Well, then allow me to say you are one of the few conservatives I have actually seen make an effort to disavow our merry band of Stormfronters. Good on ya.
And let me also get it on record that I find it reprehensible when a lefty calls Melania a whore/c*nt. I don't believe you will ever find me denigrate Melania, and you never will.
You know, I am from the era when Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and Gerald Ford called each other their "esteemed opponent". Now, tricky Dick Nixon could get as dirty as any mentally unstable JPP poster ever has, but I miss those days in politics, and on certain message boards, when there was an atmosphere of relative dignity and manners.
The only time anyone is going to cross me, is if they diss the Grateful Dead, Cawacko. Cause them's fightin' words!