Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

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The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye

:good4u: Very well said.
Cypress must not recall how bad things really were on P.Com. Even at the height of IHA lobbing C-bombs at all of the JPP women, we were still a more civil/mature community than P.Com. I was a sheltered youth, and that site added a reference library to my list of racist slurs (I basically only knew the N word, and the slurs used in American wars throughout history. In fact, I didn't yet even know the C word.).
Cypress must not recall how bad things really were on P.Com. Even at the height of IHA lobbing C-bombs at all of the JPP women, we were still a more civil/mature community than P.Com. I was a sheltered youth, and that site added a reference library to my list of racist slurs (I basically only knew the N word, and the slurs used in American wars throughout history. In fact, I didn't yet even know the C word.).

He's forgetting what the early internet was, because he is a useless Boomer and always thinks the new world is worse.
I'm calling bullshit on this. I was introduced to the C word in elementary school. No way 3D learned only a few years ago, unless he's now only graduating high school.
I'm calling bullshit on this. I was introduced to the C word in elementary school. No way 3D learned only a few years ago, unless he's now only graduating high school.

Well, if 15 years ago is a few, then, you got me. C bombs are more of a British thing, as every Brit I've encountered has demonstrated to me. As an American kid, we just said "fuck" every other word.
The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye

I agree w/ your description of many ppl visiting boards but I was around when AOL was first starting as well as the Mac board.. Been on many boards since but I do recall it was horrid @ AOL back then as there were no mods & ppl were pretty ugly & nothing prevented them from letting it all out.. Same w/ the Bill Maher board till they hired some piss poor mods & many left..

AWE (arguewitheveryone) was probably the worst of the modern boards IMHO as it was essentially still not moderated @ all up till their last year or so, but by then it was to late & they were in a downward spiral... Many great posters there as well as way to many swine & others so low as not worthy of mention.......

I thought most of the new ppl came from USMESSAGE BOARD??

I agree w/ your description of many ppl visiting boards but I was around when AOL was first starting as well as the Mac board.. Been on many boards since but I do recall it was horrid @ AOL back then as there were no mods & ppl were pretty ugly & nothing prevented them from letting it all out.. Same w/ the Bill Maher board till they hired some piss poor mods & many left..

AWE (arguewitheveryone) was probably the worst of the modern boards IMHO as it was essentially still not moderated @ all up till their last year or so, but by then it was to late & they were in a downward spiral... Many great posters there as well as way to many swine & others so low as not worthy of mention.......

I thought most of the new ppl came from USMESSAGE BOARD??


Not sure where the new ones are from, don't really care.

I can only speak to my message board adventures, but the original crew at fp and the early days of jpp, and a couple other boards I visited were pretty civil for the most part, and largely self-policing. I remember very little tolerance for flagrant racism - you know, the kind of category 5 maelstrom of racism that now happens here now on a daily basis, without TeaBaggers as much as batting an eye.

My observation is that, to some extent, these boards have descended into cynicism, nihilism, resentment, petty vendettas, and flagrant racism and misogyny. I will admit I perhaps missed a lot of hillbilly shit and cynicism before. I generally just tend to scroll past crap to read the posters I find to be compelling, well spoken, funny, or interesting. Maybe I am just naïve!
A lot of us started off on a site called Politics.com back in the early 2000s and later migrated to FullPolitics when the first site began to die.

After further board turmoil we demanded a little lebensraum and Damo obliged by setting this place up.

Seventeen years later and we've still barely learned to communicate with each other.

Politics.com! That takes me back. I remember you couldn't bump a thread - if an intense debate got going, you'd have to follow the thread as it kept descending through the pages.

I wonder how many posters are still here from that site.
Not sure where the new ones are from, don't really care.

I can only speak to my message board adventures, but the original crew at fp and the early days of jpp, and a couple other boards I visited were pretty civil for the most part, and largely self-policing. I remember very little tolerance for flagrant racism - you know, the kind of category 5 maelstrom of racism that now happens here now on a daily basis, without TeaBaggers as much as batting an eye.

