What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life? Will you stay and fight? Run for Canada? Just suck it up and hope for the best?

My advice is for all Americans loyal to the Constitution is to exercise their Second Amendment rights by buying a scoped hunting rifle, lots of ammo and become proficient in its use before the Election since Americans may not have the chance afterward. This thread is for discussing strategy, tactics and weapons.

You might consider becoming familiar with books like these:

I'm no big fan of the Constitution.
I fully support everything it intended to do,
and that includes never stopping the effort to make a more perfect union.

My gripe is not with its values, of course,
but simply with the construct of the government it gave us.
I think that more modern democracies have governments that are more responsive and efficient as well.

But I've NEVER advocated just tearing our constitution to shreds unilaterally and replacing it with authoritarianism.

One thing the Constitution did do right is provide sane ways of changing our government as required.
The hard part is selling the better ideas to very cautious people.

Whether it involves partition as I've often suggested,
and the only reason I've ever advocated it is to make as many people happy as possible,

or if it involves finding a way to preserve the current republic by somehow finding a way
to prevent half the population always being in a state of perpetual rage,

something not very moderate, something very bold, needs to be done.

And for what it's worth, this far left citizen HAS that armament that Oom suggests.
I'm no big fan of the Constitution.
I fully support everything it intended to do,
and that includes never stopping the effort to make a more perfect union.

My gripe is not with its values, of course,
but simply with the construct of the government it gave us.
I think that more modern democracies have governments that are more responsive and efficient as well.

But I've NEVER advocated just tearing our constitution to shreds unilaterally and replacing it with authoritarianism.

One thing the Constitution did do right is provide sane ways of changing our government as required.
The hard part is selling the better ideas to very cautious people.

Whether it involves partition as I've often suggested,
and the only reason I've ever advocated it is to make as many people happy as possible,

or if it involves finding a way to preserve the current republic by somehow finding a way
to prevent half the population always being in a state of perpetual rage,

something not very moderate, something very bold, needs to be done.

And for what it's worth, this far left citizen HAS that armament that Oom suggests.
Government shouldn't be efficient. Germany's Wehrmacht government wasn't very efficient but the one that followed was. Same for the Italian government both before and after Mussolini. If our government was very efficient, then Trump, once in power, would never have left.

The Founders deliberately made our government a government of checks and balances, which isn't very efficient, but helps avoid Kings and dictators.

Keep your guns clean and stock plenty of ammo, neef. If Trump wins, you might need them even if to hand off to younger freedom fighters than yourself. :thup: :flagsal: :clink:
Government shouldn't be efficient. Germany's Wehrmacht government wasn't very efficient but the one that followed was. Same for the Italian government both before and after Mussolini. If our government was very efficient, then Trump, once in power, would never have left.

The Founders deliberately made our government a government of checks and balances, which isn't very efficient, but helps avoid Kings and dictators.

Keep your guns clean and stock plenty of ammo, neef. If Trump wins, you might need them even if to hand off to younger freedom fighters than yourself. :thup: :flagsal: :clink:
Government shouldn't be efficient. Germany's Wehrmacht government wasn't very efficient but the one that followed was. Same for the Italian government both before and after Mussolini. If our government was very efficient, then Trump, once in power, would never have left.

The Founders deliberately made our government a government of checks and balances, which isn't very efficient, but helps avoid Kings and dictators.

Keep your guns clean and stock plenty of ammo, neef. If Trump wins, you might need them even if to hand off to younger freedom fighters than yourself. :thup: :flagsal:
This is simply an ideological difference between us.
I'm happy with a much more comprehensive government than you'd like.

Things that you would consider basic freedoms,
I consider freedom from social responsibility that we're not entitled to have.

This is the old, basic, pre-Tea Party difference
between liberals and conservatives/libertarians.

Nothing new. We were able to manage it with compromise in the past.
Now, it's a different ballgame.
This is simply an ideological difference between us.
I'm happy with a much more comprehensive government than you'd like.

Things that you would consider basic freedoms,
I consider freedom from social responsibility that we're not entitled to have.

This is the old, basic, pre-Tea Party difference
between liberals and conservatives/libertarians.

Nothing new. We were able to manage it with compromise in the past.
Now, it's a different ballgame.
Of course you are, neef. You believe an all powerful government will always be best for all. What you are forgetting is that people are flawed. According to the 10% Rule, any human organization will become biased due to assholes.

The best solution is exactly what the Founders resolved: an inefficient government due to checks and balances.


Then there's this:


You are in charge of your attitude, Neef. No one else, just you.
This is simply an ideological difference between us.
I'm happy with a much more comprehensive government than you'd like.

Things that you would consider basic freedoms,
I consider freedom from social responsibility that we're not entitled to have.

