What will you do if Trump becomes President, shreds the Constitution and declares himself President-for-Life?

What will you do if Trump turns the US into a fascist nation?

  • I'll join the Resistance

    Votes: 12 75.0%
  • I'll run for Canada

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll bend over and take it

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'll applaud and wear a Trump armband

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 18.8%

  • Total voters
FTFY, Legina. :thup:
You're free to lie all you want in a lame effort to dox me, Fatboy.

The bottom line here is that you're a lame-assed loser riding on the coattails of your own family. Instead of having the balls to strike out on your own, you decided to take the gimme job your father handed you and let your brothers do all the heavy lifting while you play games at your desk. Sad.

Absolutely. He posts for reaction,....nothing more. IMO he really has no political views at all. He is only here for the turmoil. He reminds me of a pyro actually,....likes to light a fire than sit back and watch it burn and every once in a while throw a little gas on it to keep it from dying. Thats Dutch,.....a parasite.
I might tend to disagree. I don't think it is for reaction. It's more like the cackle Heels Up Harris breaks into when she is cornered and cannot answer the question asked. It is a defense mechanism that is a weak attempt to divert attention away from the fact they are caught facing the truth. The more he is confronted with someone calling out his own stupidity, the crazier his comebacks become until it is so foul it is best to stop responding for a few days until he sobers up.
My 2¢
The fact I upset you two idiots so much is the best part about each of you. :rofl2:

You're free to lie all you want in a lame effort to dox me, Fatboy.

The bottom line here is that you're a lame-assed loser riding on the coattails of your own family. Instead of having the balls to strike out on your own, you decided to take the gimme job your father handed you and let your brothers do all the heavy lifting while you play games at your desk. Sad.
I dunno,....just bought another nice piece of land to develop down south. Seems like everything is working out pretty good to me. :laugh: For the record,...not that it matters as you seem to like to build a narrative around people and then just PRETEND its true " how childish actually" but the official story you pulled out of your fat ass concerning my life is sooooooooo far off that it is laughable,....which Is exactly why I rarely even bother to respond to your silly attacks.
Only one person agrees with you, Fatboy. 11 others, including myself, voted to support and defend the Constitution unlike the oath-breaking, pedo-supporters who would support President-for-Life Trump.
You don't get to speak for everybody, Sybil. Omniscience fallacy. DON'T TRY TO HIDE BEHIND THE CONSTITUTION YOU DESPISE! DON'T TRY TO BLAME DEMOCRAT TYRANNY ON TRUMP!
You couldnt defend the Constitution if you wanted to,
He doesn't want to. Sybil (aka Doc and many others) has many times preached against the principles laid out in the Constitution. He discards all State constitutions as well. Then he has the gall to try to hide behind the very document he despises. He thinks he claim the title of 'patriot' that way!
....and as you and I both know ,...you dont want to anyway.
Silly bluster talk from an impotent man. Does it somehow make you feel better, this constant escapism you like to engage in? Look in the mirror,....you are still you. SMH......
Hallucination, actually. Unfortunately for Sybil, there is no cure for his condition.
Absolutely. He posts for reaction,....nothing more. IMO he really has no political views at all. He is only here for the turmoil. He reminds me of a pyro actually,....likes to light a fire than sit back and watch it burn and every once in a while throw a little gas on it to keep it from dying. Thats Dutch,.....a parasite.
Pyromaniac, actually. I'm a pyrotechnician. Both are called 'pyros'. The pyromaniac likes to start fires and watch them burn. They are often arsonists. A pyrotechnician entertains people building and using fireworks. They are often VERY patriotic, and are one of the few working very hard on the 4th of July (and before!) to make sure your 4th of July firework show is fun and memorable.
You're free to lie all you want in a lame effort to dox me, Fatboy.

The bottom line here is that you're a lame-assed loser riding on the coattails of your own family. Instead of having the balls to strike out on your own, you decided to take the gimme job your father handed you and let your brothers do all the heavy lifting while you play games at your desk. Sad.
Making shit up to gaslight won't work, Sybil.
Lie, lame and laughably stupid. You are the dumbest fuck on the forum Nerdberg.
Hmmmm. I'm not so sure. It's a close contest with other losers on this forum. I would nominate Moon, for example.

Perhaps I should bring back my Monthly Contest. Points are awarded to the use of some fallacy, which I reveal at the end of the month. It's a bit more difficult to conduct here on JPP than other forums, but it's possible. Under JPP, I'd probably stick the running score in the Warzone.

Another complicating factor is Sybil (aka Doc, Nordbutt, Cypress, and many others). How to score so many socks? Separately, or as the one entity he is?

I'll have to think on it.