That is a simplistic and almost entirely false statement. First, the United States, and ALL taxing authorities, are geographic, not societal. Second, no civilized western country has anywhere near our monstrous wage wealth gap. Why? They ALL have taxed their way to economic equality. Since that wage/wealth gap represents an existential issue in the United States, extraordinary measures are necessary to fix it. Not just a new tax policy, but a one time tax on wealth for a certain segment of the population. The economy will not survive without it. There is no solution to our current societal problem that does not involve a complete change to the tax code. Only a simpleton would make the suggestion you just made.
Understanding an appropriate tax policy requires intelligence, objectivity, and grasp of economics, and an ability to think creatively. You lack all of those things, so your opinion is as uninformed as it could possibly be. Which is why you are sold more disease and told it is the cure. Supply side economics got us into this mess, and you want more.
Cypress is correct. Single payer health care is more efficient. We have a body of evidence from every other industrialized nation, but you ignore that evidence. One of the greatest obstacles to getting single parents off the government doles is the cost of day care. Democrats want to provide free day care. You would rather cut the existing programs. Every child in this country should be able to pursue a post secondary education without a financial impediment. You oppose that. We need MORE human resources to address the immigration issues we have. The GOP has voted that down every time, most recently after Joe Biden took office and proposed a massive immigration reform bill that was passed by the House.
Your only interest seems to be in overthrowing the government and keeping 150 guns and not having to wear a mask to make your fellow citizens safer. Your arrogant ignorance is THE problem. Read a book. Find an actual news source that has some journalistic ethics. Educate yourself. You have no interest in that because you are intellectually lazy, and driven by hate and fear. It's a shame. I've been close to giving up, because there is objectively very little in it for me to make sure you and your ilk have no power. I am a rich white guy. But I actually do care. Empathy is an important quality. You have none.