What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

I give back what I receive in return, which in the case of this "woman" has been rudeness and disparaging comments both in public and private since I arrived.

If you are going to be honest, you might pay attention to who started this thing you are calling stalking. Convenient that you've overlooked that, or is this your pattern?

I don't know the woman and I don't want to know the woman, but neither does it mean I am taking anyone's shit.

All cleared up now?

I understand that you couldn't stand my having this spot. I understand that you were compelled to come here out of sickness. And, I understand that you are playing that oldie but goodie "it's a case of mistaken identity" for all the benefit of the doubt you can squeeze out of it.

Here is what you should understand; don't for one microsecond get the idea in that peabrain that I don't know who you are.

Because I know.

Now, go fuck yourself.
I understand that you couldn't stand my having this spot. I understand that you were compelled to come here out of sickness. And, I understand that you are playing that oldie but goodie "it's a case of mistaken identity" for all the benefit of the doubt you can squeeze out of it.

Here is what you should understand; don't for one microsecond get the idea in that peabrain that I don't know who you are.

Because I know.

Now, go fuck yourself.

So this is about your "spot"?

Do control yourself sweetheart. You are what keeps Resolve Carpet Stain remover in business.

Your spot will always be there.
I give back what I receive in return, which in the case of this "woman" has been rudeness and disparaging comments both in public and private since I arrived.

If you are going to be honest, you might pay attention to who started this thing you are calling stalking. Convenient that you've overlooked that, or is this your pattern?

I don't know the woman and I don't want to know the woman, but neither does it mean I am taking anyone's shit.

All cleared up now?

I don't know, LIT. I'm hesitant to broach this topic with you, but maybe we should dial back on the cyber-stalking.

I mean, I've been reading the bible and I'm getting a little concerned about the fate of my soul. Would Jesus have stalked, harrassed, and obsessed about posters he'd never even met for five years?

Maybe we should lay down the crack pipes and give up the fraudulent social security disability checks. Think about it: for all the time, energy, and effort we've put into cyberstalking people that we don't even know, we could have gone to beauty school and trained to be hairdressers, or something. I'm mean, maybe we can find a more productive use of our time, and focus our energies on our own lives in a positive way....just a thought. ;)

I am sure you do doubt it. I wouldn't expect less based on your comments so far. With the exception of the private message everything is right here for your perusal and review That you choose to disregard that is not unbelievable or remarkable.

Let's make a deal, ok? You do your thing and I will do mine. I won't tell you how to do it and you don't tell me.


I didn't tell you to do anything.
wow, you guys are that obsessed with Darla that you followed her around the internet.

You need to seriously get lives. That's probably the most pathetic thing I've seen on the net to date. That says a lot given we've got AHZ, toby and dixie
wow, you guys are that obsessed with Darla that you followed her around the internet.

You need to seriously get lives. That's probably the most pathetic thing I've seen on the net to date. That says a lot given we've got AHZ, toby and dixie

I don't give two fucks who Darla is or isn't, so stow it lady.

She can tell you all you want to hear and believe but the only thing it makes you is gullible.

I am not going anywhere, so attempts to run me off have just back-fired in a major way. Any time you and your pals want to pony up some facts about your assertions, then feel free to do so.

Suck it up Darla. You don't like it then put me on ignore like the "Administration" counsels.
I don't give two fucks who Darla is or isn't, so stow it lady.

She can tell you all you want to hear and believe but the only thing it makes you is gullible.

I am not going anywhere, so attempts to run me off have just back-fired in a major way. Any time you and your pals want to pony up some facts about your assertions, then feel free to do so.

Suck it up Darla. You don't like it then put me on ignore like the "Administration" counsels.

Why would I want to put you on ignore tubby, when I can just tell you to go fuck yourself?

If you can't handle my telling you to go fuck yourself, and pointing out that you're a bitter tub of lard, then take your own advice and put me on ignore.

