What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Did you see that thing about the 6 year old lying for those tickets? The world is fucked up.

I was only aware of HM last month when she was on Oprah/The Messiah. Yeah. I heard about that. In her defense, there is a lot pressure to compete with Johnny "has no legs" Doe.
Hmm...I did type out some really clever comment satirising the consumerism and celebrity based culture of today's contemporary society, but then i, mistakenly, pressed "back" on my fantastically advanced internet browser and lost it all, which is nice.

So, now you've just got this stuff, which i don't really know what it's going to be about.

It was really funny and that...and now it's gone.


Three weeks of almost constant inebriation and this happens? Who'd have thought? (i am actually quite annoyed. Damn, I hate Me.)

Klark Kent - 'Don't Care'
'Midnight Hour...CCR Saw Huckabee on TV last night in a clip playing a few chords on the guitar...he wasn' bad at all...and Chuck was a smiling!
So the New Year has stormed in with gusto, carrying away all that goodwill and peace to all men shtick on the breeze; back to the familiar stab-in-the-back culture of greed, ruthlessness and, most damning of all, sobriety.

Well, what has been going on in the world of news these past few weeks? I'm certainly not down pat with the ins and outs of the Americanian political system, but i must admit to being shaken to the core as the good citizens of Iowa (wherever that is) elected a black fellow and a religious mental as their two Presidents. Mind you it was good to see the Clinton team take defeat on the chin and pledge to refrain from negative campaigning. "We're, naturally, disappointed with the result but we're confident that the educated people of New Hampshire won't put their faith in a half-muslim flake with a dodgy past like these dumb hicks" an unnamed Clinton insider said yesterday, whilst tapping his nose and making sniffing noises.

I'm sure that America is ready to elect a woman to the highest office in the land but i'd have thought it may have been a little more prudent to go with a woman people actually liked. She criticises Obama for his lack of political experience and yet her "experience" amounts to being married to a President who valued her so much that he spent most of his time offering himself to everything in a skirt (don't get your hopes up Giuliani, he's a reformed character now). On reflection a platform of - "Vote for me because my husband is, like, really cool" - offers only the thinnest of gruel to the jaded politico, what?

This roguish young cove is jumping on the Barack Obamas bandwagon.

"She's Got A Problem" - Fountains of Wayne
So the New Year has stormed in with gusto, carrying away all that goodwill and peace to all men shtick on the breeze; back to the familiar stab-in-the-back culture of greed, ruthlessness and, most damning of all, sobriety.

Well, what has been going on in the world of news these past few weeks? I'm certainly not down pat with the ins and outs of the Americanian political system, but i must admit to being shaken to the core as the good citizens of Iowa (wherever that is) elected a black fellow and a religious mental as their two Presidents. Mind you it was good to see the Clinton team take defeat on the chin and pledge to refrain from negative campaigning. "We're, naturally, disappointed with the result but we're confident that the educated people of New Hampshire won't put their faith in a half-muslim flake with a dodgy past like these dumb hicks" an unnamed Clinton insider said yesterday, whilst tapping his nose and making sniffing noises.

I'm sure that America is ready to elect a woman to the highest office in the land but i'd have thought it may have been a little more prudent to go with a woman people actually liked. She criticises Obama for his lack of political experience and yet her "experience" amounts to being married to a President who valued her so much that he spent most of his time offering himself to everything in a skirt (don't get your hopes up Giuliani, he's a reformed character now). On reflection a platform of - "Vote for me because my husband is, like, really cool" - offers only the thinnest of gruel to the jaded politico, what?

This roguish young cove is jumping on the Barack Obamas bandwagon.

"She's Got A Problem" - Fountains of Wayne


Did it really take you this long to sober up from the holidays?

Did it really take you this long to sober up from the holidays?

Well, i did start sobering up last Thursday but, luckily, i managed to catch it just in time.

I'm already eagerly anticipating the Easter weekend in March.
Fuck, I miss SF. I got tickets to Van Halen :( No I always liked them, but Florida sucks for music.
Everybody loves to play at Red Rocks. Summers here are awesome for music. Downtown you get the smaller venues during the winter. But even Rock Stars love to ski...

Everybody loves to play at Red Rocks. Summers here are awesome for music. Downtown you get the smaller venues during the winter. But even Rock Stars love to ski...


I always wanted to see that place when I lived out there. But I was too busy getting slapped around by me ex.
Good day people.

Watching the contenders in the race for party nominations enthuse the American electorate by repeating the word "change", ad nauseum, has only served to emphasise our own Prime Minister's lack of democratic legitimacy. I don't mind admitting that this cove is casting an envious eye westward.

I can't help but notice the brouhaha about the relative importance of women in this election, especially after the New Hampshire phenomenon. Now, speaking as a man with an unswerving fear of women, anything which may help one become popular with the opposite sex is a positive boon and no mistake. Therefore, taking my cue from the antics of Hillary Clintons, i have, this past week, taken to breaking down in tears when conversing with young ladies. I have to report that the results, so far, have been somewhat disappointing. Far from the expected deluge of frisky females flocking to a man in touch with his feminine side, the liberal application of emotion has only precipitated cruel taunts, some superficial bruising and a short spell in hospital suffering from dehydration. Damn these cynical British women.

Perhaps i would have more luck talking at length while saying, essentially, nothing of any substance. After all, i am already quite adept at that.

Or, maybe the Republicans offer a better model of success with women (i can't help thinking that's the first time that sentence has been used in the past 50 years). Should i model myself on a man who, quite possibly, nurtured the first giant sequoia sapling? Should i constantly shout "remember 9/11" when approaching any potential beau?

These are the questions to which the infantile, preposterously shallow man in the street needs answers. Answer me!

'It's a Girl Thing' - My Life Story