What Taxing the Rich Could Yield

this ^^^^ would all mean something if you had some facts to back any of it up

you don't count, you don't know that do you

no shit lips

its YOUR party that does economics without counting

you know the short bus school of economics

you think you can do economics without math

Its why your party is the one KNOWN for huge economic crashes under their watch
Most of the loopholes were created by the tax cutting policies of Conservatives.

So maybe the solution to closing loopholes is to remove Conservatives from the taxation conversation.

Once again you make absurd conclusions with no proof.
Most of the loopholes were created by the tax cutting policies of Conservatives.

So maybe the solution to closing loopholes is to remove Conservatives from the taxation conversation.

you really are stupid aren't you.

I thought it was maybe 50% an act, but no, you're stupid

putting up numbers, and then somehow relating them to some nonsense point you are trying to make, means your thought process is so jumbled you can't form cohesive argument.

And that's fine, but leave us alone

That's what the rich take from everyone.

The rich take more of the wealth, leaving everyone else with less to spend.

If you cannot see where that inevitably leads, then it's an act of willful ignorance on your part. You're being deliberately obtuse because you don't want to admit your judgment sucks. That's bad faith.

So you think by taxing the wealthy into poverty would accomplish anything?
No one is proposing this, so it's not clear why you are constructing this straw man.

And by "put a dent in anything", what are you referring to? The deficit? Raising taxes on the wealthy would most definitely reduce the deficit, as it did throughout the 90's and then again in 2013 when Obama let the Bush Tax Cuts expire for the wealthy.

You all promised that if we cut taxes for the rich, it would "trickle down".

Nothing "trickled down".

So it's time for you to abandon that failed dogma.

well every time in the past that they have failed to produce what they claim it will they just forget it ever happened

lying con men do that shit
Most of the loopholes were created by the tax cutting policies of Conservatives.

So maybe the solution to closing loopholes is to remove Conservatives from the taxation conversation.

Most of the loopholes were created when the marginal rate was near 100%, dumbass!
you really are stupid aren't you.

I thought it was maybe 50% an act, but no, you're stupid

putting up numbers, and then somehow relating them to some nonsense point you are trying to make, means your thought process is so jumbled you can't form cohesive argument.

And that's fine, but leave us alone

no we wont leave you dumb fucking asses alone

you will have t listen to facts the rest of your worthless lives

so bite a dead mules cock
For the record, why the hell shouldn't the successful keep more of their money? It is theirs to do with as they see fit. Not the government's as Liberals claim.
spending has always been the problem, always will be..

You could take all of the 1% ers money, every penny and it wouldn't put a dent in anything

That's an old tired Democrat talking point, "tax the rich, tax the rich" whaaaaaaa

The problem is not "spending", Getin, and it truly never will be. Any "spending" the government does goes right back into the economy.

The true problem is a lack of revenue...to do the things that a government must (or should) do.

American conservatism is the enemy of decent governance...which includes doing the things that a government must and should do.

For American conservatives to be offering advice on this issue is like having Donald Trump offer advice on how to eat healthy.
Once again you make absurd conclusions with no proof.

You're the ones who cut taxes, add loopholes, like you just did 12 months ago with your Russia Tax Cut.

So you deliberately reduce revenue to force budget deficits that you use as an excuse to cut the spending you're ideologically opposed to, but lack the support, will, and courage to repeal through conventional legislation, for the sole purpose of causing punitive harm on those you sanctimoniously judge.

That's fiscal terrorism.
you really are stupid aren't you.
I thought it was maybe 50% an act, but no, you're stupid
putting up numbers, and then somehow relating them to some nonsense point you are trying to make, means your thought process is so jumbled you can't form cohesive argument.
And that's fine, but leave us alone

You're just spamming the board because you simply lack the mental capacity to make a coherent argument.

Just kill yourself already...you're probably already drinking yourself to death anyway like the millions of Trump voters who drink themselves to death because of whiny despair.
I don't give a crap about "society"! Self interest and individualism is what created the US, not Communism which you espouse!

Exactly, you're anti-social.

So you do a lot of whining and posturing about individualism, but like my house cat, you're completely dependent on others to survive.