APP - 'What We Owe to Each Other'

Obviously you thought I had a definition as you never asked for clarification. That calls for two face palms. :palm: :palm:

You're correct; I actually thought you knew what you were talking about, when you made the comment.
I had forgotten about your past behavior of making comments, that you know nothing about, and then trying to spin it your way.
I'm suggesting a person who recently lost their job may or may not know what information and help is available. The logical thing to do would be to have recently unemployed people attend a class on "Things to do while collecting Pogey."

From what I remember; when you go into file, they let you know of the services that are available to you that will help you deal with these issues.
Now; I can only speak for the US and apparently Canada is lacking in these areas. :)
You're correct; I actually thought you knew what you were talking about, when you made the comment.
I had forgotten about your past behavior of making comments, that you know nothing about, and then trying to spin it your way.

Long on accusations, short on facts. Same old, same old. :chesh:
From what I remember; when you go into file, they let you know of the services that are available to you that will help you deal with these issues.
Now; I can only speak for the US and apparently Canada is lacking in these areas. :)

If the services I mentioned are readily available, great. There has to be a comprehensive approach as, in many cases, unemployment is going to be a lengthy ordeal.
Long on accusations, short on facts. Same old, same old. :chesh:

Since you've provided nothing to explain your usage of "equal time", it appears that the accusation is correct and you're the one that is short on facts; which is exactly your same old, same old. :)
If the services I mentioned are readily available, great. There has to be a comprehensive approach as, in many cases, unemployment is going to be a lengthy ordeal.

The best place to go, when you're out of work, is to a job.
Unfortunetly to many people find the available work, to be beneath them.

It's really a shame that Canada hasn't taken more of an interest in their unemployed and aren't putting some of those programs into place.

Sucks to be Canadian. :)
Since you've provided nothing to explain your usage of "equal time", it appears that the accusation is correct and you're the one that is short on facts; which is exactly your same old, same old. :)

Msg 23,
It depends on what you mean by "owe". If one is unemployed and living well off investments then, sure, they owe. If one is unemployed and in poverty they certainly don't owe money. They do "owe" equal time should the community face a disaster and require the assistance of everyone.

Any questions?
The best place to go, when you're out of work, is to a job.
Unfortunetly to many people find the available work, to be beneath them.

It's really a shame that Canada hasn't taken more of an interest in their unemployed and aren't putting some of those programs into place.

Sucks to be Canadian. :)

Not really. Canada has a lower unemployment rate. Discounting the US extension Canada has a longer benefit period and let's not forget medical care. Loss of a job doesn't make much impact on medical care. Maybe no private room but who wants a private room? I insisted on a 4-bed room when I was there. It sort of pissed them off as my employer would have paid for a private room but I didn't want one. The reason being the nurses stop by more often when there's more people in the room and one can get their attention. When one snarky nurse questioned why I didn't take the private room I told her I liked to see others suffer. ;)
Not really. Canada has a lower unemployment rate. Discounting the US extension Canada has a longer benefit period and let's not forget medical care. Loss of a job doesn't make much impact on medical care. Maybe no private room but who wants a private room? I insisted on a 4-bed room when I was there. It sort of pissed them off as my employer would have paid for a private room but I didn't want one. The reason being the nurses stop by more often when there's more people in the room and one can get their attention. When one snarky nurse questioned why I didn't take the private room I told her I liked to see others suffer. ;)

Which has nothng to do with the programs that you were complaining about.
Do you have the ability to remain focused on the matter at hand, or has this condition of yours always been present?
It's measured by comparison to others. What amount of time are others putting in?

So your qualification of "equal time" is that everyone must put in the same amount; because if this is what you meant, I fail to see why you weren't able to clarify your position earlier. :)
Which has nothng to do with the programs that you were complaining about.
Do you have the ability to remain focused on the matter at hand, or has this condition of yours always been present?

Talking about programs are you saying unemployment offices offer budget classes?
So your qualification of "equal time" is that everyone must put in the same amount; because if this is what you meant, I fail to see why you weren't able to clarify your position earlier. :)

Oh, sorry. I assumed you knew the definitions.

1. as great as; the same as
2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc
3. evenly proportioned or balanced:

1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future;
2. a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time:
3. a particular period considered as distinct from other periods:

Equal time: As great as or the same as a particular period considered distinct. :D
Oh, sorry. I assumed you knew the definitions.

1. as great as; the same as
2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc
3. evenly proportioned or balanced:

1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future;
2. a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time:
3. a particular period considered as distinct from other periods:

Equal time: As great as or the same as a particular period considered distinct. :D

Evidently you were unaware of even what you meant, seeing as how you were asked about 4 times and were confused as to how you intended it be used. :D
Have you ever wondered why you dream such nonsense or why certain things will create some feeling of dread or happiness or whatever?

Huh? Sorry, pal, but I don't spend time thinking nonsense. must be a liberal asshole thing. Now I think I understand you a little better. LOL

Stick to polishing floors, thinking is not for you.
It appears you're the one confused if you found it necessary to make 4 inquiries. :)

And yet you appear to be glossing over the fact that you were unable to explain your own usage of the term, for 4 inquiries; but you go ahead and continue your spin, in an attempt to move the focus from your own lack of abilities. :)
Oh, sorry. I assumed you knew the definitions.

1. as great as; the same as
2. like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc
3. evenly proportioned or balanced:

1. the system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future;
2. a system or method of measuring or reckoning the passage of time:
3. a particular period considered as distinct from other periods:

Equal time: As great as or the same as a particular period considered distinct. :D

It's just one of the MANY tricks USF uses to avoid actually debating.

He likes it when he can bog the discussion down in grammatical minutiae.

Or it could be that he really is so stupid he doesn't know the definition of "equal"...I wouldn't be surprised.