T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
how about slaves with cotton gins. this is more of the neocon fascist delusion that progress naturally improves morality. moral problems must be addressed in an explicitly moral frame.
im tired of a this globalist libertarian horseshit.
Cotton gins require a certain amount of skilled labor and only in limited quantities. To get that, paid labor is far better than risking expensive machinery with slave labor.
My stating this shows once more, the progression of history and technology--something I publish articles on regularly-- The reason slaves existed in most early societies is they were the most flexible, cost effective, and efficient labor force available. Horses and the use of wagons, etc., required that the invention of a efficient harness and wagon system be made. That was a long time in coming. Horses as pack animals are really no more efficient than slaves in that while each horse can carry more, they also consume more in food and require regular maintenance and grooming. They also are not nearly as flexible in the tasks that can be assigned them. So, horses were less used simply because without harnesses and wagons they were inefficient.
Anyone who thinks slavery can be ended on moral grounds alone hasn't been paying attention. Slavery still exists today and for the same reasons. It is an economically viable alternative to those practicing it. I saw the version the Arabs use throughout the Middle East today first hand. They import laborers from Pakistan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, etc. They take these people's passports upon arrival and hold them. That means they can't leave the country. They also require an "exit visa" that costs something like 5 to 10 Dinar or so. Pay is based on performance of the full contract the laborer signed. Don't finish the contract, don't get paid. While in the country, they are kept in supervised quarters where they are fed and housed.
Abuse is not uncommon. I remember reading a case in Saudi Arabia where a rich woman pushed her maid off a third story balcony. The maid survived the fall but was badly injured. The family of the woman had the maid deported and didn't pay her because she didn't finish the contract. The woman didn't receive any legal punishment for the act. If that's not slavery, I don't know what is.