What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
What a stupid STUPID poll to take. Seriously. Why not just make a poll that asks........" Hey,....what would you do if Kamala Harris tore the head off of a kitten on stage and ate it in front of everyone? " What a joke..........
What a stupid STUPID poll to take. Seriously. Why not just make a poll that asks........" Hey,....what would you do if Kamala Harris tore the head off of a kitten on stage and ate it in front of everyone? " What a joke..........
Only one person agrees with you, Fatboy. 11 others, including myself, voted to support and defend the Constitution unlike the oath-breaking, pedo-supporters who would support President-for-Life Trump.
Sybil can't even get his head out of his own ass. He's insane.
Mr. Tiny Penis,

Only one person agrees with you, Fatboy. 11 others, including myself, voted to support and defend the Constitution unlike the oath-breaking, pedo-supporters who would support President-for-Life Trump.
You couldnt defend the Constitution if you wanted to,....and as you and I both know ,...you dont want to anyway. Silly bluster talk from an impotent man. Does it somehow make you feel better, this constant escapism you like to engage in? Look in the mirror,....you are still you. SMH......
You couldnt defend the Constitution if you wanted to,....and as you and I both know ,...you dont want to anyway. Silly bluster talk from an impotent man. Does it somehow make you feel better, this constant escapism you like to engage in? Look in the mirror,....you are still you. SMH......
LOL Tough talk for an overgrown fat boy, son. Did you ask your brothers for permission first?
Mr. Yiny Penis,
But, he is not shallow enough to report you for being an arrogant asshole.
"he" is you, Herr Winziger Schwanz.

Is it true all sock puppeteers like to suck their own cock? Do you take your teeth out first or do you like the feeling of teeth on your balless penis?

What a stupid STUPID poll to take. Seriously. Why not just make a poll that asks........" Hey,....what would you do if Kamala Harris tore the head off of a kitten on stage and ate it in front of everyone? " What a joke..........
I'd say she's got Ozzie beat...
LMAO! 6-2 190. What are your specs shorty? Do you wear a massive ten gallon hat to try to even out the disparity or do you just stand on a box? Inquiring minds want to know.....:unsure:
Mr. Tiny Penis aka the snitch, is quite possibly the biggest blowhard on JPP. Never any substance just deflection. The man is a traitor and a coward.
Mr. Tiny Penis aka the snitch, is quite possibly the biggest blowhard on JPP. Never any substance just deflection. The man is a traitor and a coward.
Absolutely. He posts for reaction,....nothing more. IMO he really has no political views at all. He is only here for the turmoil. He reminds me of a pyro actually,....likes to light a fire than sit back and watch it burn and every once in a while throw a little gas on it to keep it from dying. Thats Dutch,.....a parasite.
Absolutely. He posts for reaction,....nothing more. IMO he really has no political views at all. He is only here for the turmoil. He reminds me of a pyro actually,....likes to light a fire than sit back and watch it burn and every once in a while throw a little gas on it to keep it from dying. Thats Dutch,.....a parasite.
I might tend to disagree. I don't think it is for reaction. It's more like the cackle Heels Up Harris breaks into when she is cornered and cannot answer the question asked. It is a defense mechanism that is a weak attempt to divert attention away from the fact they are caught facing the truth. The more he is confronted with someone calling out his own stupidity, the crazier his comebacks become until it is so foul it is best to stop responding for a few days until he sobers up.
My 2¢
LMAO! 6-2 190. What are your specs shorty? Do you wear a massive ten gallon hat to try to even out the disparity or do you just stand on a box? Inquiring minds want to know.....:unsure:
You're free to lie all you want in a lame effort to dox me, Fatboy.

The bottom line here is that you're a lame-assed loser riding on the coattails of your own family. Instead of having the balls to strike out on your own, you decided to take the gimme job your father handed you and let your brothers do all the heavy lifting while you play games at your desk. Sad.
What a deranged perverted sick guy. Were you always this way or did something happen to cause the vileness in you to come about?
The deranged perverted sick guy is the one who was too weak and stupid to become a success on his own, Fatboy.

You knew you'd never run your daddy's company unless both your brothers died so why didn't you ever try to form your own business?