This is the old, basic, pre-Tea Party difference
between liberals and conservatives/libertarians.

Nothing new. We were able to manage it with compromise in the past.
Now, it's a different ballgame.
Breakfast side dishes are probably as good as after some 20 plus years Israel has been served up all those thieving hand scribed old testament arsonists & Eisenhower presented old glorys to Holocaust survivors for business excellence in that Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Christiananality pedophilia Freudian slip more perfect union to Islam Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom idiots.....
You going to kill him with your bare hands?

What an asshat you are commander cunt
His caretakers are likely to do that if he doesn't do it himself. A little fentanyl mixed into his medication or oatmeal would be the easiest for them.

Most likely he'll hang himself on a doorknob since his life is empty except for hate. I have no doubt you sympathize with him since you have the same problem.
Of course you are, neef. You believe an all powerful government will always be best for all. What you are forgetting is that people are flawed. According to the 10% Rule, any human organization will become biased due to assholes.

The best solution is exactly what the Founders resolved: an inefficient government due to checks and balances.


Then there's this:


You are in charge of your attitude, Neef. No one else, just you.
You assume that you're right, Oom, and I assume that you're very socially regressive.
People don't always want the same things.
You and I will never want the same things because our core values don't overlap very much.

But you go the extra step and say flat out that you're right and I'm wrong,
so with that attitude, we will never ever be on the same side,
but more importantly, we'll never seek common ground.

What I call support, you call intrusion.
What you call freedom, I call irresponsibility.

Which is fine.
I don't think that we want to be on the same side, you any more than I.
We have very different moral compasses.
You assume that you're right, Oom, and I assume that you're very socially regressive.
People don't always want the same things.
You and I will never want the same things because our core values don't overlap very much.

But you go the extra step and say flat out that you're right and I'm wrong,
so with that attitude, we will never ever be on the same side,
but more importantly, we'll never seek common ground.

What I call support, you call intrusion.
What you call freedom, I call irresponsibility.

Which is fine.
I don't think that we want to be on the same side, you any more than I.
We have very different moral compasses.
Of course you do, neef. You're a very unhappy and very negative person who only sees the worst in life and rarely, if ever, the good.
Of course you do, neef. You're a very unhappy and very negative person who only sees the worst in life and rarely, if ever, the good.
Where did you get your MD, Oom?
You're obvious a well trained psychiatrist,

or maybe just a pedantic blow hard.

You can't even stay on the subject of political ideology.
You'd rather display your non-existent knowledge of mental health and human behavior.

Most attempts at discourse between us are wasted, aren't they?
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Where did you get your MD, Oom?
You're obvious a well trained psychiatrist,

or maybe just a pedantic blow hard.

You can't even stay on the subject of political ideology.
You'd rather display your non-existent knowledge of mental health and human behavior.

Most attempts at discourse between us are wasted, aren't they?
I'm neither an MD nor a psychiatrist, neef. I'm not here to help you nor have I taken an oath to "do no harm". I've only taken an oath to the Constitution of the United States.

You seem to think it takes an MD to diagnose a sucking chest wound or a psychiatrist to see a person is a bitter, hateful geezer. You are assuming incorrectly.

What's to stay on subject about, neef? You expressed your rainbows and unicorns ideas about socialism and I disagreed because Totalitarian Socialism doesn't work due to human nature, as anyone who studies history would understand.

You're assuming again, neef. You make the naive mistake of assuming a public conversation between two people is private. It's not. You want to remain the socialist curmudgeon and will never change unless you want to change, but I'm not trying to convince you. My interest is in publicly correcting your ideas so others can see the flaws in your thinking.
I'm neither an MD nor a psychiatrist, neef. I'm not here to help you nor have I taken an oath to "do no harm". I've only taken an oath to the Constitution of the United States.

You seem to think it takes an MD to diagnose a sucking chest wound or a psychiatrist to see a person is a bitter, hateful geezer. You are assuming incorrectly.

What's to stay on subject about, neef? You expressed your rainbows and unicorns ideas about socialism and I disagreed because Totalitarian Socialism doesn't work due to human nature, as anyone who studies history would understand.

You're assuming again, neef. You make the naive mistake of assuming a public conversation between two people is private. It's not. You want to remain the socialist curmudgeon and will never change unless you want to change, but I'm not trying to convince you. My interest is in publicly correcting your ideas so others can see the flaws in your thinking.
You've had health issues and I don't want to argue with you.
Why do I keep taking you off "ignore?"

It's like I keep wanting to be civil with you, but you won't abide it.
My mistake.
Best wishes for your health, Oom, but fuck you.

Nothing good comes from attempted discourse between us.