What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
I agree
and when we do go into a war we have to go in to win and not tie at least one hand , if not both hands behind the back of our military ,
we haven't done that since Korea, we let our Politicians put a freeze on what we can do while they are at the peace table and they let the other side re-supply.
we did it in Nam and most every other war since Korea.
again IF we are going into a war we have to go in to WIN it not draw it out for years and years.
Have a nice day
Agreed about going in to win. Both hands means overwhelming force as we did in the Gulf War and Afghanistan. The problem with Afghanistan is that GW, along with his Republican Senate and Republican House, chose to pivot and invade Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan.
What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life? Will you stay and fight? Run for Canada? Just suck it up and hope for the best?

My advice is for all Americans loyal to the Constitution is to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying a scoped hunting rifle, lots of ammo and become proficient in its use before the Election since Americans may not have the chance afterward. This thread is for discussing strategy, tactics and weapons.

You might consider becoming familiar with books like these:

Why do you enjoy looking like a delusional mental case. This post will not age well much like all of your imbecilic ranting loon claims. :laugh:
I've said this all along, because of all of these changes in voting laws of the RED STATES, since the last election, things are going to happen, that will certainly be used that are actually against the Constitution, and so the lawsuits are going to fly after election night.

For example, many of these states think they made it legal to reject the entire count of the votes from any minority district they choose, and they don't even have to have a reason- GIVING THEMSELVES A BLANK CHECK!

So, we will not know who actually won the election for weeks into the New Year! As all of these lawsuits will have to cycle through all levels of the courts, but the 2024 election will be ultimately decided by a corrupted Supreme court that is lop-sided and rogue as hell.

And no matter who they choose, a civil war will break out, and the fighting will begin out in the street!
In such an instance, I expect fighting in the streets, but with the fascists in control of the government, it will be quelled. Would Trump be willing to nuke or gas an American city revolting against his government? Sure. Why not? All of his heroes would do such a thing.
More laughably delusional lunacy. You should be locked up in a padded cell mental case. :laugh:
Agreed about going in to win. Both hands means overwhelming force as we did in the Gulf War and Afghanistan. The problem with Afghanistan is that GW, along with his Republican Senate and Republican House, chose to pivot and invade Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan.
NO I am saying like when Nixon had his people go to the bargaining table they shut us down , we couldn't re-supply couldn't do anything but they let the other side do it, yes I guess they weren't suppose to but they did and we were not allowed to stop them.
and the BS that we couldn't shoot past this or that point and they would sit just past that point and shoot at us, well there were times we did and we pulled the body back over that line.
putting restrictions on what our people can or can not do is what I mean by tying our hands behind our back.
again IF you are going to war don't mess around go in to win or don't go in at all.
Have a nice day
NO I am saying like when Nixon had his people go to the bargaining table they shut us down , we couldn't re-supply couldn't do anything but they let the other side do it, yes I guess they weren't suppose to but they did and we were not allowed to stop them.
and the BS that we couldn't shoot past this or that point and they would sit just past that point and shoot at us, well there were times we did and we pulled the body back over that line.
putting restrictions on what our people can or can not do is what I mean by tying our hands behind our back.
again IF you are going to war don't mess around go in to win or don't go in at all.
Have a nice day
Iraq has Bush's oil. The Brits and Americans drew maps splitting it up before they went in. America has used war as a tool in economics since we started.
NO I am saying like when Nixon had his people go to the bargaining table they shut us down , we couldn't re-supply couldn't do anything but they let the other side do it, yes I guess they weren't suppose to but they did and we were not allowed to stop them.
and the BS that we couldn't shoot past this or that point and they would sit just past that point and shoot at us, well there were times we did and we pulled the body back over that line.
putting restrictions on what our people can or can not do is what I mean by tying our hands behind our back.
again IF you are going to war don't mess around go in to win or don't go in at all.
Have a nice day
Agreed on all points. Politicians should decide when and where America goes to war, but once that decision is made, and the objectives set, they should let the military do their job.

BTW, LBJ was setting limits long before Nixon even ran for office.
Anyone who attempts to overthrow the government of We, the People, is guilty of sedition. Anyone who has taken the oath and attempts to overthrow our government should be tried under military rules which allow for execution by lethal injection.

A person found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished by death or such other punishment as a court-martial may direct.
