Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

Which JPP Migration Wave is Worse?

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The drop in civility and manners has nothing to do with AOL or any other board.
Even among many of the original fp-jpp posters I have noticed a tangible drop in civility and manners. You would be surprised how seemingly well mannered people can devolve into foul mouthed, ill tempered, emotionally unstable, slandering, libeling, personal vendetta-pursuing, cynical goons.

I know teenagers and children with better manners than some adult message boarders.

I think it is a phenomena more broadly: the internet has bred, and provides safe harbor, for the worst instincts in humans who are too weak to exercise self-control. And I think it is worse now than it was ten or fifteen years ago. Part of it is the safety of an anonymous keyboard, part of it is lack of moderation, and part of it is the general acceptance of posters and moderators to tolerate racism, misogyny, and lying. I mean, these days when a rightwing message board poster calls black people n****ger or women c**ts, their fellow rightwing posters will provide safe harbor for it and will barely bat an eye
Aside from what you mentioned, I've found that some boards are set up by people who intend to grow it as large as they can, and use the numbers as a marketing ploy.

It doesn't matter if 75% of the 'members' have less than 50 posts. It looks good on paper. That translates to a gross lack of moderation (not that that's a bad thing)with absolutely no lines that cannot be crossed.

Even here, the pedophile rule is a legal thing. Otherwise it would be perfectly acceptable.

You also find professional trolls who actually get paid to post on boards. They're probably the worst, because they find no need to attempt to bolster a position with fact. It's just the talking point d'jour.

What I've never been able to accomplish, is to get people to put the idiots on ignore. Some of us have tried over the years, which would essentially leave the idiots to post to themselves. It fails because there's always someone who just can't resist poking them with a stick.
Well, then allow me to say you are one of the few conservatives I have actually seen make an effort to disavow our merry band of Stormfronters. Good on ya.

And let me also get it on record that I find it reprehensible when a lefty calls Melania a whore/c*nt. I don't believe you will ever find me denigrate Melania, and you never will.

You know, I am from the era when Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and Gerald Ford called each other their "esteemed opponent". Now, tricky Dick Nixon could get as dirty as any mentally unstable JPP poster ever has, but I miss those days in politics, and on certain message boards, when there was an atmosphere of relative dignity and manners.

The only time anyone is going to cross me, is if they diss the Grateful Dead, Cawacko. Cause them's fightin' words!
Then I'm sure you love my username and sig.
Well, then allow me to say you are one of the few conservatives I have actually seen make an effort to disavow our merry band of Stormfronters. Good on ya.

And let me also get it on record that I find it reprehensible when a lefty calls Melania a whore/c*nt. I don't believe you will ever find me denigrate Melania, and you never will.

You know, I am from the era when Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and Gerald Ford called each other their "esteemed opponent". Now, tricky Dick Nixon could get as dirty as any mentally unstable JPP poster ever has, but I miss those days in politics, and on certain message boards, when there was an atmosphere of relative dignity and manners.

The only time anyone is going to cross me, is if they diss the Grateful Dead, Cawacko. Cause them's fightin' words!

Well, the political discourse in America was always going to erode, given that basic decency was challenged by the way "free speech" was asserted and defined in the movements of the 60s and 70s.
I believe the issue is the right wing media. THey have totally misinformed the Republican base. So it is little wonder no civil debate can occur. Hannity, Fox and Limbaugh and now the new Potus has taught the right that it is perfectly acceptable to bald faced lie.
When you debate opponent can stand there picking his nose while denying he is doing it, it is impossible to maintain a civil conversation. It is partisan in its nature. You expect the left to treat them with respect when they offer nothing but lies and denials of everything.

"It didn't happen, but if if it did, it's unimportant, and even if it is important, someone else once did it, ok if that was not quite the same, yes it was. And your source wasn't Fox, so it's fake, even if its scientific fact" Lather rinse repeat.

Why treat assholes and idiots with respect? I don't respect them. Why lie about it, especially when they act like kids. Call them what they are without reading their content ignore the lot of them, and talk to those who share reality.
I think it is more than just that..

IMHO they are a result, pimping it & making good $$

There now are special interests (thnX SCOTUS) on steroids that threaten politicans w/ massive campaigns against them if they don't carry their water........

Not only do they make these threats, they are fully capable of launching campaigns against them..

What began w/ the dirty newt back in the 90's-war on the other party @ any cost to the AMerican ppl, has now lead to bipartisanship on the least of matter as treason......

I don't see this ever stopping as long as the SCOTUS allows massive infusions of money to & AGAINST American politicians who rely so heavenly on money..