My observation is that, to some extent, these boards have descended into cynicism, nihilism, resentment, petty vendettas, and flagrant racism and misogyny. I will admit I perhaps missed a lot of hillbilly shit and cynicism before. I generally just tend to scroll past crap to read the posters I find to be compelling, well spoken, funny, or interesting. Maybe I am just naïve!

I have been on boards that were pretty much self-policing (usually smaller ones) but that can only work so far. If you get a serious troll or some other kinda asshole, someone is gonna have to get rid of them as the members can't & they know that.. Unfortunately that is the sole reason some of them visit a board, to just be an asshole..

What I liked about the self-policing aspect (& we saw that last week thanks to TDK) is it brings the locals together~puts them on the same side..

IMHO that(red highlight) has always been there & it always will.. THere is no way to stop it, it's what some ppl like to do.....

I noticed long ago that some ppl hate someone but they love to hate them, going to a message board to do so is what they live for/go there for... If that person leaves for whatever reason they have no reason or fewer reasons to go there.......

Here, as anywhere there are ppl that have hated on each other for years & years, it is a kinda sick symbiotic relationship they both seem to like & benefit from in some way..:dunno:
Politics.com! That takes me back. I remember you couldn't bump a thread - if an intense debate got going, you'd have to follow the thread as it kept descending through the pages.

I wonder how many posters are still here from that site.

Obviously the Trinity were all there. Brent used to troll that site mercilessly.

Politics.com! That takes me back. I remember you couldn't bump a thread - if an intense debate got going, you'd have to follow the thread as it kept descending through the pages.

I wonder how many posters are still here from that site.

not too many of us have the holy p-fp-jpp lineage.

We are the most noble blood. Our current ruling dynasty, the damoians, goes back to the beginning of political board time. the P-FP-JPP group has the most ancient blood. The most patrician of the classes.

Obviously, I am in this line.

off the top of my head we have:

Billy claims p-fp-jpp, I only remember him from FP, which goes back to 2005. Still pretty good. I think billy claims full lineage though :D
Rana was froggie for a bit on P i think, but she has mixed lineage with Aolers.
Moot the loser has it
Cypriss has it
Desh has it (and has retained her true name and title according to me)
Rstring the fake libertarian
Smarterthanyou (i think maybe)
Yaya (i.e. yurtles)
thing1 (lorax)

there are more i can't think of.
Cypress must not recall how bad things really were on P.Com. Even at the height of IHA lobbing C-bombs at all of the JPP women, we were still a more civil/mature community than P.Com. I was a sheltered youth, and that site added a reference library to my list of racist slurs (I basically only knew the N word, and the slurs used in American wars throughout history. In fact, I didn't yet even know the C word.).

I had to put liberals in their place. They are much more well behaved now.
Politics.com! That takes me back. I remember you couldn't bump a thread - if an intense debate got going, you'd have to follow the thread as it kept descending through the pages.

I wonder how many posters are still here from that site.
I started at FP, was also a member of Netscape, left it when AOL took over, found FP then moved here, tried USMB and DCJ, but didn't post there much
not too many of us have the holy p-fp-jpp lineage.

We are the most noble blood. Our current ruling dynasty, the damoians, goes back to the beginning of political board time. the P-FP-JPP group has the most ancient blood. The most patrician of the classes.

Obviously, I am in this line.

off the top of my head we have:

Billy claims p-fp-jpp, I only remember him from FP, which goes back to 2005. Still pretty good. I think billy claims full lineage though :D
Rana was froggie for a bit on P i think, but she has mixed lineage with Aolers.
Moot the loser has it
Cypriss has it
Desh has it (and has retained her true name and title according to me)
Rstring the fake libertarian
Smarterthanyou (i think maybe)
Yaya (i.e. yurtles)
thing1 (lorax)

there are more i can't think of.
You are correct, P was falling apart so I went to FP. I was on Netscape but left AOL because of posting of personal information.