When Will We Recover From The Civil War? Now Is The Time.

Heal. I thought the election of Obama was the final piece of the puzzle. I doubt anything really changes. Cops will continue to kill whites that resist arrest at about a 25% higher rate than blacks but the death of blacks will continue to garner all the publicity. IMO.

So you seem to be saying, because more Whites resisting arrest are killed by Policemen at a higher percentage rate than Blacks, it somehow justifies Policemen killing people resisting arrest?

Could it just be that because Whites make up 76% of our population, and Blacks make up only 13% is a reason in itself why the percentage of White Deaths would naturally be higher? Of course it would.

So really dude, I don't think your comment has anything to do with the price of tea in China.

I think it has to do more with you seemingly justifying Police Brutality and justifying the killing of people who resist arrest be they Black or White.


It is pretty hard to resist arrest with your feet shackled and your hands cuffed behind your back!

So I am not sure why you are here today talking about resisting arrest!

And WTF does Obama have to do with anything regarding this murder or settling the Civil War?
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Heal. I thought the election of Obama was the final piece of the puzzle. I doubt anything really changes. Cops will continue to kill whites that resist arrest at about a 25% higher rate than blacks but the death of blacks will continue to garner all the publicity. IMO.

Ha-ha! Our little PoliTalker, who THINKS he/she/it? is SO intelligent, uses the WRONG word, "heel" to make a point. You really CAN'T make shit like this up! What a HEEL he/she/it? IS!
So you seem to be saying, because more Whites resisting arrest are killed by Policemen at a higher percentage rate than Blacks, it somehow justifies Policemen killing people resisting arrest?

Could it just be that because Whites make up 76% of our population, and Blacks make up only 13% is a reason in itself why the percentage of White Deaths would naturally be higher? Of course it would.

So really dude, I don't think your comment has anything to do with the price of tea in China.

I think it has to do more with you seemingly justifying Police Brutality and justifying the killing of people who resist arrest be they Black or White.


It is pretty hard to resist arrest with your feet shackled and your hands cuffed behind your back!

So I am not sure why you are here today talking about resisting arrest!

And WTF does Obama have to do with anything regarding this murder?

Not to mention the naked men on bicycles. WATCH OUT for these dudes!
So you seem to be saying, because more Whites resisting arrest are killed by Policemen at a higher percentage rate than Blacks, it somehow justifies Policemen killing people resisting arrest?
No . You seem to be projecting.
Could it just be that because Whites make up 76% of our population, and Blacks make up only 13% is a reason in itself why the percentage of White Deaths would naturally be higher?
White death by cop is 84.3%, black death by cop is 13.6% of total deaths. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6080222/ That somewhat correlates to the percentage of population but if you're white you're slightly more likely to die by cop.
Of course it would.
Male death by cop is 97.4% yet males make up about half the population. You obviously don't understand statistics. Cops need to start blowing away less males and more females for more equality between the sexes.
So really dude, I don't think your comment has anything to do with the price of tea in China.
Correct, which is why I didn't mention the price of tea in China.
I think it has to do more with you seemingly justifying Police Brutality and justifying the killing of people who resist arrest be they Black or White.
Many fatalities are unavoidable or are consistent with how police are trained. Personally I'd like to see the cops have immediate access to the perps' record and if they are repeat offenders of violent crime, summary execution is in order. Cop fucks up, execute the cop.
the minimum is negligent homicide by the cops, maximum is 2nd degree murder.

And WTF does Obama have to do with anything regarding this murder?
Nothing. It has to do with the OP.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Question: What does a "complete recovery from the Civil War" entail? What are the specifics of that?

An essential end to racism. Racism no longer exists at any level which presents a significant problem to society. Crushed to the point where people fear to speak of racial differences in any way which suggests any one race is superior to another. They fear to speak of itsuch because it is so roundly rejected that they know they will be ridiculed if they should utter a word of it.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

When Yankees stop calling Southerners stupid, racist and traitors, maybe the wounds of the War of Northern Aggression would begin to heal.

