What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

So we all say a collective "Seeya...Bye" to Libya's most famous Colonel.

The initial reports, yesterday, suggested that Gaddafi had been captured alive. This quickly evolved into captured alive but wounded in both legs. Within minutes rumours circulated he was no more after being shot in the hole. A painful way to go. Some grainy pictures emerged purporting to show the tyrant's corpse and the grim reaper looked to have claimed another victim. There was a brief rally amongst fans of show trials when a group of Scottish medical staff analysed the apparent corpse footage and pronounced Gaddafi in tip top condition. Alas, their medical judgement proved flawed and firework salesmen across Tripoli began jamming the switchboards of Mercedes-Benz showrooms.

Now, don't get me wrong, he was a thoroughly bad lot. No question about that. All that torturing and terrorism just isn't on, you know? Unless you're doing it for the right reasons, of course (little bit of satire there).

Nevertheless, one cannot deny that the chap brought a bit of colour to the world stage. Would the world not be a better place if Barack Obamas pitched up at the G20 sporting a rather natty fez? Or if Hu Jintao sashayed into the UN Security Council with his gold lame robe flowing elegantly behind him?


Colonel Gaddafi, in better days.

One does have to give the man some credit for baffling the West, not only with the many variant spellings of his name (i mean what's all that Q shit about?), but his steadfast refusal to stay in even the best 5-star hotel accommodation a foreign nation could offer, in favour of erecting a massive Bedouin tent in any available green space. A particularly fine touch was when he was escorted to a French summit by a retinue of camels, who were left to wander round the streets of Paris nibbling Citroens.

With Gaddafi's death we no longer have a man with the balls to, not only overrun his 15 minute allotted time to address the entire UN General Assembly, but to overrun by a full 85 minutes, insulting America, the UK, and almost everyone and every thing in the known world, breaking at least one translator in the process.

For God's sake people, when you think about Muammar al-Gaddafi don't just think of the villainous tyrant who blew up planes, think of the man who once attempted to abolish Switzerland.

'Bye Bye Badman' - Stone Roses
I have been searching for this beat that was playing all over the local techno station back in 2001 for about 5 years. Unfortunately, their online playlists only go back to 2002. Finally, ten minutes ago, I came accross a blog in which there was a discussion about the 2001 playlist, and someone had posted the entire thing. Happy days are here again!!

I was reminded today of this. 1957 when I was .... well - younger than I am now and sporting lime green nylon socks and a blue and black striped flat cap and a 'boston' trim that had to hang over your collar by at least an inch!. The craziest thing was that we actually thought we were 'cool' (in today's parlance)!!

I was reminded today of this. 1957 when I was .... well - younger than I am now and sporting lime green nylon socks and a blue and black striped flat cap and a 'boston' trim that had to hang over your collar by at least an inch!. The craziest thing was that we actually thought we were 'cool' (in today's parlance)!!

I am embarrassed to say that I've never heard that before, I know him mostly for Midnight Special, Hey Hey, Key to the Highway and Guitar Shuffle.

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