When Will We Recover From The Civil War? Now Is The Time.

Hello Nordberg,

Yeah. Rommel. Where's the statues of Rommel? Brilliant tactician. The Desert Fox.

Ask Germany. What about Cromwell? Edward Colston?

In the row over the statue of Cecil Rhodes, Oxford University's head has warned against "hiding our history".

Protesters want to pull down Oriel College's statue of the 19th century imperialist, saying it is a symbol of racism and imperialism.

But vice-chancellor Louise Richardson said the views of the past had to be seen in the context of the time.

"We need to confront our past, we need to learn from it," said Prof Richardson.

After the removal of the statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol attention has switched to other statues, including that of Cecil Rhodes in Oxford, commemorating the Victorian imperialist, businessman and funder of scholarships.

The statue belongs to Oriel College, rather than the university, and Prof Richardson said she did not want to give a "binary" view on whether to remove it.

But she gave no indication of backing protesters wanting to take down the statue, instead warning against trying to hide the past and calling for a recognition that views from the past needed to be judged in their historical context.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Go for it. Erase history and see what happens in 20-40 years. One thing I've learned is that cultures and languages change, but human nature has been the same for over 50,000 years.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioral_modernity#Late_Upper_Paleolithic_Model_ or_"Revolution"

How is removing statues and names of public holdings 'erasing history?'

History is pretty well documented.

Just do a search for videos on 'US Civil War,' or 'Slavery in the US.'

TONS of stuff comes up. And that's just online videos. History is well preserved. Statues are not required to preserve history.

Here is a commemorative marker that preserves history in s positive way:

Hello Dutch Uncle,

We're going to just have to agree to disagree on this one.

I am convinced it was a mistake to put up those statues, name all that stuff after rebels, and the sooner we right that wrong, the sooner we can really put the Civil War behind us.

I am curious.

Do you think we have completely recovered from the Civil War and slavery?

I do not.

If WE means the blue states then the answer is no. Liberal northerners constantly complain about how stupid and lazy we southerners are, but most of the institutionalized racism is in the northern states. When the north accepts we are all one nation and does something about police brutality in their cities then and only then will the war be over.
The left doesn’t want to put the Civil War behind us

Easing racial tensions is not good politics for democrats.

Their entire political ideology is predicated on there being a constant aggrieved class of people.
So when was the last official lynching that we need this law for?

We already beat the racist democrats once

Even under full racism lynching was never 'official', kid - the lynchers all moved into your police, obviously. As you know, the American parties have changed position, but I expect that is too hard for Nazis to understand, however much they love America and Trumpf in German.
Yeah, the confederates were great soldiers and deserve honors. I think we need to add statues for Onoda, and Yokoi who we're Japanese heroes that fought against us. There were many Germans who fought well in WW2. They deserve statues. All those soldiers were trying to end the America experiment. They fought well.

Hello Nordberg,

Yeah. Rommel. Where's the statues of Rommel? Brilliant tactician. The Desert Fox.

Here are a couple. One is his suicide memorial. He drank poison to save his family from the fanatic Nazis.


Even under full racism lynching was never 'official', kid - the lynchers all moved into your police, obviously. As you know, the American parties have changed position, but I expect that is too hard for Nazis to understand, however much they love America and Trumpf in German.

I love the "racists switched parties" narrative even though it has been debunked

But, even if it is true how does that absolve the democrat party?

Using today's cancel culture the democrat party should be dissolved since it was the party of the KKK. If any Republicans had balls they would introduce an Amendment to disband the democrat party for being the founders of the KKK
Sorry, man, but you still don't get it. Yes, those statues were put up by people pissed off about the Civil War and a Federal government jamming specials rules down the throats of certain American citizens. So what? Now they can be used to teach the history of racism....well, we could until the Democrats destroyed them. Now what? It's like I posted: a short paragraph in a history book and then moving on to Vietnam.

That is not how the statues are used. They are symbols of pride in the southern soldiers who fought to destroy America.
The left doesn’t want to put the Civil War behind us

Easing racial tensions is not good politics for democrats.

Their entire political ideology is predicated on there being a constant aggrieved class of people.

C'mon, if you are really in the south, you know who is hanging on to the civil war. It is you southerners. If you really gave up the war, you would not care about those statues. You southerners are fighting for confed flags and statues because you have moved on? WTF. Make sense.
We don't need statues to preserve the history of the south. That has been well preserved in lynchings, hatred and racial discrimination.

There is hardly a southern state without a Lee County, or a Jefferson Davis County

Louisiana does not have either one.

But they have no counties at all.

They have a Jefferson Davis Parish.
C'mon, if you are really in the south, you know who is hanging on to the civil war. It is you southerners. If you really gave up the war, you would not care about those statues. You southerners are fighting for confed flags and statues because you have moved on? WTF. Make sense.

So if the statues go then what?

What will satisfy you woke folk?

Can you just tell us once and for all what will shut you the fuck up?
So if the statues go then what?

What will satisfy you woke folk?

Can you just tell us once and for all what will shut you the fuck up?

I am not for removing statues. I see them as sculpture and some are very well done. I just understand why others feel that way. It is a salute to people who were treasonously fighting to destroy the US for slavery. I do not see that as admirable. Put disclaimers on the statues saying they were in honor or traitors.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

How is removing statues and names of public holdings 'erasing history?'

History is pretty well documented.

Just do a search for videos on 'US Civil War,' or 'Slavery in the US.'

TONS of stuff comes up. And that's just online videos. History is well preserved. Statues are not required to preserve history.

Here is a commemorative marker that preserves history in s positive way:

Obviously the events of the Civil War are still in the history books. All the library geeks will know all the battles of the Civil War, but the public won't. Removing statues is erasing history because it erases the Civil War from the public mind. A park with a General on a horse ceases to be a conversation point, a point of reflection and simply becomes a flower garden where people can quietly read their Facebook page on a bench.
The Civil War ends when white America is a minority that has lost it's grip on political power.
And the monster Capitalism has been defeated