Note where the major battles took place:

Note who fired the first shot. It was the south. Lincoln could not have tried harder to prevent war.
The problem for the south was that their economy was completely dependent upon slavery. Slavery sucked all the life out of their economy. Very little paying work existed because the wealthy did not have to pay wages for labor. Any significant amount of labor was done by slaves. This wrecked the general economy of the south. Wealth inequality was extreme. Virtually the only people with money were the slave owners themselves. Virtually everybody else scraped by on little to nothing.

On the other hand, the north is where most of the immigrants from Europe settled and worked. The northern economy thrived. The decades before the war saw the population of the north swell several fold, but the south was stuck on very few products controlled by very relatively few people.

It was suicide for the south to attack the north to initiate the war. The south had 9 million people while the north had 22 million. And of the 9 million in the south, 5 million of them were slaves. The south fough hard and did what they could do, but they were overwhelmed by impossible odds.

The reason most of the battles were fought in the south is because the south simply lacked the manpower and resources to wage distant battles. It was hopeless and doomed from the start. It was totally foolish for the south to start the war. It got a lot of people killed needlessly and accomplished nothing.

Then, after the war, just out of spite, the south immediately shifted from a shooting war into a war of ideas. Chief among them was racism. That's why the Civil War is still being fought in America.

We need it to end because it hurts us and holds us back from true progress.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

When Yankees stop calling Southerners stupid, racist and traitors, maybe the wounds of the War of Northern Aggression would begin to heal.

Note where the major battles took place:

We need to move beyond such labels and recognize that as long as we keep the Civil War alive in rhetoric that it still hurts us.
The problem for the south was that their economy was completely dependent upon slavery. Slavery sucked all the life out of their economy. Very little paying work existed because the wealthy did not have to pay wages for labor. Any significant amount of labor was done by slaves. This wrecked the general economy of the south. Wealth inequality was extreme. Virtually the only people with money were the slave owners themselves. Virtually everybody else scraped by on little to nothing.

On the other hand, the north is where most of the immigrants from Europe settled and worked. The northern economy thrived. The decades before the war saw the population of the north swell several fold, but the south was stuck on very few products controlled by very relatively few people.

It was suicide for the south to attack the north to initiate the war. The south had 9 million people while the north had 22 million. And of the 9 million in the south, 5 million of them were slaves. The south fough hard and did what they could do, but they were overwhelmed by impossible odds.

The reason most of the battles were fought in the south is because the south simply lacked the manpower and resources to wage distant battles. It was hopeless and doomed from the start. It was totally foolish for the south to start the war. It got a lot of people killed needlessly and accomplished nothing.

Then, after the war, just out of spite, the south immediately shifted from a shooting war into a war of ideas. Chief among them was racism. That's why the Civil War is still being fought in America.

We need it to end because it hurts us and holds us back from true progress.

so what's the plan?
The problem for the south was that their economy was completely dependent upon slavery. Slavery sucked all the life out of their economy. Very little paying work existed because the wealthy did not have to pay wages for labor. Any significant amount of labor was done by slaves. This wrecked the general economy of the south. Wealth inequality was extreme. Virtually the only people with money were the slave owners themselves. Virtually everybody else scraped by on little to nothing.

On the other hand, the north is where most of the immigrants from Europe settled and worked. The northern economy thrived. The decades before the war saw the population of the north swell several fold, but the south was stuck on very few products controlled by very relatively few people.

It was suicide for the south to attack the north to initiate the war. The south had 9 million people while the north had 22 million. And of the 9 million in the south, 5 million of them were slaves. The south fough hard and did what they could do, but they were overwhelmed by impossible odds.

The reason most of the battles were fought in the south is because the south simply lacked the manpower and resources to wage distant battles. It was hopeless and doomed from the start. It was totally foolish for the south to start the war. It got a lot of people killed needlessly and accomplished nothing.

Then, after the war, just out of spite, the south immediately shifted from a shooting war into a war of ideas. Chief among them was racism. That's why the Civil War is still being fought in America.

We need it to end because it hurts us and holds us back from true progress.

And DO keep a lookout for those naked WHITE men on bicycles. They can be an unsightly nuisance AND cause frequent traffic jams and car accidents!
I don't get the idea of 'defund the police.'

How are we going to have law and order without police?

Are we to expect better policing if we spend less on training police?

