Hello Geeko Sportivo,
I am still amazed at the hatred expressed towards Obama and his family. I never understood it. But then again, I never understood the hatred expressed towards the Clintons or Jimmy Carter either!
I think what we are dealing with are just hateful people!
There is one explanation propelling all that hatred.
It is big money and greed.
There are super-rich super-greedy people in this country who are so obsessed with wealth acquisition that they feel it is their God-given right to do anything to anybody in the effort to further their own wealth. That includes funding hatred through propaganda outlets. They do this because it divides the left and the right, gets the two sides fighting against one another, which prevents the left and the right from uniting against the corruption of big money influence over government.
The best thing we could possibly do is to educate the masses to the situation, foment the frame of mind which would allow the left and the right to unite against the corruption of big money in government.
I would suggest that the left and the right agree to unite against this common enemy first, eliminate that one thing that hurts both sides, then return to settling the other differences between the left and right.
It is OK to disagree, but the way to do that is to focus on why the ideas of your side are better. If your whole motivation is avoiding what you see as the downside of the other side, then that is what poisons debate.
Because of all this negativity, it allows the super-rich, powerful and greedy to co-opt the struggle to keep the two sides divided and fighting against each other, lest they focus their overwhelming combined numbers against the few who hold the most power.
Such an alliance between the American left and the American right is the one thing the super-rich and greedy power-junkies fear the most. That would be the one thing they could not control with all their wealth. The prospect terrifies them. It is why people like the Koch brothers fund so much propaganda.
It is remarkable that when the Floyd protests began, there was a day or two before things turned violent. That was the amount of time it took for the instigators to travel to the area after receiving their marching orders from the propaganda funders. Then, after it was made public knowledge that the violence was not associated with the protests, the violence dissipated. That's because it doesn't work when the public has the knowledge of what was really driving the violence.