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Whenever politicians choose to issue a "heartfelt confession" or "come clean" about something a cynical public is, if truth be told, already half expecting details of a wronged wife, a hint of prostitution, a dalliance with the drug scene or perhaps some good old fashioned financial fiddling.

What you generally don't expect is for a politician, in this case former Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, to admit to suffering from bulimia. Prescott claims that the stress of the job drove him to gorge on food.


Prescott's epic battle against bulimia was only surpassed by his fight to extricate himself from this chair

Now, i'm not seeking to make light of this eating disorder or, indeed, any eating disorder. In fact some of my best friends are fat bastards. However, so far as i understand once the gorging has taken place the guilt then drives the sufferer to "purge", some say spew one's guts up in the shitter. Now, looking at Mr Prescott i can't help thinking that he concentrated a little too much on the former and not quite enough on the latter.

So spare a thought for poor Mr Prescott, a sufferer of bulimia and definitely not a fat greedy bastard with a predilection for stuffing his fat face with free food on the taxpayers slate. Remember, not greedy just diseased.

'You're the One For Me, Fatty' - Morrissey