What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

My niece loved for about a year. she still likes her clothes. Believe it or not there is a line of clothing. Pretty pricey for kids stuff too.

Yeah I know. I saw it on Oprah (:)) That's just crazy how they take a seemingly stupid show and turn it into an empire of must haves for kids.
It is pretty obvious, judging by the posts on this, the King of Boards, that the US is somewhat divided over the issue of healthcare. Insurance schemes, government subsidy and the cry of "socialized medicine" are never far from the surface.

I'd never claim that the NHS is a utopian wonderland as portrayed in Michael Moore's 'Sicko' but one thing it does provide is free booze.


Despite the recent relaxation of the licensing laws allowing one to purchase, say, a vintage Port and a 4 litre bottle of moderately priced cider at daybreak; despite every supermarket, booze emporium and corner shop (man thems corners is delish) offering the public 'Happy Hours', two-for-one promotions and a whisky chaser with every purchase of dental floss (let's face it - it's the only way they're going to sell dental products); despite the complete non-enforcement of id checks on the young shavers of the locale. Despite all this the NHS are offering free alcohol, in the form of anti-bacterial hand rub, in order to combat the rise of the superbug, MRSA.

And what is any self-respecting British gent to do, encountering a spare minute or two whilst visiting his stricken beau or terrible acquaintance of note, when his mind inevitably wanders to thoughts of inebriation? Hello, he thinks, what's that at the end of the bed? Booze in a most convenient squeezy bottle? Praise be.

I have to tell you it is, indeed, marvellous. So much better than aftershave or windscreen de-icer, i find.

'One Way Ticket to Paradise'- Ian Brown
Do you like rap, some say hip-hop, laying down rhymes and all that shit?

You do? That's wonderful.

OK, let me ask you this.

Do you like mathematics, messing about with numbers, you know, the nominator/denominator groove thang?

Well, today, your prayers have been answered, my friends. I bring you the grand union of rap and graphs.



I claim no credit here and there are more of them at this fine fellows internet crib, as some scruffy herbert would probably remark.

'That's Entertainment' - The Jam
Twisted Sister - Be Cruel To Your School

I'll dedicate this to Tipper Gore, she drove most of their sales. They were a mostly sucky band and probably wouldn't have sold squat without her.
A new morning brings more good news.

"Delegates at the UN summit in Bali have agreed a deal on curbing climate change after days of bitter wrangling."

Things had seemed a little tricky, at first, when the United States refused to stray from their cagey negotiating position of "say no to everything", but after a little light hearted booing from the rest of the world, America's cold black heart melted, the birds began to sing and the Balinese hookers were summoned for the after-conference party.

So, let us get down to the bare bones, some say brass tacks, some say nitty gritty...where's the beef on this mamma-jamma?

They have agreed to have an agreement on formulating a plan, a "Bali road map", if you will, to decide upon a new set of emissions targets. "I think we have come a long way here," said Paula Dobriansky, head of the US delegation, "we had to get a big plane and everything and there was free gin. We've got the Bali Road Map, which may not sound too impressive now but in a few years, when Bali is six feet under water, we're going to put this thing on e-bay and make a mint. It's a future collectors item, mark my words".

Observers spoke of emotional scenes in the conference hall - the UN's top climate official Yvo de Boer in tears after being accused by China of having "a really gay name" and "probably wearing make-up" and joyous scenes at the announcement of the intention to have another announcement in 2009.

"This is an historic agreement" said Hillary Benn, representing the UK government, "through hard bargaining, large amounts of flattery and drugs, we've managed to get the United States to agree to a deal. That means for the next two years i get to swan around the world, in business-class, staying in five-star luxury hotels...for nothing. Result".

'The Song Remains the Same' - Led Zeppelin
It is officially the last week before Christmas. That is, if the politically correct loony leftie lentil-loving Liberals haven't banned it in favour of some god-forsaken celebration of sandals and paganism.

We are told we can no longer perform the traditional nativity play in our schools, no longer put up decorations in our town centres for fear of offending other faiths and no longer make children sit on the knee of an obese gentlemen wearing a seasonal costume, a faint aroma of scotch and a suspicious lump in his trousers. What has happened to the world?

