaps I should give it a try as maybe the previews just weren't enough.
Yeah, that's why I was asking. It appears he may have grown as an actor and I should stop avoiding his flicks.

Nothing detracts more from a flick other than bad writing. Titanic had both. I was so bored I found myself watching for gaffes. In one the dude had like a six in cigar, turned and suddenly the cigar was like 1 inch long....

In another, they are all dancing in the "rich people have no fun, and poor people really no how to tear" scene, there is a paperclip on the floor bouncing around. Now, paperclips were barely invented, not very often used, and certainly not found among the poor and they were not in the current shape found among paperclips. So forth...

Titanic sucked in so many ways. And why didn't they use a technical expert? I mean when the boat breaks in half and you are in the front end of the boat the water does not run in from bow to stern... Also if he was locked to the post in that water he would have died of hypothermia long before she got there to save him...
Only 2 more days until 28 Weeks Later is released!

Can't wait to see that movie. Gonna download it, book a day's holiday from work and watch both back to back!

Let the resettlement of Britain begin!
Dicaprico is a chick flick actor.
the need to at least put really hot women with him so the guys won't suffer when their ladies make them go to the Dicaprico movies.
Only 2 more days until 28 Weeks Later is released!

Can't wait to see that movie. Gonna download it, book a day's holiday from work and watch both back to back!

Let the resettlement of Britain begin!

I absolutely hate going to the movies on opening night, but I may have to this time around. This has been a long time coming. On www.movies.com they had a bunch of scenes that you can watch. I don't know if I recommend it though - its nice to be completely suprised by what happens in a movie the first time you watch it.
I absolutely hate going to the movies on opening night, but I may have to this time around. This has been a long time coming. On www.movies.com they had a bunch of scenes that you can watch. I don't know if I recommend it though - its nice to be completely suprised by what happens in a movie the first time you watch it.

I'll wait until a day or so after release, then it'll be on the internet. Find a decent copy and watch at home.

I hate the cinema, the seats are too small, you can't smoke or have a beer.

I'll put it on the widescreen at home, chill on my big sofa with the missus, smoke a fat blunt, crack open a beer, eat junk and watch both films one after another the other...

I've seen a few short clips, looks amazing... Only two more days to release...

I've heard a rumour that they are planning a third film.....
I absolutely hate going to the movies on opening night, but I may have to this time around. This has been a long time coming. On www.movies.com they had a bunch of scenes that you can watch. I don't know if I recommend it though - its nice to be completely suprised by what happens in a movie the first time you watch it.

I'll wait until a day or so after release, then it'll be on the internet. Find a decent copy and watch at home.

I hate the cinema, the seats are too small, you can't smoke or have a beer.

I'll put it on the widescreen at home, chill on my big sofa with the missus, smoke a fat blunt, crack open a beer, eat junk and watch both films one after another the other...

I've seen a few short clips, looks amazing... Only two more days to release...

I've heard a rumour that they are planning a third film.....

They are planning a third film: 28 Months Later. Or so I've heard. I just hope they don't take 4 years to release that one. If I like this one (which I'm sure I will), it would cool if they bought back the original cast & this cast together.
It'll be a while, they have to make the money on 28 weeks first..

Looking forward to that one though.... lol