What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I love it when you share your excellent tips with us, Damo.

That one about sound-proofing newly excavated underground lairs with egg boxes was a sure-fire winner.

Now my delicate ears are no longer troubled by the foul trill of Hannah Montana verses and, moreover, i have the piece of mind that my neighbour's suspicions will never again be piqued by the strained cries for help nor the desperate clawing and forlorn scraping at the earth.

'Peace and Quiet' - The Rifles
I don't know about you, but my poinsettias rarely scream out for help or scratch forlornly on the ground, are you sure you are doing it right? Although they do have the unpleasant habit of Hanna Montana fandom.

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond
ah, i see.....there is already a thread on this....

So, Kanye West is so hot for Beyonce he couldn't stop himself from embarrassing himself before a massive international audience taking the microphone from the winner of the best female video, 19 year old country singer Taylor Swift, to announce that Beyonce has the best video ever... Totally forgetting he's never seen Taylor's video and that the people in the audience didn't vote his way.

It seems that publicly embarrassing yourself is all the rage now that Joe Wilson did it during the President's campaign speech for HR 3200 just the other day... Good job Joe! Trend setting Republican Congressmen are rare!

Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line
So, Kanye West is so hot for Beyonce he couldn't stop himself from embarrassing himself before a massive international audience taking the microphone from the winner of the best female video, 19 year old country singer Taylor Swift, to announce that Beyonce has the best video ever... Totally forgetting he's never seen Taylor's video and that the people in the audience didn't vote his way.

It seems that publicly embarrassing yourself is all the rage now that Joe Wilson did it during the President's campaign speech for HR 3200 just the other day... Good job Joe! Trend setting Republican Congressmen are rare!

Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line

Beyonce's video probably is better...
Good Morning.

And what a good morning it is, this being a Friday and all. Moreover, it is not raining, the electricity bill still hasn't arrived and the chap who moved into the house at the back of mine has, apparently, been put in prison for conning old ladies out of their savings. This is a good thing anyway but he also kept a pair of frightfully noisy parrots, in some ghastly garden shed and chicken wire arrangement, and those squawking bastards have gone as well. Huzzah!

That still does not explain my effervescent mood today though. No, no, no. I am in high spirits due to hearing the news that a rather aged foot and thigh bone, belonging to none other than a genuine saint, is currently "on tour" in Britain. Like a minor version of a Rolling Stones tour these fragile relics are to be chauffeured round the country to meet the public, perform many astounding feats and facilitate pregnancy. They belong to Saint Therese of Lisieux, an unfortunate French nun who died from Tuberculosis at the age of 24. Presumably there was a shortage of canonised bones back in 1897?


MIRACLE: After praying to Saint, woman with no feet grows legs out of arms.

Anyway, the remains of this Holy bint was cleaved into 3 sections, probably on the advice of accountants for revenue maximising potential, and we get to see a bit of thigh. Giddy up! Britain's religious mentalists are expected to turn out in force; the blind will see, the lame will walk, wheelchair manufacturers will be ruined and we'll all be so taken aback that we set things straight and begin burning Anglicans again.

"Oh yeah, right. Like that's going to happen", i hear some sceptics say.

To you doubters i merely point out that in 2002 St Therese was sent on a mission of peace to Baghdad, to prevent a potential war with Iraq. So...think on. Apparently, the Home Office has approved Wormwood Scrubs prison as one tour venue so perhaps my parrot loving neighbour will finally get to see a big old bone which doesn't make him grit his teeth and whimper?

'No Backbone' - The Lemonheads