What Song Are You Listening To, Right Now?

Charver - how is life and ting? Have you enjoyed this year of our Gord? I must say, life has been a bit hectic in my line of work since August last year, that plus child plus house move plus another house move has left precious little time for setting the world to rights on politics websites.

Priorities man, priorities!

Congratulations on the procreation front, Rev. You are obviously a man who has the balls of the bull, as they probably say in some Eastern European country with a surfeit of consonants. (Unless i'm assuming too much and you had a successful shopping trip to a Mark Warners holiday resort on the Algarve last year)

This whole Gordon thing isn't really working out too well so far, is it? I know that with only one working eyeball Gordon has problems with depth perception but i wasn't expecting this to transfer into every area of government policy. It seems to be scratchcard government - each new policy churned out in the hope of providing a winner only to have the substance rubbed away within seconds leaving a mild feeling of disappointment, a slight financial loss and a nasty mess on the floor.

At least we still have Opus Dei's own baby making enigma, Ruth Kellys, in government. (With your potent ball-bags i wouldn't go within a hundred yards of her just to be on the safe side.)

Every time i begin to feel a little down i can always rely on her twelve-year-old-boy-trying-to-sound-eighteen-in-order-to-buy-a-bottle-of-wkd voice to cheer me up.
Can you remember what you were like when you were sixteen? From what little i can recall i was a smart-arsed know-it-all, so not much change there then. I don't think i did an awful lot of thinking about "the future" as i was far too focussed on chasing schoolgirls and drinking, once again little has changed on that score.

However, what i did know was that i didn't fancy joining the British Army much or, for that matter, the Royal Air Force or the Royal Navy. No, point and call me a communist but if i'd wanted to spend all my time; running about with my weapon in my hand dressed as a tree; opening up my bomb bay doors for the parachute regiment or chasing sailors up the poop-deck then i'd have opted for a life in the theatre.

Today, the biggest teaching union in the land has voted against allowing the military to recruit in schools. They say that the military are using "sophisticated" techniques to hoodwink the innocent young shaver into thinking the military spends all it's time abseiling down things or digging wells for poor African villagers, while leaving out the possibility that they may be handed a big gun and told to go and shoot foreigners with a group of their mates.


Quite frankly i'd imagine that, if they were given the option, nine out of ten sixteen year-olds would be more attracted by the latter message. And if teachers are complaining that their young charges have failed to grasp the basic concept of "the military" then i'd be taking a long hard look round the staff room and asking myself - "what the fuck have i been teaching these kids for the last five years?".

'Little Boy Soldiers' - The Jam
Pissing myself laughing charver :clink:

"1000 Miles Away" The Hoodoo Gurus
. The best garage band in the world since Dave Warner From the Suburbs. Actually I think the Hoodoos are a bit more polished than Dave and the lads. That's not to say I think the Hoodoos are up themselves, I really like their music, just that Dave was, well, rough as guts but great fun.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDlavnA1ck8&feature=related"]YouTube - Hoodoo Gurus - 1000 Miles Away[/ame]

Hmmm kinda ...well....... sorry Di .... but ....boring and predictable.

The singer gets off key now and again too.
Is Robdawg still posting here? What about that dixhead Dixie? Stories4u? Care4all? What about that madman wanderingbear? Does that commie bastard Anyoldiron still post here?

So many memories, so little time, it was great to see how much Howard Baer is doing with the politics.com domain name, that guy truly is a complete fucknut.

I will be avoiding Ruth Kelly at all costs Charver, her disgusting face upsets me too much.

Gordon is rubbish, its upsetting because Cameron is potentially even worse but people will vote him in for lack of an alternative.

Bring back national service Charver, you know it makes sense.

LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends

You can play it here:

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Is Robdawg still posting here? What about that dixhead Dixie? Stories4u? Care4all? What about that madman wanderingbear? Does that commie bastard Anyoldiron still post here?

So many memories, so little time, it was great to see how much Howard Baer is doing with the politics.com domain name, that guy truly is a complete fucknut.

I will be avoiding Ruth Kelly at all costs Charver, her disgusting face upsets me too much.

Gordon is rubbish, its upsetting because Cameron is potentially even worse but people will vote him in for lack of an alternative.

