Hello Triplelefthook,
Well if he treats everyone the same then he's not the problem. But he doesn't know what goes on with other officers when he's not around.
Correct - I disagree with that conclusion. I think DT rode the economic momentum that Obama ushered in. I don't think the tax cut for the wealthy helped the economy. The economy was already doing fine. What DT did was to make wealth inequality worse. The federal debt has gone through the roof. That's not helping anything. We don't collect enough revenue to pay our normal expenses, no way we can enact any programs to help the disadvantaged. We don't have room in the budget for it.
I'll tell you what is going to increase upward mobility. Tax the rich heavily, use the money to set up programs that help people succeed. End the legal corruption. That starts locally. We have to elect local leaders who will pass the
Anti-Corruption Act locally. Then we move up to statewide. After that, State elections will be subject to it and we will begin sending anti-corruption people to Congress. After we get enough support there, we can pass it at the national level.
The problem is we no longer have a Democracy, but people don't know it. Most people think we have a Democracy, but what we really have is an oligarchy. Congress passes what the rich want, not what the people want. Until that changes, we are stuck. The left and the right each think the other is to blame for our problems, but really it is the oligarchy. The greedy super-rich and powerful (not to be confused with rich people who are not greedy and sincerely wish to help,) the greedy ones are able to exert far too much control over our government. They get their way. We the people don't get our way.
The greedy rich have the left and right fighting against one another and constantly throw gas on that fire. They keep the left and right laser-focused on one another as they rip us all off on everything. It's a grand divide and conquer scheme. We have been divided and conquered. It's like Warren Buffet said. The Class War has already been won by the upper class. They dominate. We the people are the dominated.