it is NOT an Appeal to Authority fallacy to acknowledge that Astrophysicists all agree on the following analysis on this meteor moving through space NOT being a threat to our Planet.
It is important to know they are professional astrophysicists and they have done the work.
What you guys, in the same way Marjorie Greene does, is scream "Appeal to Authority' thus my view, after reading on the internet it is going to hit us, is equally as valid. You then presume to lecture them and tell them they are wrong.
NO. That is just dumb.
If it was a singular astrophysicist and he said, WITHOUT doing any work, my opinion is the one to trust simply because I am an astrophysicist, THAT is an appeal to his authority. He would be asserting his 'credentials as the proof', which then triggers the fallacy.
I see over and over on this forum right leaning posters quoting various fallacies in very much the way someone like Marjorie Greene would, wrongly and ignorantly but assuming they are right. You guys need to understand the fallacies you cite or stop using them.
Educators as a whole, are the best ones to determine educational needs, and that is not a Appeal to Authority to say that, just as it is not to say Astrophysicists are best to determine space bound threats to earth. Individuals or parents views are a massive distance behind in credibility and weighting on these topics.