What Movie did you just recently Watch?

"Blood Diamond"

A bizarre acting performance from Leonardo Dicaprio. In the beginning of the film, he attempts a poor version of an English/Australian accent. Towards the middle and end of the movie, he slips into speaking in a faux Afrikaneer Dutch accent.
"Blood Diamond"

A bizarre acting performance from Leonardo Dicaprio. In the beginning of the film, he attempts a poor version of an English/Australian accent. Towards the middle and end of the movie, he slips into speaking in a faux Afrikaneer Dutch accent.
LOL! You're harping on technicalities there, my friend. You really ought to admit that role could not have been easy. Archer was a class A asshole yet had to be made a sympathetic character.
I saw "28 days" last night (the first one, not the new release)

Good stuff. Pretty bloody awesome. I'll be interested to see what the sequel is like. Sometimes sequels can totally suck.
I saw "28 days" last night (the first one, not the new release)

Good stuff. Pretty bloody awesome. I'll be interested to see what the sequel is like. Sometimes sequels can totally suck.

The sequel was okay. Not nearly as memorable as the first, however it did have some good scares, but it did have quite a few plot holes.
The sequel was okay. Not nearly as memorable as the first, however it did have some good scares, but it did have quite a few plot holes.

Well, that's dissapointing to hear. But, not unexpected. A lot of sequels stink. I remember being totally dissapointed with the Matrix II (Reloaded?).
LOL! You're harping on technicalities there, my friend. You really ought to admit that role could not have been easy. Archer was a class A asshole yet had to be made a sympathetic character.

The faux accent thing is just a pet peeve of mine. My ears are very attuned to different types of accents, and it was very distracting when he slipped from a bad british accent, to a bad australian accent, to a half-way decent dutch Afrikaneer accent.

I tell which actor can do great accents. Johnny Depp. I've seen him pull off almost flawless Irish and Spanish accents. And consistently, throughout the entire movie - not missing a beat.
The faux accent thing is just a pet peeve of mine. My ears are very attuned to different types of accents, and it was very distracting when he slipped from a bad british accent, to a bad australian accent, to a half-way decent dutch Afrikaneer accent.

I tell which actor can do great accents. Johnny Depp. I've seen him pull off almost flawless Irish and Spanish accents. And consistently, throughout the entire movie - not missing a beat.
Dude from "House" is a brit, he does one of the best American accents that I've heard a brit pull off. Seriously I had to research to find out that my wife was right, that he was a brit.

I remember back in the day on "Dr. Who" they landed the T.A.R.T.I.S. on the Empire State building, OMFG! the "New York accents" were fricking HILARIOUS!
Dude from "House" is a brit, he does one of the best American accents that I've heard a brit pull off. Seriously I had to research to find out that my wife was right, that he was a brit.

I remember back in the day on "Dr. Who" they landed the T.A.R.T.I.S. on the Empire State building, OMFG! the "New York accents" were fricking HILARIOUS!

totally. His american accent is flawless. I would have never known he was a brit, until I watched him at the Emmy (?) awards.
Actually the black guy from 28 Weeks Later who also plays in HBO's "The Wire" is British. I wouldn't have never thought he wasn't American or at least Canadian.
The Commitments is a great movie, If you havent seen it you are mic=sssing something with great music and lots of laughs.

Its hard to find because its Irish and almost 20years old though.
I lucked out I don't have to go to chick flicks. My wife and I have pretty much the same tastes in movies.

I'm watching the killing fields right now in bits and pieces. Normally we would watch it together but its too depressing faire for my pregnant wife.
I lucked out I don't have to go to chick flicks. My wife and I have pretty much the same tastes in movies.

I'm watching the killing fields right now in bits and pieces. Normally we would watch it together but its too depressing faire for my pregnant wife.

I didn't know you were having a baby IHG! Congratulations!
Another one? You do know that science has pretty much come to a consensus on what causes that... Right?