What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

What a strange week it has been.

Firstly we finally have proof that the international Zionist conspiracy is a bona fide, cast-iron, dead cert, after Israel defeated mighty Russia (ok, barely mediocre Russia) allowing the England football team a second chance of qualifying for next year's European Championships. Here's us thinking that a worldwide Semitic cabal was a bad thing and then they go and do us a good turn like that? Even if they are supposed to drink the blood of Christian children, control the world's media, finance and government, and make old people fight to the death in cages...they are alright by me.

Secondly, our government, the one who wants to introduce ID cards accompanied by a massive central database of information, have managed to "lose" the personal details, including bank account details, of every child in the country and their parents...all 25 million of them. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7104945.stm) Apparently they saw nothing wrong in copying it to a couple of disks, unencrypted obviously, then posting them by unregistered post. The Treasury refuses to confirm or deny rumours that the intended recipient of the account details was a Mr Soloman Kaluandu of Lagos, Nigeria, who had been e-mailing government officials seeking help in transferring his family fortune to western banks.

This comes hot on the heels of the government giving around 26 billion pounds, that's 26 thousand million pound coins, to a private bank in order to keep it afloat. They're supposed to pay it back, of course, but we don't know when. Why would the taxpayer need to know things like that? It's not as if it's our money.

I'm delighted to announce that Britain has reached the milestone of "Gerald Ford" on the internationally recognised scale of incompetence, and in Gordon Browns, the Prime Minister, things can only go onwards and upwards.

'Here Comes the Anxiety' - The Wombats
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The England football team failed to get the draw they needed last night and, while the good teams are playing each other next summer, we shall be teaching remedial classes in backbone.

I could cite a long list of failures, incompetence, buffoonery and a tactical mindset which could only be described as the ultimate way of the fool. However, this about sums everything up.


Let the recriminations begin in earnest.

Jeeves, bring in the single malt and the revolver, please.

'We Can No Longer Cheat You' - The Cribs
It was the qualifying tournament for the European Championships in 2008.

Although i suppose the vast majority of Americans will be getting right behind the French.
Right. Americans love the French...

Just so long as the Italians don't win, I don't care. Fricking wanker floppers.
Right. Americans love the French...

Just so long as the Italians don't win, I don't care. Fricking wanker floppers.

I think i'm going to be supporting the Dutch or maybe the Spanish.

However, it's the draw for the next World Cup on Sunday (the regional qualification draw). I'll have to keep you updated on the US, and us of course, as i'm still pretending that i'm not the only Englishman here.
As promised, i did say i would keep you people posted on the World Cup bidness. (yes it's that game that everyone else in the world plays but you don't)

Although looking at the 'who is online' feature, i see Mr Magpie is here and i hope to entice him into this thread using my feminine guiles. Well, i'm wearing a dress and the girlfriends knickers, by jove.

I couldn't quite work the American section out. Here in Europeland we just play some people in a league and the winner qualifies. Apparently the US have to play the winner of Barbados and Dominica then it got rather complicated, but the press says you might end up playing Cuba, so that should be nice (especially as you're not allowed to travel there)

Er...'Between us and Them' - Moving Units
Well, it all seems to be kicking off in France again. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7114175.stm) You have to hand it to them, those Parisienne boys really love a tear-up. It brings back nostalgic thoughts of riots past - LA, Brixton and the opening day of the shoe sale at Macey's. It's that fighting spirit and devil-may-care attitude, when faced with authority, which has made the Frenchies famous the world over. From Brittany to the Cote d'Azur they spit in the eye of the establishment. Unless the establishment is called Fritz and he is driving a rather spiffing Panzer, of course.

"Don't you ever tire of portraying the good citizens of La Belle Francais as cowardly turncoats who, when faced with confrontation, would rather turn tail and hide under the nearest bed, leaving all the fighting to their neighbours (and their neighbours' many friends), rather than raise a fist in their own defence" i hear you say.

In a word...of course not.

Whatever happened to the good old days when the French riot squad would just fire off a volley or two of live ammunition into the belly of these long haired delinquents, before throwing their bodies into the Seine? Sort it out Mr Sarkozys.

'Riot Van' - Arctic Monkeys
I don't know if you've heard this story over there.
Essentially, a British teacher, Gillian Gibbons, teaching a class of 6-7 year-olds in Sudan, asked the kids to name a teddy bear for some project where they'd take home the teddy and write about what they did with it (it's exactly how Shakespeare started, you know). Anyway, the kids voted to call it 'Muhammad'.


Gillian Gibbons:The hideous face of western cultural imperialism.

Some parent complained about this (you know how these churchy types are) and she was arrested and charged with inciting religious hatred and insulting Islam. She now faces the prospect of a prison sentence, a fine or 40 lashes. The fate of the Teddy Bear is unclear, at the moment, after local dignitaries came to blows over whether Muhammad Bear should have his limbs amputated before being hung from a makeshift gallows in the town square or be stoned to death and his rotting corpse devoured by rabid wild dogs and fearsome jackals.

Sudan's top clerics have called for the full measure of the law to be used against Mrs Gibbons and labelled her actions part of a Western plot against Islam.

I think we've been rumbled. Our plan to bring death, destruction and something else quite nasty which also begins with the letter 'D', to the harmonious land of bounty and tranquillity, otherwise known as Sudan, is discovered. Such a shame as it worked so well in the Dafur regional trials. Let's hope they don't work out what we're doing in Iraq, eh?

'The Masterplan' - Oasis
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