What would the ideal leftist America look like?

Americans would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts.

No, all we need to do is lift the cap on taxable Social Security income so you pay 6% of your income regardless of how much you make or how you make it.

So Lebron James pays 6% of his $250,000,000 annual income and you pay 6% of your $25,000 annual income.
I think I know what I said, thanks. I said this is what I want to see my government do. I believe it is fully supported by the Constitution, and two decades of court decisions support that. But why would I listen to THEM when I can get the truth from a random dumb fuck on an internet chat board. How silly of me.
you got the truth from James Madison himself. I just gave you the source. It's up to you if you choose 21st century judges over the author. how silly of you.
They would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same per‐​pupil funding as public ones.}


What would happen is that instead of public schools being funded by property taxes like they are now in the US, they would be funded by the state and the funds would be evenly disbursed so every student would get the same amount spent on their education regardless of where they lived.

That's the only fair way to do it for the kids.
I realize you're as dumb as a dogturd - but I cited that - you fucking retard.

You didn't cite that. You didn't link to it. You stole it and posted it here as if it was something you wrote yourself.

So you violated the TOS for JPP by not citing your work.

You stupidly rushed to a conclusion without bothering to research what you were talking about...AGAIN.

Funding every student the same isn't possible in the current US system because of how public schools are funded by property taxes.

Breaking that link results in state funding at the top, so every student would then get the same amount spent on their education.

That's what they do in Sweden, France, South Korea, Japan, and the UK.
College costs skyrocketed when it became a for-profit business.

I mean it's always been that way since the first private college was founded.

What I'm talking about are public colleges...the ones with tuitions We The People should be able to control and set.

There is no reason that every public college shouldn't have free tuition. State schools should be tuition free, across the board, for any degree, and for any level of degree. If you get your doctorate at a state school, that should be just as free from tuition if you're getting your Associates' degree at a Community College.

If these private colleges are so wonderful, then they should have no problem attracting students who can afford their tuitions.
so you're stating, for the record, that you don't WANT originalism, you WANT current judges, lawyers, politicians telling you what you want to hear about what the Constitution means, as long as it's what YOU want it to mean. that about it?
No one believes in 'Originalism'. It is a convenient trope trotted out when desired and ignored when not, including by right leaning SC Justices.

it is clearly not a misrepresentation. You were very clear that you want people to deviate from the author of the Constitution so they can implement what YOU want and stare decisis to keep it from changing. don't back away from it. Own it.
The Framers of the Constitution were not so stupid that they thought they could write a document 300 years ago that would lock everyone in the future in to no change or updates. The Constitution was meant to be a living document, subject to update and change and it takes a simple mind to think otherwise.
Well, for starters, it would mean equal funding of public education, no longer tying that funding to property taxes. Instead, the state would provide funding for each school so each student received an equal amount spent on them. So there would no longer be an "average" spent per student, but a fixed number instead...like they do in Sweden and France.

Would alternatives to public education be eliminated or put under intense scrutiny, like they are in most of Europe?
Would alternatives to public education be eliminated or put under intense scrutiny, like they are in most of Europe?

If someone wants to send their kid to a private school, go for it.

Those schools would not receive any taxpayer funds and would be funded entirely through private funding, so they're probably going to be too expensive for most racists.

Also, they would need to be certified by the state, which means a high level of scrutiny most won't be able to meet.
If someone wants to send their kid to a private school, go for it.

Those schools would not receive any taxpayer funds and would be funded entirely through private funding, so they're probably going to be too expensive for most racists.

Also, they would need to be certified by the state, which means a high level of scrutiny most won't be able to meet.

In Europe, most countries require private schools to closely hew to the curricula given in public schools. Yes, the private ones are expensive as the government doesn't want the population to use them. Most often, they are reserved for the elite and rich instead being as much or more a social stamp on one's background and privilege than anything else. Things like religious schooling or home schooling is made illegal. Can't have the masses going off and thinking for themselves...
In Europe, most countries require private schools to closely hew to the curricula given in public schools.

I would imagine the same would be the case here if we implemented the same type of system.

Yes, the private ones are expensive as the government doesn't want the population to use them.

No they're expensive because they're run for profit.

The government isn't making them expensive, their own accountants are because the costs to operate a private university or school and still make a profit are pretty fucking high due to all the overhead.

Alternatively, if a rich person wants to send their kid to public school, isn't that a good thing?

Don't we want rich kids mingling with poor kids so they can learn some empathy and not turn into horrible people like some of their parents?

Most often, they are reserved for the elite and rich instead being as much or more a social stamp on one's background and privilege than anything else. Things like religious schooling or home schooling is made illegal.

Those should be illegal because parents aren't teachers.

Homeschooling your kid is child abuse...it says you are protective not of the child, but of the manipulation.
No one believes in 'Originalism'. It is a convenient trope trotted out when desired and ignored when not, including by right leaning SC Justices.

If we go Originalist, then every vote except Impeachment and Constitutional Amendment should be done along majority lines, since that was the Founders' intent, and someone should bring forth litigation that declares the filibuster unconstitutional since there's no mechanism for it in any of the founding documents.
Things like religious schooling or home schooling is made illegal. Can't have the masses going off and thinking for themselves...

Would you perform open-heart surgery on your spouse because "you want to think for yourself", or would you leave that job to the professionals?
You didn't cite that. You didn't link to it..

That right, fucktard?


That right, fucktard?

Yep, dumbass:

I reiterate;

{If Sanders and Ocasio‐​Cortez really want to turn America into Sweden, what would that look like? For the United States, it would mean, for example, more free trade and a more deregulated product market, no Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the abolition of occupational licensing and minimum wage laws. The United States would also have to abolish taxes on property, gifts, and inheritance. And even after the recent tax cut, America would still have to slightly reduce its corporate tax. Americans would need to reform Social Security from defined benefits to defined contributions and introduce private accounts. They would also need to adopt a comprehensive school voucher system where private schools get the same per‐​pupil funding as public ones.}

"I reiterate".

Every single time you try to make yourself look smart, you instead make yourself look incredibly fucking stupid.
Yep, dumbass:

"I reiterate".

That's right fucktard.

transitive verb
To say or do again or repeatedly. synonym: repeat.
To repeat again and again; to say or do repeatedly; sometimes, to repeat.

You dumb fuck.
No one believes in 'Originalism'. It is a convenient trope trotted out when desired and ignored when not, including by right leaning SC Justices.

The Framers of the Constitution were not so stupid that they thought they could write a document 300 years ago that would lock everyone in the future in to no change or updates. The Constitution was meant to be a living document, subject to update and change and it takes a simple mind to think otherwise.

Herr Comrade, that's why the amendment process is built into the Constitution.

It was never intended to flow to the ebb and tide of populist fashion the way your fascists desire.