well that's another lie.
Well then what is your specific proposal? Articulate it.
well that's another lie.
Well then what is your specific proposal? Articulate it.
As I stated a few posts ago, and have ALWAYS advocated, government should make the minimum regulations necessary to ensure that each individual person has an equal opportunity to pursue their own wealth. Not to have wealth redistributed from others.
That is libertarian coffee house crap. TELL ME HOW. What SPECIFIC POLICY PROPOSALS would do that. Define minimum. For example, you have advocated for abortion bans. How does that fit into your definition of 'minimum'. How about safety net programs? Environmental laws? Child labor laws? Workplace safety laws? Try, for once in your life, to be an actual, serious, thoughtful poster, not a troll.
we believe in two different ideologies for equal opportunity. you believe that people are incompetent and need government help. I believe that most people can pursue their own wealth, so long as they aren't hindered by unfair crony capitalism. you continually support that crony capitalism. I do not.
with all the subjects you want to hear about, I would need to craft a book the size of war and peace. that is not minimum regulations. call it libertarian coffee house crap all you like, but it will not change the fact that it's a better solution than the one you support now or advocate for.
No, you didn't. Not one. Your 'proposal' is to eliminate government. Completely. That is not in any way, shape or form specific, nor do you say why it would work. Instead, you call everyone else stupid for how they vote, while you support a party that has never, ever, in it's history, elected a person to a single meaningful office.
Who is the stupid one again?
we already have those. The problem exists with enforcement. too many elected and appointed officials would not be able to accumulate their ill gotten wealth if they enforced those 'guardrails'.Strawman. I believe nothing of the kind. I believe that the role of government is to provide guardrails against the greed of corporations,
there is zero constitutional authority to provide for such a thing. and, again, that 'gap' is there because you actually support it by electing those who lie to you and you studiously avoid acknowledging it.and to provide policies that encourage economic equality. Which is why I believe that the wage/wealth gap is an existential threat. You don't. Because you would allow it to go unchecked.
we already have those. The problem exists with enforcement. too many elected and appointed officials would not be able to accumulate their ill gotten wealth if they enforced those 'guardrails'.
there is zero constitutional authority to provide for such a thing. and, again, that 'gap' is there because you actually support it by electing those who lie to you and you studiously avoid acknowledging it.
once again, Madison disagrees with you. who are you going to trust? the man that authored and explained it, or some person 200+ years later that wants to do things YOUR way?Once again, the general welfare clause absolutely supports those things.
The question is not answerable as there is no agreement amongst everyone on the left of what those ideals are.
Just like we could not say if 'every ideal from the right was enacted' which would include murdering or pushing out of the country anyone not considered 'pure' and 'white'.
once again, Madison disagrees with you. who are you going to trust? the man that authored and explained it, or some person 200+ years later that wants to do things YOUR way?
so you're stating, for the record, that you don't WANT originalism, you WANT current judges, lawyers, politicians telling you what you want to hear about what the Constitution means, as long as it's what YOU want it to mean. that about it?Welcome to the 21st century. This is what I want my government to do. It is fully supported by the Constitution as well as over two centuries of stare decisis.
so you're stating, for the record, that you don't WANT originalism, you WANT current judges, lawyers, politicians telling you what you want to hear about what the Constitution means, as long as it's what YOU want it to mean. that about it?
For the record, your statement is a complete misrepresentation of what I said.
Anything specific, or do you want to keep talking about me?
it is clearly not a misrepresentation. You were very clear that you want people to deviate from the author of the Constitution so they can implement what YOU want and stare decisis to keep it from changing. don't back away from it. Own it.
Anyone can participate of course but I'm interested in hearing from leftists what America would like if every leftist ideal was realized. What would America be like? What would you do once every perceived injustice has been corrected?
We would adopt the economic and social model of Sweden or Norway.
The "ideal" America that democrats strive for?