What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
When Trump got into office he went full mafia.
Trump isn't Italian and has no Italian heritage.
He asked all to vow an oath to him.
What oath was that, Sybil? You are hallucinating again.
That was the conflict between him and Comey.
Comey was shocked that Trump demanded that. He asked him face to face and Comey refused saying his oath was to the Constitution.
Never happened. You are hallucinating again, Sybil.

Making up numbers means nothing. Argument from randU fallacy.
who is making up numbers?
you can get all the same ones from all different sites these came from the US government.
we have been using in the area of 19 to 20 MBPD for years and we only produce 13 MBPD so where do we get the 7 MBPD we don't produce? does it just come up of the air?
NO we HAVE to import it.
IT is just like back when Trump LIED and told his very low MAGA followers we were energy Independent and they believed him and we were NOT and never were.
for one thing we HAVE to import electric from Canada for some of the upper mid west states,
and we have to import that 7 MBPD of oil for the type of gas we use here.
being ENERGY INDEPENDENT means you do NOT need to depend on anybody else for your energy needs and WE do .
what Trump should have said is we went from being a NET importer of energy to being a net exporter of energy and then he went and fucked it up by not stepping in and stopping the Saudi oil price war. that drove OVER 100 US oil drilling oil producing companies into Bankruptcy and a lot of them OUT of Business for GOOD, and we went back to being a net importer of Energy.
Have a nice day
who is making up numbers?
you can get all the same ones from all different sites these came from the US government.
we have been using in the area of 19 to 20 MBPD for years and we only produce 13 MBPD so where do we get the 7 MBPD we don't produce? does it just come up of the air?
NO we HAVE to import it.
IT is just like back when Trump LIED and told his very low MAGA followers we were energy Independent and they believed him and we were NOT and never were.
for one thing we HAVE to import electric from Canada for some of the upper mid west states,
and we have to import that 7 MBPD of oil for the type of gas we use here.
being ENERGY INDEPENDENT means you do NOT need to depend on anybody else for your energy needs and WE do .
what Trump should have said is we went from being a NET importer of energy to being a net exporter of energy and then he went and fucked it up by not stepping in and stopping the Saudi oil price war. that drove OVER 100 US oil drilling oil producing companies into Bankruptcy and a lot of them OUT of Business for GOOD, and we went back to being a net importer of Energy.
Have a nice day
Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers won't work, idiot.

Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers won't work, idiot.
who is making up numbers??????????
I see you don't trust the Federal government, remember a lot of that info came from when Trump ran it do you trust his numbers?
and where did I " DENY " anything in my posts asshole?
you really are a moron
When Trump got into office he went full mafia. He asked all to vow an oath to him.
That was the conflict between him and Comey. Comey was shocked that Trump demanded that. He asked him face to face and Comey refused saying his oath was to the Constitution.
Yes. You leftists are no different, you just follow orders and brainlessly obey.
Look at Harris. The worst VP this country has ever seen (by poll numbers), and
all of a sudden (the voted on by the people) sitting president ("sharp as a tack)
suddenly gets word to drop out, leaving Harris to suddenly becomes the newly
appointed Queen bee of the left's hornet's nest. And fools like you will mindlessly
follow. You'll vote for policies detrimental to this country. You must be defeated.

What will you do if Harris does this? She's far more likely to in office.
That is not what she is running on. Trump is running on it with Project 2025 as a blueprint, The Dems govern like we always have. Trump governs like nobody else ever did. He does not care what happened before. He does what he wants.
That is not what she is running on. Trump is running on it with Project 2025 as a blueprint, The Dems govern like we always have. Trump governs like nobody else ever did. He does not care what happened before. He does what he wants.
She's running on nothing at this point. I'm just going off what she's said in the past. It's also a lie-- A LIE!--that Trump is running on Project 2025, which he has said more than once he renounces.
That is not what she is running on.
Kamala has no platform, Sybil.
Trump is running on it with Project 2025 as a blueprint,
Project 2025 is NOT in Trump's campaign platform, Sybil. You don't even know what Project 2025 proposes. I happen to agree to a lot of it.
The Dems govern like we always have.
By tyranny.
Trump governs like nobody else ever did. He does not care what happened before. He does what he wants.
There have Presidents that supported the Constitution before Trump.
The President is not a King.

JUST IN: NFL quarterback Patrick Mahomes’ wife releases a statement after ‘liking’ one of Trump’s IG posts.Brittany Mahomes is under fire by leftists for ‘liking’ Trump’s platform on IG.Brittany appears to now be defending her support for Trump, blasting the haters for not healing from issues they had from childhood.“To be a hater as an adult, you have to have some deep rooted issues you refuse to heal from childhood. There's no reason your brain is fully developed and you hate to see others doing well.”
The children of Washington live in narrative war space, they have very little contact with reality, in a universe where stupid hurts.