What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Ana Ng - They Might Be Giants.

Oh how I miss the days of WLIR playing new wave, such happy times!
I see Old Man McCain was taking St Barack to task over his willingness to sit down with Cuba's new head honcho, over a cup of tea and a slice of cake, for a bit of a gossip.

"I think it's naive to think you can sit down and have unconditional talks with a person who is part of a government that has been a state sponsor of terrorism, not only in the hemisphere, but throughout the world." said the ninety-two year-old Mr McCain.

A good point there, Granddad. As the ordinary Cuban citizen is deafened by the sound of millions of jaws dropping in El Salvador, Guatamala, Colombia, Chile, and Nicaragua (to name but a few) hard-liners in Havana's Presidential Palace are uttering the exact same line in the ear of the young Raul.

If i were him i'd stick to getting my story straight about not schtupping that lobbyist lady that he didn't sleep with.

'Watch That Man' - David Bowie
I see Old Man McCain was taking St Barack to task over his willingness to sit down with Cuba's new head honcho, over a cup of tea and a slice of cake, for a bit of a gossip.

"I think it's naive to think you can sit down and have unconditional talks with a person who is part of a government that has been a state sponsor of terrorism, not only in the hemisphere, but throughout the world." said the ninety-two year-old Mr McCain.

A good point there, Granddad. As the ordinary Cuban citizen is deafened by the sound of millions of jaws dropping in El Salvador, Guatamala, Colombia, Chile, and Nicaragua (to name but a few) hard-liners in Havana's Presidential Palace are uttering the exact same line in the ear of the young Raul.

If i were him i'd stick to getting my story straight about not schtupping that lobbyist lady that he didn't sleep with.

'Watch That Man' - David Bowie

That's a great point charver.
San Fransisco (1906), Armenia (1988), Kashmir (2005) and now Market Rasen, Lincolnshire (2008). Yes people you are reading an account typed by a survivor of tectonic-plate tragedy, some say a quake of the earth. 5.3 magnitude since you ask.


Now, i realise that you Americans may be used to all this shaky quaky bidness but it is something of a rare phenomenon in these fair islands where God chooses not to punish but to reward.

At the time of the "Big One", as it has already been christened, i was lounging in the living room watching a documentary on the influence of Margaret Thatcher on the Conservative Party. My life is a rich tableau, no? Just before 1a.m. it struck. I have never been in an earthquake before and i don't mind telling you, i liked it. Of course, i did not realise it was an earthquake at the time, i just thought the boiler was playing up again, hence my tardiness in not wedging myself in a doorway in case of imminent house collapse.

Happily, the Lord was pleased with me and, after a sustained 10 second battering of negligible vibration coupled with a small clanking noise outside, i was able to return to normal civilian life bearing no visible injury save the mental scars which, i fear, may never fully heal.

Hopefully, with the universal acceptance of 'unconventional lifestyles', soaraway atheism and James Blunt's forthcoming UK tour, God will be inclined to dole out a second helping of this exhilarating heavenly vengeance in the near future.

'Shakermaker' - Oasis
Good Morning and a hearty God Save the Queen.

You may not be aware of this but our supreme leader, Gordon Browns, has been wondering how to make everybody feel "more British". Cynics may suggest this is because he requires a distraction from the fact he is a Scotchman in charge of England rather than the stated aim of "social cohesion" but we'll not quibble.


Anyway, Gordon Browns has asked a chap called Lord Goldsmiths to look at the issue and report back with the most bizarre options possible. Keen eyed readers may recognise the name Lord Goldsmiths as he was the former Attorney-General who told the government that the Iraq war was, in the words of international jurisprudence, "like, totally legal and shit". Obviously this man knows his onions.

Top of the list in making us "Uber Britons" is to require the schoolchild to swear allegiance to the Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II: Electric Boogaloo. Of course the usual band of vegetarian communist republican homosexuals, some say teachers, have come out firmly against this fine plan. I ask you, did my grandfather die at the hands of the jackbooted Nazi menace, at the Battle of Thermopylae, in 1776, just so that the children of today could exercise freedom of conscience?

Make the little buggers make a pledge to the Queen, a pledge to fight and, hopefully, die a glorious death on the battlefields of Europe as the British armed forces carve a path of blood through the Avenues and Boulevards of the French countryside, putting the Gallic peasantry to the sword and reclaiming our birthright...our living space...our Lebensraum. Heil Elizabeth. Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer!

Ahem...I shall bid you good day.

'Take Down the Union Jack' - Billy Bragg