Where should the line be drawn...

The fact his house was 6 houses down and he had a 4 minute head start.

Zimmermans statements which passed a lie detector test, and which experienced investigators backed up by decades of experience (and as witnesses on behalf of the state) all agreed that zimmerman was being truthful.

Trayvon being on the record for saying he has been involved with fights before, and someone even texting him to be taught how to fight.

I bet you couldn't even name the lead homicide investigator desh. You didn't pay attention to this case at all.

Dude, you should list your expertise in this case on your resume. That'd be dope.

Edit: And at any job interview you should ask them to quiz you.
Dude, you should list your expertise in this case on your resume. That'd be dope.

Edit: And at any job interview you should ask them to quiz you.

dude i know. I like being familiar with things I give opinions about, unlike some others on here.
dude i know. I like being familiar with things I give opinions about, unlike some others on here.

Yeah, but like, "I bet you couldn't even name the lead homicide investigator desh" has to be far and away the douchiest thing I've ever read or heard someone assering superior knowledge of a particular subject matter say or write and I've been to, like, several Star Trek conventions.
I know it's not admissible in court, though I do think it lends some weight, especially when taking everything else into account.

someone reaches for a cell phone and you punch them? Is this something you would do in your life?

if his behavior was so threatening trayvon wouldn't have lied in wait for him. There was plenty of time for him to simply saunter off.

Trayvon enjoyed fighting. He was someone that has a history of fighting, likes fighting, and had others texting him asking him to teach them how to fight. Sounds like his actions were like those that someone that loves fighting would use as an excuse.

Thankfully for Zimmerman though, his own statements passed a lie detector test, and multiple investigators backed up with decades of experience all said that they thought he was truthful. A jury agreed upon by both parties also concurred and found him not guilty.

A lie detector lends no weight. They are pseudo science garbage.

You keep dropping context. If after someone has been following me, I fled he continued to follow me and then in a confrontation he starts reaching for his pockets (how am I to know he's going for a cellphone) yes I might punch him.

There is no proof Martin lied in wait for Zimmerman.

From what I understand, Serino wanted to charge him.
The fact his house was 6 houses down and he had a 4 minute head start.

Zimmermans statements which passed a lie detector test, and which experienced investigators backed up by decades of experience (and as witnesses on behalf of the state) all agreed that zimmerman was being truthful.

Trayvon being on the record for saying he has been involved with fights before, and someone even texting him to be taught how to fight.

I bet you couldn't even name the lead homicide investigator desh. You didn't pay attention to this case at all.

They did not ask Zimmerman if Martin lied in wait for him.
I am not really interested in going over your lies.

I think its nuts to say that someone should be able to instigate a fight with verbal abuse and or threats and then kill the victim when they respond.
The fact his house was 6 houses down and he had a 4 minute head start.

Zimmermans statements which passed a lie detector test, and which experienced investigators backed up by decades of experience (and as witnesses on behalf of the state) all agreed that zimmerman was being truthful.

Trayvon being on the record for saying he has been involved with fights before, and someone even texting him to be taught how to fight.

I bet you couldn't even name the lead homicide investigator desh. You didn't pay attention to this case at all.

he thought he lost the creepys assed cracker.

he was standing outside to talk to his friend on the phone.

I guess your fine with BLACK kids NOT being safe while they do things white kids do all the time.
I guess it deends on what color you are in Florida, a black teenager is dead, his killer is not guilty, a black woman fires a gun over the head of her abusive mate and she gets jail time.

1) She also was committing a felony at the time she fired the weapon... which given Florida's laws means a mandatory sentence.
2) The 'felony' apparently was going back to her former home to get some of her possessions at a time she thought her ex was gone. He was there, she then walked out, went to her car to get the gun and then went back into the house. She then tried to use stand your ground a defense (something Zimmerman did not do by the way).
if they start violently assaulting you when you have done nothing illegal, then I believe you should have the right to use deadly force.