But don't ever tell me what to do, fatso.
Why would I want to put you on ignore tubby, when I can just tell you to go fuck yourself?

If you can't handle my telling you to go fuck yourself, and pointing out that you're a bitter tub of lard, then take your own advice and put me on ignore.

But don't ever tell me what to do, fatso.

I would laugh my ass off if you weren't such a pathetic piece of work lady, and of course I use that term loosely.

Now you listen up sweetheart. All your potty mouth, accusations, and hysterics will be ignored in the quick order that you spew it out of your trashmouth. You will not intimidate me, cause me any concern, or worries whatsoever.

You need to wrap that miniscule brain around one thing and one thing only (that's me telling you what to do). :p

I ain't going anywhere.

I will tell you anything I like, Stu.

Signed Fattso ( I will be whoever you want me to be, as long as you know I ain't going anywhere ).
I would laugh my ass off if you weren't such a pathetic piece of work lady, and of course I use that term loosely.

Now you listen up sweetheart. All your potty mouth, accusations, and hysterics will be ignored in the quick order that you spew it out of your trashmouth. You will not intimidate me, cause me any concern, or worries whatsoever.

You need to wrap that miniscule brain around one thing and one thing only (that's me telling you what to do). :p

I ain't going anywhere.

I will tell you anything I like, Stu.

Signed Fattso ( I will be whoever you want me to be, as long as you know I ain't going anywhere ).

Aabba, you haven't gone anywhere in five years. I understand obsession quite well.

I know you're not going anywhere.

I also know this isn't your personal playground and you're shut down here. No obits, no names, no pictures.

So you hang around and watch me. Hey, if I can give someone with no life a thrill, that's one more good deed in my plus column.
Aabba, you haven't gone anywhere in five years. I understand obsession quite well.

I know you're not going anywhere.

I also know this isn't your personal playground and you're shut down here. No obits, no names, no pictures.

So you hang around and watch me. Hey, if I can give someone with no life a thrill, that's one more good deed in my plus column.

Obits? Does someone want you to die?



Abba, (Like I said. I will be whoever you want me to be sweetheart).:readit:
I don't give two fucks who Darla is or isn't, so stow it lady.

She can tell you all you want to hear and believe but the only thing it makes you is gullible.

I am not going anywhere, so attempts to run me off have just back-fired in a major way. Any time you and your pals want to pony up some facts about your assertions, then feel free to do so.

Suck it up Darla. You don't like it then put me on ignore like the "Administration" counsels.

I don't give two fucks who Darla is or isn't, so stow it lady."

Your not fooling anyone fat-so. You've been lurking here and stalking people who you've never even met. The only reason you came to this board, is because your life is so pathetic, that your obssessed with stalking someone you've never even met...and someone who hasn't even been on the same message board with you in two years.

How pathetic must your life be, to spend your hours on this earth, stalking people you've never met....for years. Is your life so empty, that this is how you spend your time?

LOL - your pathetic.
I don't give two fucks who Darla is or isn't, so stow it lady."

Your not fooling anyone fat-so. You've been lurking here and stalking people who you've never even met. The only reason you came to this board, is because your life is so pathetic, that your obssessed with stalking someone you've never even met...and someone who hasn't even been on the same message board with you in two years.

How pathetic must your life be, to spend your hours on this earth, stalking people you've never met....for years. Is your life so empty, that this is how you spend your time?

LOL - your pathetic.

Oh for Shit Sakes!

This is where it would be appropriate for this Darla chick to say:

"Go Fuck yourself Ted, and keep away from the choir boys".
Lost isn't fat. Lost is just big boned. Why is that when someone weighs 400 lbs and is 5'4" everyone's quick to call them fat?

Don't worry lost, mickey is here. I'll be your friend. These other guys don't know what they're talking about.

Just because someone follows another person around after two years of posting on another message board and obsessess daily over them for years after they've obviously reduced them to a pile of steamy hot shit doesn't mean that they are stalkers. You guys are just racists.