Bring back national service Charver, you know it makes sense.

LCD Soundsystem - All My Friends

You can play it here:


Care and Rob do still post occasionally. Dixie and WanderingBear have vanished into the ether. Stories is apparently no longer alive. Our own dearest of posters, Mr AnyOld, moved to Nottingham and, i fear, has become a blip on a gun crime statistics graph.

I can't really blame you too much on the Ruth Kellys front. Did you see that list of most fanciable MP's a couple of months ago? Strangely, some woman called Jeremy Hunts came out on top. I've never heard of her but Julie Kirkbrides was second. The only Labour lady was someone called Angela E. Smiths (presumably daughter of the charismatic Fall frontman, Mark)

Why can't Gordon take a leaf out of Sarko's book, and bag himself an Italian sex symbol? On the other hand with his track record of buggering things up he'd probably end up sharing a shower with Rocco Siffredi.

'Oh! You Pretty Things' - Seu Jorge
Care and Rob do still post occasionally. Dixie and WanderingBear have vanished into the ether. Stories is apparently no longer alive. Our own dearest of posters, Mr AnyOld, moved to Nottingham and, i fear, has become a blip on a gun crime statistics graph.

I can't really blame you too much on the Ruth Kellys front. Did you see that list of most fanciable MP's a couple of months ago? Strangely, some woman called Jeremy Hunts came out on top. I've never heard of her but Julie Kirkbrides was second. The only Labour lady was someone called Angela E. Smiths (presumably daughter of the charismatic Fall frontman, Mark)

Why can't Gordon take a leaf out of Sarko's book, and bag himself an Italian sex symbol? On the other hand with his track record of buggering things up he'd probably end up sharing a shower with Rocco Siffredi.

'Oh! You Pretty Things' - Seu Jorge

Thanks for Seu Jorge, he is awesome!
'Some Beach'...Blake Shelton

Everytime I get into a diatribe with Liberals, this song comes to mind and I play it LOUD!


youtube is having a major IT hick-up today...the posted embed is not working...neither is the clickon during a search! Youtube is really losing it!
It was whilst reading about a New Zealand man who contacted the emergency services to complain he had been raped by a wombat, the trauma of which had resulted in him developing an Australian accent, that i began to question everything i had been brought up to believe. (here it is if you're interested...http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/03/27/wwombat127.xml ... to précis - he was charged with wasting police time, the man not the wombat)

Anyway, it began to dawn on me that we British used to have a well deserved reputation as world leaders in the field of the bizarre sex scandal. Whether it was the cock-hungry politico caught trouserless "badger-watching" on Hampstead Heath, London's capital of cottaging action; MP's accidentally asphyxiating themselves dressed in stockings and suspenders, satsuma in mouth, flaccid member in hand; or balding Parliamentarians, in the throes of a mid-life crisis, enjoying the pleasures of the rent-boy and their tasty turds.

Then nothing...nada...some say niet. A grave time for a tabloid editor, indeed.

Meanwhile, over there, you have call girl ring stings and tap-dancing toiletiers galore. What is a chap to think? Are we losing our touch? Is our position threatened by sneaky interlopers taking us unawares from behind?

And then...one's faith in British perversion is restored. From the depths of despair...or, to be precise, a central London dungeon. The son of Britain's favourite wartime fascist (Sir Oswald Moselys) is (allegedly) caught in a "Nazi Sex Orgy", squealing in timorous Teutonic tones whilst his buttocks are beaten black and blue by five feisty whip-wielding frauleins dressed as concentration camp guards.

Das ist wunderbar, nein? Beat that America.

'Look Out There's A Monster Coming' - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
The Bonzo dog band are ruddy ghey - my dad likes that shit.

Bloc Party - Banquet (Phones Disco Edit)

British parliamentarians will never stop being caught en flagrante.
It was while casually flicking through the lingerie section of a discarded mail order catalogue, the other day, that i was asked to put my trousers back on and leave the train at the next stop. Standing there on the cold windswept platform one's mind recalled a simpler time before the world had been introduced to the wide web and all the nudey ladies who live there. Days when a Sunday newspaper supplement's feature on swimsuits would cause a ripple amongst the male element of the household. Days when the outstanding highlight of the televisual year would be the Miss World contest.

