What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

So, the Michigan primary, eh?

With Mitt Romneys storming to victory, sending the Mormon Express roaring out of the station with a full head of steam, the question on the tip of everyone's tongue is this.

Is his head really longer than John Kerrys?


American long-face record holder John Kerrys


Mitt Romneys claims that "with the help of my faith and the votes of the American people my head will be this long by November"

In a word...invigorating

'Face To Face' - Daft Punk
Woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head...looked outside to see yet another bleak, rainy, miserable skyscape. Apparently this has been calculated to be the most depressing day of the year by some people with, seemingly, a lot of time on their hands.

However, upon glancing at the BBC news homepage my spirits were raised by the sight of this tantalising headline -
Mourners pay respects to Hillary http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7199496.stm

Woo and, indeed, Hoo, i thought rather loudly in my own head, before belting out a quick chorus of "Ding, dong the witch is dead". Sadly the euphoric bubble was somewhat ephemeral in nature, lasting only as long as it took to click one's mouse and discover they were referring to some Australian sort who went up a hill or something. Bad times, man, bad times.

Never mind, eh? A man on the telly box said that we may see some sunshine in a couple of months and if we're lucky it may even stop raining before the opening ceremony of the London Olympics.

'Grey Day' - Madness
I heard the news today, oh boy.

Truly a sad day as Heath Ledger, the people's gay cowboy, am dead. The question many people are asking, apart from who was Heath Ledger, is this - was this a suicide, a tragic accident or something more sinister?

Did the late Mr Ledger look on in horror as Wall Street plummeted, becoming increasingly pessimistic over the bleak outlook for the American mining sector and the falling price of copper and herons, before deciding the only sensible option was to lay down his own life? Was it a reminder to all citizens that keeping prescription drugs in an old tic-tacs box may not be advisable? Perhaps.

But think about this.

Well known Victorian gayer Oscar Wilde - DEAD
Secretive homosexualist Rock Hudson - DEAD
Fruity Italian fashion designer Gianni Versace - DEAD
Mildly anonymous actor who fiddled about with a bloke for some money and and that - DEAD

There is only one conclusion to draw...GAYNESS KILLS.

Just like ouija boards, witchcraft and 'World of Warcraft', a little gayness is a dangerous thing. I once saw two men locked in an embrace for what seemed like an hour, but was probably more like 60 minutes, whilst in a respectable gentleman's club in the early hours of the morning. None of the other men there batted an eyelid. Don't know about the women as there didn't seem to be any around. Nevertheless just five short years after witnessing this act of man-love i slipped on some ice, causing some significant chafing to the knee. A coincidence? I think not. I got off lightly and thank my lucky stars i wasn't turned into a pillar of salt like my wife, Humphrey. Fear the wrath of God.

'God Killed the Queen' - Louis XIV
If there's a song which sums up the medieval philosophy of scholasticism, attempting to join faith to reason by synthesising theology with classical Greek and Roman thought, more succinctly than 'My Sharona' by The Knack, then i've certainly not heard it.

I'm actually going through this thread from the beginning because I'm bored wth my ipod list and wanted some ideas...and it just occurred to me while reading this gem, that you Charver, really should compile all of your posts on this thread and put them into a book.

They're funny as hell.
I'm actually going through this thread from the beginning because I'm bored wth my ipod list and wanted some ideas...and it just occurred to me while reading this gem, that you Charver, really should compile all of your posts on this thread and put them into a book.

They're funny as hell.

You're too kind.

However, if there are any publishing bigwigs strolling through Damo's electric back garden, i can say now that i'd be only too happy to accept a large cheque and a hefty contract.

This would allow me to establish my presence among the luminaries of the parisienne left-bank circle, following in the footsteps of Sartres, Camu and Herges Adventures of Tintins, or as we British like to say - them French poofs.

Perhaps, this afternoon, i shall peruse e-bay for a suitable jaunty beret.
You're too kind.

However, if there are any publishing bigwigs strolling through Damo's electric back garden, i can say now that i'd be only too happy to accept a large cheque and a hefty contract.

This would allow me to establish my presence among the luminaries of the parisienne left-bank circle, following in the footsteps of Sartres, Camu and Herges Adventures of Tintins, or as we British like to say - them French poofs.

Perhaps, this afternoon, i shall peruse e-bay for a suitable jaunty beret.

It’s funny you mention berets, I finally found one myself. I had been looking for one too. I picked up a beautiful pink one in Manhattan one afternoon.

Anyway, really, this would make a great book. History through musical anecdotes. If you put these all together, you would definitely have something. I’d buy it.
What was the last thing you lost?

Keys? Thems are always going missing. Some cash, tickets or vouchers? Perhaps, you just lost track of time or control of the car sending it hurtling headlong into that party of schoolchildren. I'll certainly never forget the face of that sweet little girl, and not merely as it is permanently imprinted in one's bonnet, some say hood.

Whatever you have lost, you have to feel a little better when you take a look at the books of French bank 'Societe Generale'. One of their traders has managed to "lose" 3.7 billion English pounds (that's 7.1 billion dollars in old money). http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7206270.stm

Some have speculated this was a fraud for personal gain, however, i am more inclined to suspect that 31 year-old Jerome Kerviels, under pressure from his superiors to bring home the bacon, attempted to claw back increasing losses by placing larger and larger bets on illegal bare-knuckle bouts between Rio Tinto Mining and TimeWarner.

Can you imagine the pressures bearing down on this young Frenchman? Could you bear the prospect of a gruelling thirty hour week, with early nine o'clock starts, not leaving the office until half past the four, or even five o'clock? Would you be satisfied with a, minuscule, two hour lunch break in a subsidised gourmet restaurant? Word has it that, in recent years, under pressure to make efficiency savings, management even slashed little afternoon sleeps from three fifteen minute periods to just two. I think you'll agree...quite intolerable.

If they treat people as slaves then can these capitalist brutes really be surprised at the consequences?

'Strapped For Cash' - Fountains of Wayne
Salutations on this Monday morning.

You know, television can be a wonderful thing when it's not spewing out an endless stream of reality shows in which the public compete to debase themselves in a downward spiral of humiliation under the sickening notion that "fame" is somehow a valid career option. How far we've come, eh?

I remember boasting to long-forgotten school friends about my impressive twelve inches - "Why don't you come up to my bedroom and have a look at it...go on you can touch it...that's it turn it on". Size mattered even then, but i'll never forget that old black and white portable telly.

Of course, nowadays, anybody possessing anything that small would, no doubt, be pointed at in the street and called a communist. It's all high definition LSD and 42 foot plasma screens for today's telly addicts. However, not everyone can get to grips with these technological advances: the old, the bewildered and the simpleton alike seem to wander round this 21st of Centuries firmly slamming doors in the face of PVR's, iDogs and surround sound kettles with built in GPS.

Well done scientists, everywhere in the world, for making small things big and big things small. Just think, if it weren't for those brave men in white coats inventing the internets with Al Gores, none of us would be here in Damo's strange cyborg world talking tommyrot to fellow mentals on a semi-regular basis. We'd be forced to talk to real people and nobody wants that.

Thanks science.

'Beat Boys in the Jet Age' - The Lambrettas