Will our children never celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in that humble stable two-thousand and seven years ago next Tuesday? Will the citizens of tomorrow never know the joy of killing a tree, covering it in flammable material, plugging it into the electricity grid and preying they're not overwhelmed by flames as red as Rudolf's snout? Will little boys and girls never feel the love of a heavily disguised man in the broom cupboard of a department store? For shame.

I, for one, will make sure that my children, should i ever have any, will be forced, if necessary with threats of physical violence, to dress up a sheep and witness the birth of a plastic doll representing the little baby Jesus. My children will be no strangers to the distinct odour of charred pine-tree, melted plastic and human flesh. My children will be taken, kicking and screaming, to meet the real Jesus in his Scandinavian grotto where he lives happily with his elves, without either the need or desire to declare a civil union, i might add.

I must admit, i am already stirred and excited by the prospect of ramming my hand up a game old bird's behind. That's livin' alright.

'Just Can't Get Enough' - Depeche Mode
It is officially the last week before Christmas. That is, if the politically correct loony leftie lentil-loving Liberals haven't banned it in favour of some god-forsaken celebration of sandals and paganism.

We are told we can no longer perform the traditional nativity play in our schools, no longer put up decorations in our town centres for fear of offending other faiths and no longer make children sit on the knee of an obese gentlemen wearing a seasonal costume, a faint aroma of scotch and a suspicious lump in his trousers. What has happened to the world?

Will our children never celebrate the birth of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in that humble stable two-thousand and seven years ago next Tuesday? Will the citizens of tomorrow never know the joy of killing a tree, covering it in flammable material, plugging it into the electricity grid and preying they're not overwhelmed by flames as red as Rudolf's snout? Will little boys and girls never feel the love of a heavily disguised man in the broom cupboard of a department store? For shame.

I, for one, will make sure that my children, should i ever have any, will be forced, if necessary with threats of physical violence, to dress up a sheep and witness the birth of a plastic doll representing the little baby Jesus. My children will be no strangers to the distinct odour of charred pine-tree, melted plastic and human flesh. My children will be taken, kicking and screaming, to meet the real Jesus in his Scandinavian grotto where he lives happily with his elves, without either the need or desire to declare a civil union, i might add.

I must admit, i am already stirred and excited by the prospect of ramming my hand up a game old bird's behind. That's livin' alright.

'Just Can't Get Enough' - Depeche Mode

LOL. It really is fabulous You forgot the empty wallets part. I haven't even added up how much I've spent because if i did then I would be able to figure out how many Bliss Oxygen facials I could have had and how many Michael Kors boots I could have bought. And if I ever figure that out I will sit in the corner and suck my thumb for days.
LOL. It really is fabulous You forgot the empty wallets part. I haven't even added up how much I've spent because if i did then I would be able to figure out how many Bliss Oxygen facials I could have had and how many Michael Kors boots I could have bought. And if I ever figure that out I will sit in the corner and suck my thumb for days.

Hmm, despite being a modern metrosexual man about town, i can't say that i've ever heard of an oxygen facial. I'm assuming it's a little more complicated than standing in front of a fan for an hour, no?

I did once give an old flame a facial for Christmas, but modesty and an injunction prevents me from elaborating further. Better to give than to receive and all that nonsense, what?

Dr charver prescribes an almighty intake of alcohol to take away those money worries.
Hmm, despite being a modern metrosexual man about town, i can't say that i've ever heard of an oxygen facial. I'm assuming it's a little more complicated than standing in front of a fan for an hour, no?

I did once give an old flame a facial for Christmas, but modesty and an injunction prevents me from elaborating further. Better to give than to receive and all that nonsense, what?

Dr charver prescribes an almighty intake of alcohol to take away those money worries.

Yes, there is quite a bit more to it. I guess it's a NY thing, but they really leave your skin very glowy. Men who give gift certificates for facials as gifts are very cool.

And I am way ahead of you on the alcohol thing, I have been drinking all weekend and plan on staying at least slightly drunk until after New Years.