Of course now, in more a enlightened time, the modern gent sneers at the inherent sexism of objectifying women in such a low-down dirty way. And anyway, they don't lezz up and that like what they do on youporn.

Nevertheless, the beauty contest, although bruised and battered, still has some life in her yet. No, not that creepy dressing-your-kids-up-like-prostitutes thing. There is a place in the world where men can still gather to leer at a ladies humps without fear of being slapped with the sexist label. The Saudis are holding a beauty contest for camels.


Mr Shammari grabbed his favourite camel's neck and kissed the beast on the mouth.
"She isn't married yet, this one," he said. "She's still a virgin. Look at the black eyes, the soft fur. The fur is trimmed so it's short and clean, just like a girl going to a party."

I've never heard of anyone going down on a 'ship of the desert' but i wouldn't be surprised if Mr Shammari had experienced it on a number of occasions.

'We Are All Animals' - The Rakes
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You don't hear much about Ireland nowadays. (It's a country in Europe if you're wondering) Since the peace agreement kicked in we don't hear anything of tit-for-tat shootings or Libyan arms shipments. We don't even have to worry about semtex-laden Irishmen providing new work for English town planners. But that was all Northern Ireland anyway. We hear even less about the Republic, you know, the Southern bit.

However, this week a tiny spotlight was turned on the Emerald Isle as Bertie Aherne, the Irish Prime Minister, resigned for a reason which had nothing whatsoever to do with the commencement of a public enquiry into planning corruption in the 1990's. I can't say i'm a keen follower of Irish politics but he was a key player in brokering the peace agreement so whatever brown envelopes stuffed with cash he definitely did not receive, he can't have been all bad.

Apparently the favourite to take over is Deputy PM Brian Cowan. I have never heard of him but his nickname is "Biffo". This supposedly stands for "Big Ignorant Fucker From Offaly". This can only be a good thing.

Farewell Bertie.

'If You Got the Money' - Jamie T
Yesterday the good citizens of London village were treated to the sight of some fire on a stick being paraded through the capital accompanied, no doubt, by the excited gasps of wide-eyed children and astonished adults alike. As arresting as the appearance of exotic foreign fire is, this wasn't just any old fire. Oh no. This was the Olympic flame.

After being lit in an elaborate ceremony in Greece, originally choreographed by that nice Mr Hitler, peppered with the joyous sight of Tibetan protesters being wrestled to the ground by their hair, the fire on a stick arrived in London with a retinue of stern-faced Chinese fire minders to bring the Olympic message to all of Her Majesty's subjects.

Quite how the IOC chose to award the Olympics to an oppressive, bloodthirsty regime intent on curtailing its citizen's civil liberties is quite baffling, but enough about London 2012, it's Beijing 2008 we're focused on now. Who wants to think about prisoners of conscience, bloodstained monks and their electrified testicles when we can enjoy steroid infused freaks indulging in pointless activities for the love of their sport, the pride of their countries and wheelbarrows full of cash? That sort of thing puts a dampener on ones day, no?

After initially objecting to the visit of the Chinese whitewash machine and their giant matchstick i have to admit i was wrong. It was entertainment personified. Who would have thought there were so many irate Tibetans in Britain. I particularly enjoyed the chap who had a good go at wrestling the torch from a startled children's television presenter but i take my hat off to the cove who decided to give it the full fella with his own fire extinguisher.

The mere fact it took a ring of Chinese security guards surrounded by some very camp looking policemen on push-bikes, themselves flanked by fifty paramilitary style policemen pushing people off the public highway, tearing down banners and repeatedly assaulting the general public was a spectacular example of the true meaning of the Olympiad and what it means to live in modern Britain.

'Get Myself Arrested' - Gomez
Revelatory news from the coroner's inquest examining the circumstances of Princess Diana's death.

After eleven short years, marked by a criminal under-reporting of events, a French inquiry, and a metropolitan police inquiry, the findings of another enquiry have been announced to the waiting world. 278 witness statements were analysed, with microscopic precision, by a jury of six women and five men over a six month period.

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...

she died in a car crash.

Ten million pounds well spent, i think you'll agree.

'It's So Obvious' - Wire