What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
I dunno,....just bought another nice piece of land to develop down south. Seems like everything is working out pretty good to me. :laugh: For the record,...not that it matters as you seem to like to build a narrative around people and then just PRETEND its true " how childish actually" but the official story you pulled out of your fat ass concerning my life is sooooooooo far off that it is laughable,....which Is exactly why I rarely even bother to respond to your silly attacks.
Suuuure you did, Fatboy. You're rich, with a trophy wife, a mansion and a fleet of fancy cars in your garages. That goes well with your other lies. :thup:

No. Just hallucination. He has no job.
You don't get to speak for everybody, Sybil. Omniscience fallacy. DON'T TRY TO HIDE BEHIND THE CONSTITUTION YOU DESPISE! DON'T TRY TO BLAME DEMOCRAT TYRANNY ON TRUMP!
Unfortunately, there is no cure for you.
He doesn't want to. Sybil (aka Doc and many others) has many times preached against the principles laid out in the Constitution. He discards all State constitutions as well. Then he has the gall to try to hide behind the very document he despises. He thinks he claim the title of 'patriot' that way!


Hallucination, actually. Unfortunately for Sybil, there is no cure for his condition.

No. Just hallucination. He has no job.
LIF. Grow up.
Jealousy, Sybil?
Looks like I triggered the resident psycho again. :rofl2:

OH I have seen him post like 10 posts in a row and not say one intelligent thing.
he is just a waste of air.
Have a nice day
He has severe mental issues. He denies vehemently about having any socks, but almost everyone on JPP, including demented MAGAt geezers, can see through his disclaimers.

What piques my curiosity is determining if he's lying or if he truly believes his socks are different people. After observing him these past few years, I think it's the latter, which means he's a probably a schizophrenic.

Have you been to his faux forum? https://politiplex.freeforums.net/
Note the usernames in play there.
What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life? Will you stay and fight? Run for Canada? Just suck it up and hope for the best?

My advice is for all Americans loyal to the Constitution is to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying a scoped hunting rifle, lots of ammo and become proficient in its use before the Election since Americans may not have the chance afterward. This thread is for discussing strategy, tactics and weapons.

You might consider becoming familiar with books like these:

looks like you're planning a coups, deep state.

do you think you're the unindicted co-conspirator?