Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

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Politics.com! That takes me back. I remember you couldn't bump a thread - if an intense debate got going, you'd have to follow the thread as it kept descending through the pages.

I wonder how many posters are still here from that site.

The early naughties, eh? Remember the stupid clothes we wore whilst listening to the popular music charts we'd just downloaded from Napsters, on our wooden iPods? Thems were the days.

However, the more things change the more things stay the same, as a wise old crone may have muttered at some point in history, only to be quickly denounced as a witch and burned at the stake. Anyway, here's someone complaining about the childish nature of the Politics.com board, back in 2003.

Sorry the screenshot is a bit shite. I can't be bothered to do it again but it's here (points down) if you want to relive the old memories.



Oh, and there's some chap called 'Grind' giving his opinion, a little further down the thread, to boot.
The early naughties, eh? Remember the stupid clothes we wore whilst listening to the popular music charts we'd just downloaded from Napsters, on our wooden iPods? Thems were the days.

However, the more things change the more things stay the same, as a wise old crone may have muttered at some point in history, only to be quickly denounced as a witch and burned at the stake. Anyway, here's someone complaining about the childish nature of the Politics.com board, back in 2003.

Sorry the screenshot is a bit shite. I can't be bothered to do it again but it's here (points down) if you want to relive the old memories.



Oh, and there's some chap called 'Grind' giving his opinion, a little further down the thread, to boot.

Sounds almost like where JPP is headed.

The early naughties, eh? Remember the stupid clothes we wore whilst listening to the popular music charts we'd just downloaded from Napsters, on our wooden iPods? Thems were the days.

However, the more things change the more things stay the same, as a wise old crone may have muttered at some point in history, only to be quickly denounced as a witch and burned at the stake. Anyway, here's someone complaining about the childish nature of the Politics.com board, back in 2003.

Sorry the screenshot is a bit shite. I can't be bothered to do it again but it's here (points down) if you want to relive the old memories.



Oh, and there's some chap called 'Grind' giving his opinion, a little further down the thread, to boot.

if you hover over my username and look in the status bar you can see my userid = 85 which means I was one of the first hundred on the iteration of that site. that's how old school I am.
Cypress must not recall how bad things really were on P.Com. Even at the height of IHA lobbing C-bombs at all of the JPP women, we were still a more civil/mature community than P.Com. I was a sheltered youth, and that site added a reference library to my list of racist slurs (I basically only knew the N word, and the slurs used in American wars throughout history. In fact, I didn't yet even know the C word.).

I defer to your judgement on p.com, because I think I was only on p.com for a few months before it cratered and the subsequent migration to fp.
My recollection of fp and the early days of jpp might be rose colored, but I don't remember a bunch of stormfronters, personal vendettas, and cynicism at that time. I thought everyone, for the most part, was pretty civilized to each other. I mean, I thought Dixie was about as bad as it got, he being kind of a confederate throw back, but even Dixie seems civil by todays message board standards.
I defer to your judgement on p.com, because I think I was only on p.com for a few months before it cratered and the subsequent migration to fp.
My recollection of fp and the early days of jpp might be rose colored, but I don't remember a bunch of stormfronters, personal vendettas, and cynicism at that time. I thought everyone, for the most part, was pretty civilized to each other. I mean, I thought Dixie was about as bad as it got, he being kind of a confederate throw back, but even Dixie seems civil by todays message board standards.

I agree about FP. The trolling there, in contrast to P.Com, was quite tame. I thoroughly enjoyed a thread when three trolls, all proclaiming to be different gods, got into a pissing contest. The first year of JPP was about the same.
The early naughties, eh? Remember the stupid clothes we wore whilst listening to the popular music charts we'd just downloaded from Napsters, on our wooden iPods? Thems were the days.

However, the more things change the more things stay the same, as a wise old crone may have muttered at some point in history, only to be quickly denounced as a witch and burned at the stake. Anyway, here's someone complaining about the childish nature of the Politics.com board, back in 2003.

Sorry the screenshot is a bit shite. I can't be bothered to do it again but it's here (points down) if you want to relive the old memories.



Oh, and there's some chap called 'Grind' giving his opinion, a little further down the thread, to boot.

Ah, damn, I remember ILikeBoobs!!

