Worst. President. Ever.
Not worse than Bush II or Obama.
Worst. President. Ever.
You didn't say "down", you said "sucking". I would say no damage done at all.
I said this...
The DJI down for the year.
The S&P down for the year.
The NASDAQ is up by 50 points...for the year.
The Russell 2000 is down for the year.
But even it if is even for the year...that still sucks. Zero growth for an entire year is bad, unless you are a brain dead partisan sheep.
Not worse than Bush II or Obama.
Stop it boy. You used the word "sucking" which is what I responded to. Own your shit or fuck off little prog bitch.
Yes...much, much worse.
Donald Trump ranked as the worst President in US history - according to leftist loons
"According to leftist loons, Donald Trump is the worst President in US history. What do you guys think?
Donald Trump ranks as the worst president in United States history, according to a survey of Marxist morons.
All presidents were ranked in the 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey. Experts part of the Presidents and Leftist Loonery Section of the American Leftist Loon Association were asked to rank each president on a scale of 0-100.
Trump was given the lowest average score for no apparent reason, other than severe TDS – 12.34. Abraham Lincoln"
Would you rank him above or below Hillary, Obama etc
No, Trump has not done anything worse than invading Iraq or pushing through ObamaCare.
Worst. President. Ever.
Donald Trump ranked as the worst President in US history - according to political scientists
"According to political scientists, Donald Trump is the worst President in US history. What do you guys think?
Donald Trump ranks as the worst president in United States history, according to a survey of political scientists.
All presidents were ranked in the 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey. Experts part of the Presidents and Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association were asked to rank each president on a scale of 0-100.
Trump earned the lowest average score – 12.34. Abraham Lincoln"
Would you rank him above or below Hillary, Obama etc
Trump conspired with Russia to win theand ease sanctions so he could personally profit by getting a Trump Tower Moscow.
Obamacare wasn't bad at all. 24,000,000 people gained coverage and there isn't one single, legitimate victim of the ACA. NOT ONE.
First, Trump did not conspire to win the election, though he is profiting greatly from winning it.
He most certainly did conspire and it was quid-pro-quo; he runs for President with Russia's support, and then eases sanctions when he wins. In exchange for that, Putin will give him permission to build a Trump Tower Moscow, and Trump will give Putin a $50M penthouse as thanks.
When this is what is ultimately revealed, you're not going to be able to change your position.
You set your own lifeboat ablaze.
So you can delete this account and create another new one that re-positions yourself.
Donald Trump ranked as the worst President in US history - according to political scientists
"According to political scientists, Donald Trump is the worst President in US history. What do you guys think?
Donald Trump ranks as the worst president in United States history, according to a survey of political scientists.
All presidents were ranked in the 2018 Presidents and Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey. Experts part of the Presidents and Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association were asked to rank each president on a scale of 0-100.
Trump earned the lowest average score – 12.34. Abraham Lincoln"
Would you rank him above or below Hillary, Obama etc
Too soon to tell. Better than Obama and Bush II, but they are two of the worst so that it not saying much.
His first year when all he did was golf and hold pep rallies I rated him higher, but now that he started making decisions and the markets are sucking...he is dropping fast.
Middle finger to those who say he's better than President Obama. They have absolutely NO credibility.
stagnant for the year is sucking. Zero growth for the year is sucking.
no matter how you try and spin it...the markets have sucked this year
Trump has been in office 22 months now; the Market is up 4,978 points since his inauguration. How does it suck again?