Are lower-paid cops expected to do better work?

If we don't have police we should expect rampant traffic infractions, risk-taking and highway deaths. I don't see how that helps.

Without police, robberies, thefts and burglaries would increase.

Criminals would feel less restrained from carrying out ill will.

Policing needs to be better, more attuned to the needs of society, not defunded.

Take away some of the militarization and replace it with really smart training focused on building the trust of the community. That would make more sense to me.
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We never recovered from the Civil War.

The official war ended, and then immediately the fight went into a social struggle to repress blacks and glorify the Confederacy. That has never ended, and even though the people who began this struggle are all dead, we are still stuck with the hatred which was hatched then in an effort to justify southern slavery and the decision to launch into a totally needless, hurtful, and deadly war over nothing but stupid hatred. Racism is a stain that has marred the American cause of freedom and human rights.

Now we have our opportunity to forward our complete recovery from the Civil War.

And it came in the strangest way.

An oppressive hateful president, an insensitive cop, a black victim of police brutality.

This has become a moment.

It has become a movement. This movement has spread far beyond the American borders. There are Floyd protests all over the WORLD!

It is a chance to heal.

Yeah...….that must be true...…...that's why Trump's approval ratings with BLACKS has now risen to over 40%. The only ones that want race divisions and segregation are the one's promoting these riots as protests. The LEFT still takes the BLACK VOTE FOR GRANTED and assumes they are to stupid to realize that they have made more progress under Mr. Trump than they have over the past 50years. Yeah....according to the left, the blacks are to stupid to realize they are being played by the left.....not because the left cares about black lives....but to get their political power back that Mr. Trump is disassembling every day that he continues in office. :bigthink:
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Note who fired the first shot. It was the south. Lincoln could not have tried harder to prevent war.
Soooo, according to you, because one state, South Carolina, fired on a Federal fort but didn't kill anyone, that's justification to invade the South and kick off a war costing the lives of 2% of the American population?

Hello Dutch Uncle,

We need to move beyond such labels and recognize that as long as we keep the Civil War alive in rhetoric that it still hurts us.
Since you just did by putting the entire blame of the Civil War on the South, it looks like we're not beyone labels.
I don't get the idea of 'defund the police.'

How are we going to have law and order without police?

Are we to expect better policing if we spend less on training police?

Are lower-paid cops expected to to better work?

If we don't have police we should expect rampant traffic infractions, risk-taking and highway deaths. I don't see how that helps.

Without police, robberies, thefts and burglaries would increase.

Criminals would feel less restrained from carrying out ill will.

Policing needs to be better, more attuned to the needs of society, not defunded.

Take away some of the militarization and replace it with really smart training focused on building the trust of the community. That would make more sense to me.

because this is just a foreign backed coups against the rightful u.s. government, not a police reform movement. that's why it's confusing.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

An essential end to racism. Racism no longer exists at any level which presents a significant problem to society. Crushed to the point where people fear to speak of racial differences in any way which suggests any one race is superior to another. They fear to speak of itsuch because it is so roundly rejected that they know they will be ridiculed if they should utter a word of it.

Okay so how would you accomplish that?

Me? I'd eliminate all official racial references and laws currently in effect. This would mean there'd be no boxes like "What is your race: White / Caucasian, Black / African, Asian-Pacific Islander, etc." Gone. there's no need for the government or an employer to know.

I'd change school curricula to one that was America-centric. That is it would teach students they are American, not some hyphenated American. The hyphenated version would be seen as racist and wrong. You would no longer say "I'm Irish-American or I'm African-American..." instead it would be "I'm an American." We'd teach students American. That is English as Americans speak and write it. It might be called American-English some places, but in America, it's American.
We'd teach our kids American history and social norms not some globalist version. They can learn that later on in high school and college.

It wouldn't be to teach our children to be intolerant of other nations or races, but rather that they have a unique and uniting quality in being an American.

While we probably cannot eradicate all racism, we can and should immediately eradicate all government sanctioned and institutionalized racism like Affirmative Action. When someone talks about White Privilege or African-American studies, a person should look at the speaker with genuine curiosity and wonder what the hell they're talking about. Get rid of that stuff entirely.