What should the US do if Washington DC is made a state?

I'm going to frame this in a different way (to more accurately reflect where we are currently at, since blunt honesty is the only way to get out of our predicament).

There is no longer any USA, plain and simple (there only remains an illusion of one, of which such a belief in its actual existence is only holding conservatives back). The Demonkkkrats have done a successful coup of the USA and no longer recognize the Constitution of the United States (or any State Constitution for that matter). Conservatives need to accept the truth that Demonkkkrats are possessed with pure evil and will stop at absolutely nothing to obtain power, wealth, and tyrannical control over the masses (I purposely call them Demonkkkrats for good reason).

Conservatives additionally need to accept the truth that many of our current Republican representatives are RINOs and should no longer be tolerated (IOW, they are Demonkkkrats in Republican clothing). So long as we continue to tolerate such people, we will remain the "battered conservatives" that we are, with next to no representation in government. Many conservatives have been far too complacent for far too long. It is time to wake up and to vehemently and loudly/openly oppose the current Demonkkkrat tyranny, lies, manipulations, and perversions.

But back to the current state of the former USA (geographically and politically speaking)... This is where we are currently at:

SODC: Socialist Oligarchy of the District of Columbia... This was formed after the successful coup of President Trump and the nationalist populist USA that he stood for. The SODC has now completely and utterly replaced the USA, and is acting as if it has tyrannical control (Constitution be damned) over the 48 States that are remaining (I'll get to that in a second). The sooner that these States wake up to what is occurring and proudly/openly/firmly declare their independence from it, the better. If they remain complacent/tolerant for too long, it will only be easier for the SODC to suck them in and take them over.

SOTC: Socialist Oligarchy of the Territory of California... What was once the great State of California has long been changed into a socialist oligarchy, completely disregarding their own state constitution (and the federal constitution). They seem to be allying themselves with the newly formed SODC and are the "poster child" for the perils that will soon come to the SOA if the SOA does not declare their independence from the SODC. The SOTC is completely broke (which is why the Demonkkkrats who control the SODC are currently bailing them (and the SOTNY and other Dem voting States) out under the guise of a "covid relief bill"). The SOTC cannot even manage its own forests nor keep the power on for its citizenry.

SOTNY: Socialist Oligarchy of the Territory of New York... What was once the State of New York has fairly recently been changed into a socialist oligarchy, completely disregarding their own state constitution (and the federal constitution). They seem to be allying themselves with the newly formed SODC and are likewise a "poster child" for what will soon come to the SOA if they do not declare their independence from the SODC. Like the SOTC, the SOTNY is completely broke and receiving bailout money under the guise of "covid relief". The SOTNY has euthanized many of its senior citizens living in care facilities due to purposely and lengthily exposing them to covid. Although most any disease would've done the deed, it wouldn't've gained them federal money in the guise of "covid relief"). This is the sort of evil Satanic shit that we are dealing with.

SOA: States of America (no longer actually united under a federal constitution)... There are currently 48 States which have their own Constitutions and follow them (albeit to varying extents). These States need to decide whether they will ally themselves with the SODC (and seemingly the SOTC and the SOTNY) or whether they will oppose such tyranny and declare themselves independent from it (maybe even teaming up with other States to form a new USA).

To continue deluding ourselves and acting as if we have any recourse via our Demonkkkrat and RINO state and federal representatives is folly. To continue deluding ourselves and acting as if we have any recourse via the ballot box (IF mail in voting is allowed, IF there is no voter ID, IF big cities outnumber the rest of the State and don't enforce election laws, etc.) is folly. To continue deluding ourselves and acting as if we have any recourse via the jury box (IF it is filled with evil Satanic jurists who "legislate from the bench" or otherwise disregard the constitution) is folly.

That leaves us with the ammo box. It is time to declare independence from the SODC and its allies, tell them to shove their illusion of the existence of a federal constitution where the sun don't shine, and to form a new USA, keeping much of the federal constitution that leftists no longer recognize as a guide for how we will live and govern. At the very least, the rest of each State needs to break away from the big cities and to govern themselves under their own rules.

Fuck the big cities.
Fuck the SODC.
Fuck Demonkkkrat tyranny, lies, manipulations, and perversions.

That's how we resolve Demonkkkrats wishing to make the SODC into a State.

resist this dumbassery.

divide and conquer is the ccp way.

you're still on china's jock, regardless of which sock.
Under the Constitution, there is supposed to be a federal district that is not a state where the federal government operates. So, how would this be resolved?

My suggestion is we form a new federal district in the middle of the US, sort of like Brazil did with Brasilia in say Kansas or Nebraska. This would denude the East Coast of it's economic windfall and turn it into a massive Detroit. The loss of representatives in east coast states and the gain in mid-west states would ensure the House ends up Republican while the addition of two DC senators is rendered meaningless.

After all, if Washington DC is now a state it can't be the Constitutionally required federal district...

Put a fence around it and make it its own country.
Well, yea, but when has the Constitution ever been an obstacle to the Left...?

Neither the left nor the right are sufficiently prolific to do much of anything.
Gridlock is the prominent feature of the government that our beloved Constitution handed down to us.

We're not only the oldest continuously "functioning" democratic republic on the planet, but also the most obsolete by far.
Washington D.C. may not be a state- BUT IT IS NOT MAR-A-LAGO either!

Under the Constitution, there is supposed to be a federal district that is not a state where the federal government operates. So, how would this be resolved?

My suggestion is we form a new federal district in the middle of the US, sort of like Brazil did with Brasilia in say Kansas or Nebraska. This would denude the East Coast of it's economic windfall and turn it into a massive Detroit. The loss of representatives in east coast states and the gain in mid-west states would ensure the House ends up Republican while the addition of two DC senators is rendered meaningless.

After all, if Washington DC is now a state it can't be the Constitutionally required federal district...

Democrats do not recognize the Constitution of the United States no the constitution of any State. Attempting this is only further proof of their tyranny.
Neither the left nor the right are sufficiently prolific to do much of anything.
Gridlock is the prominent feature of the government that our beloved Constitution handed down to us.

We're not only the oldest continuously "functioning" democratic republic on the planet, but also the most obsolete by far.

This isn't gridlock. This is the result of a fallen federal government.