Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

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Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
I'll probably just vote AOL because they've been fun to pick-on for a long time. If there is some other failed site that produced a decent-sized wave, the mods have my permission to add to the poll.

Obviously, if you are not from P/FP (or JPP was your original site, even), then you are still dirt to patricians like me.

I'll probably just vote AOL because they've been fun to pick-on for a long time. If there is some other failed site that produced a decent-sized wave, the mods have my permission to add to the poll.

Obviously, if you are not from P/FP (or JPP was your original site, even), then you are still dirt to patricians like me.

What is P/FP?
The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye
I don't know how many aol refugees are here but I imagine this place was pretty slow sans all the new blood here. I don't think any wave is worse. I just voted to see the results. The more the merrier.
What is P/FP?

A lot of us started off on a site called Politics.com back in the early 2000s and later migrated to FullPolitics when the first site began to die.

After further board turmoil we demanded a little lebensraum and Damo obliged by setting this place up.

Seventeen years later and we've still barely learned to communicate with each other.
TI mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye

Free speech doesn't mean popular or nice speech. Anything less than free speech isn't free speech.
A lot of us started off on a site called Politics.com back in the early 2000s and later migrated to FullPolitics when the first site began to die.

After further board turmoil we demanded a little lebensraum and Damo obliged by setting this place up.

Seventeen years later and we've still barely learned to communicate with each other.

It's hard to imagine I've known some of you guys longer than i have my wife.

Anyways to the OP the AOL crowd is the worst.
A lot of us started off on a site called Politics.com back in the early 2000s and later migrated to FullPolitics when the first site began to die.

After further board turmoil we demanded a little lebensraum and Damo obliged by setting this place up.

Seventeen years later and we've still barely learned to communicate with each other.

Yet we're still together, like a family.

The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye

You were doing well there until you insisted that racism is a right wing ideology lol
I'll probably just vote AOL because they've been fun to pick-on for a long time. If there is some other failed site that produced a decent-sized wave, the mods have my permission to add to the poll.

Obviously, if you are not from P/FP (or JPP was your original site, even), then you are still dirt to patricians like me.


I don't know how long I've been here, honestly.

Yeah, this batch sucks. It's like a schoolyard just let out.