Well, if 15 years ago is a few, then, you got me. C bombs are more of a British thing, as every Brit I've encountered has demonstrated to me. As an American kid, we just said "fuck" every other word.

Perhaps "cunt" is the british word for "fuck". Both were strictly forbidden when I was a kid. Although my parents and their friends swore on occasion, "shit" was the extent of it, and I wasn't allowed to utter even that until I was financially independent. The culture is coarsening.
The early naughties, eh? Remember the stupid clothes we wore whilst listening to the popular music charts we'd just downloaded from Napsters, on our wooden iPods? Thems were the days.

However, the more things change the more things stay the same, as a wise old crone may have muttered at some point in history, only to be quickly denounced as a witch and burned at the stake. Anyway, here's someone complaining about the childish nature of the Politics.com board, back in 2003.

Sorry the screenshot is a bit shite. I can't be bothered to do it again but it's here (points down) if you want to relive the old memories.



Oh, and there's some chap called 'Grind' giving his opinion, a little further down the thread, to boot.

Who keeps shit like this?
The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye

You were making a good point until you made it partisan. Again it's this whole "us" vs "them" mentality that people foster. What we can do is control how we carry ourselves and how we respond and react to people.
Perhaps "cunt" is the british word for "fuck". Both were strictly forbidden when I was a kid. Although my parents and their friends swore on occasion, "shit" was the extent of it, and I wasn't allowed to utter even that until I was financially independent. The culture is coarsening.

you are correct. "cunt" in Britain does not have the same meaning it does here
Perhaps "cunt" is the british word for "fuck". Both were strictly forbidden when I was a kid. Although my parents and their friends swore on occasion, "shit" was the extent of it, and I wasn't allowed to utter even that until I was financially independent. The culture is coarsening.
You've called women cunts before now, I only use against men, apart from Darla, who is a tranny anyway.
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You were making a good point until you made it partisan. Again it's this whole "us" vs "them" mentality that people foster. What we can do is control how we carry ourselves and how we respond and react to people.
He always does that, every post of his will end up a diatribe against anyone he perceives to be to the right of him politically.
you are correct. "cunt" in Britain does not have the same meaning it does here
I use it primarily because of that. As I've already said repeatedly it is not usually used by men on women, it's mainly used by men to other men. You lot had better not go to Ireland or Australia, or if you do, make sure to bring some smelling salts as it is everyday parlance.
I use it primarily because of that. As I've already said repeatedly it is not usually used by men on women, it's mainly used by men to other men. You lot had better not go to Ireland or Australia, or if you do, make sure to bring some smelling salts as it is everyday parlance.

There's nothing wrong with a little cunt every now and again.

As usual, cuntext is everything.
Perhaps "cunt" is the british word for "fuck". Both were strictly forbidden when I was a kid. Although my parents and their friends swore on occasion, "shit" was the extent of it, and I wasn't allowed to utter even that until I was financially independent. The culture is coarsening.

There's nothing wrong with a little cunt every now and again.

As usual, cuntext is everything.
Well there's good cunts, bad cunts, little cunts, nasty cunts, slimy cunts, sick cunts, sad cunts and effing cunts just for starters.

My youngest son lives near Milton Street EC2, which was once called Gropecunt Lane. Trump would have been very happy down there.

Now that you mention "little cunt". It's good to have you back, even with that truly appalling pun.
Well there's good cunts, bad cunts, little cunts, nasty cunts, slimy cunts, sick cunts, sad cunts and effing cunts just for starters.

My youngest son lives near Milton Street EC2, which was once called Gropecunt Lane. Trump would have been very happy down there.

Now that you mention "little cunt". It's good to have you back, even with that truly appalling pun.

Why thank you, Tom.

Although, i don't know how long i'll stay around yet. Truth be told, i've not really got the enthusiasm for it anymore.

Trump is writing his own grade-A material and celebrating cancer deaths just doesn't do it for me these days.
You've called women cunts before now, I only use against men, apart from Darla, who is a tranny anyway.

True, I have become somewhat coarse along with society as a whole. I have, however, limited my cunt-calling to women who have called others "skank". So there's that.
One of the best riddles of all time, considered "edgey" back in the day:

What is the name of the intellectual female pygmy track team?
"Cunning little runts."