What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
You've had health issues and I don't want to argue with you.
Why do I keep taking you off "ignore?"

It's like I keep wanting to be civil with you, but you won't abide it.
My mistake.
Best wishes for your health, Oom, but fuck you.

Nothing good comes from attempted discourse between us.
No worries, neef. You’re free to be a bitter, hateful geezer giving anyone who disagrees with you the finger and screaming “FUCK YOU!” at them while I’m free to point out your bitterness and hatefulness. God Bless America! :flagsal:
Of course you are, neef. You believe an all powerful government will always be best for all. What you are forgetting is that people are flawed. According to the 10% Rule, any human organization will become biased due to assholes.
No such rule, Sybil.
The best solution is exactly what the Founders resolved: an inefficient government due to checks and balances.


Then there's this:


You are in charge of your attitude, Neef. No one else, just you.
What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life? Will you stay and fight? Run for Canada? Just suck it up and hope for the best?

My advice is for all Americans loyal to the Constitution is to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying a scoped hunting rifle, lots of ammo and become proficient in its use before the Election since Americans may not have the chance afterward. This thread is for discussing strategy, tactics and weapons.

You might consider becoming familiar with books like these:


He can try,. but he won't get away with it, as the military swears an oath to the constitution, not him, and he would need them to stay in power.

But, the fact that we know he would try, if he could get away with it, and we know he wants to, and this is why he is unfit for the presidency. His instincts are all wrong.
He can try,. but he won't get away with it, as the military swears an oath to the constitution, not him, and he would need them to stay in power.

But, the fact that we know he would try, if he could get away with it, and we know he wants to, and this is why he is unfit for the presidency. His instincts are all wrong.
Trump has stated he'd replace the top generals with MAGAts.

Making shit up and gaslighting won't work, Sybil.
You don't rhyme anything, Sybil.
Sybil going Cray-Cray

He's spinning out, his mind's astray
Feeling cray-cray, lost in disarray
The world outside is moving fast
He's stuck in the past, and it won't last

He's losing his grip, slipping away
Into the darkness, night by day
He's searching for the light, a guiding ray
To lead him back, to a brand new day
Sybil going Cray-Cray

He's spinning out, his mind's astray
Feeling cray-cray, lost in disarray
The world outside is moving fast
He's stuck in the past, and it won't last

He's losing his grip, slipping away
Into the darkness, night by day
He's searching for the light, a guiding ray
To lead him back, to a brand new day
...and it's too bad there is no treatment for you, Sybil.
He can try,. but he won't get away with it, as the military swears an oath to the constitution, not him, and he would need them to stay in power.

But, the fact that we know he would try, if he could get away with it, and we know he wants to, and this is why he is unfit for the presidency. His instincts are all wrong.
When Trump got into office he went full mafia. He asked all to vow an oath to him.
That was the conflict between him and Comey. Comey was shocked that Trump demanded that. He asked him face to face and Comey refused saying his oath was to the Constitution.