Never proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Trayvon initiated the fight. George's recall on many issues was very poor, maybe he left ome things out as well, but you keep repeating it as if there was solid evidence.
Yeah, but like, "I bet you couldn't even name the lead homicide investigator desh" has to be far and away the douchiest thing I've ever read or heard someone assering superior knowledge of a particular subject matter say or write and I've been to, like, several Star Trek conventions.

well it's a very popular name. not knowing it would be a good indicator one did not follow the case.
if they start violently assaulting you when you have done nothing illegal, then I believe you should have the right to use deadly force.

Okay, so if you have a chance to get away without killing, should you take that over the killing?
I am not really interested in going over your lies.

I think its nuts to say that someone should be able to instigate a fight with verbal abuse and or threats and then kill the victim when they respond.

it depends if what they are saying is legal or not. You apparently believe you get to beat the shit out of someone that uses words. Not that any of that matters in the context of the zimmerman trial which this OP is obviously alluding to.
I am not really interested in going over your lies.

I think its nuts to say that someone should be able to instigate a fight with verbal abuse and or threats and then kill the victim when they respond.

it's what the evidence supports given how much time had passed. Trayvon might have walked away and then walked back to the intersection, or maybe he just stumbled upon him and decided to initiate the violent confrontation. At the end of the day every indicator we have suggests trayvon started the violent assault which lead to his death.
as for "should someone shouldn't be able to beat the shit out of someone or attack someone that doesn't do anything illegal" that's my personal opinion, along with what the law says.
A lie detector lends no weight. They are pseudo science garbage.

no it's not. there is a reason why police all over the nation continue to use them. The vast majority of people will have their heart rate raise from baseline, their breathing level with change when they are lying, etc.

Can people fool them? Sure. But I sure don't know how to fool a lie detector test. And I have no doubt in my mind how many people would be talking about lie detectors had zimmerman failed it.

You keep dropping context. If after someone has been following me, I fled he continued to follow me and then in a confrontation he starts reaching for his pockets (how am I to know he's going for a cellphone) yes I might punch him.

Well this thread started as asking for someones opinion, so I gave my opinion. I said that I would not initiate a violent conflict against someone that hadn't done anything illegal. That's just me. That's also what the law says too which is determined by the people who elect their representatives.
I know it's not admissible in court, though I do think it lends some weight, especially when taking everything else into account.

someone reaches for a cell phone and you punch them? Is this something you would do in your life?

Most would...you gun nuts however would simply pull your surrogate penis and shoot anyone who scares you.

if his behavior was so threatening trayvon wouldn't have lied in wait for him. There was plenty of time for him to simply saunter off.

complete and total speculation...it's cute how you want to pretend your FEELINGS count for anything.

Trayvon enjoyed fighting. He was someone that has a history of fighting, likes fighting, and had others texting him asking him to teach them how to fight. Sounds like his actions were like those that someone that loves fighting would use as an excuse.

More baseless speculation...Grind once again pretending his FEELINGS count for anything.

Thankfully for Zimmerman though, his own statements passed a lie detector test, and multiple investigators backed up with decades of experience all said that they thought he was truthful. A jury agreed upon by both parties also concurred and found him not guilty.

WOW...so Grind and "multiple investigators" think anyone cares what their FEELINGS are regarding this case. Not a one of the investigators was allowed to testify under oath about anything they "thought", that couldn't be backed up with proof.
no it's not. there is a reason why police all over the nation continue to use them. The vast majority of people will have their heart rate raise from baseline, their breathing level with change when they are lying, etc.

Can people fool them? Sure. But I sure don't know how to fool a lie detector test. And I have no doubt in my mind how many people would be talking about lie detectors had zimmerman failed it.

Well this thread started as asking for someones opinion, so I gave my opinion. I said that I would not initiate a violent conflict against someone that hadn't done anything illegal. That's just me. That's also what the law says too which is determined by the people who elect their representatives.

There's also a reason why they are INADMISSABLE in court.