White Christian nationalists are poised to remake America in their image during Trump’s second term,

The massive horde of Bubba's armed with Whitifier Rayguns are coming to get you! You are doomed to become White, and Vote for Trump, Forever!

Christian nationalists want America to be a Christian nation. Did MLK Jr want that?
"Christian Nationalist" is a term the left has been hammering into the heads of the easily swayed for ages. Individually, the words are okay, but put them together, and suddenly, in the minds of drones, it's code for RACIST. Wild, right? MLK Jr. recognized America as a Christian nation and, like many great historical figures, advocated for Christian ideals to be woven into our government and laws. Christians played a massive role in the fight against slavery, which the Democrats nearly derailed with their fierce opposition. If you're up for it, let's explore the real meaning behind the Separation of Church and State, and hey, we can delve into slavery too. You might pick up some knowledge and develop a new respect for our rich history. What do you say?
"Christian Nationalist" is a term the left has been hammering into the heads of the easily swayed for ages. Individually, the words are okay, but put them together, and suddenly, in the minds of drones, it's code for RACIST. Wild, right? MLK Jr. recognized America as a Christian nation and, like many great historical figures, advocated for Christian ideals to be woven into our government and laws. Christians played a massive role in the fight against slavery, which the Democrats nearly derailed with their fierce opposition. If you're up for it, let's explore the real meaning behind the Separation of Church and State, and hey, we can delve into slavery too. You might pick up some knowledge and develop a new respect for our rich history. What do you say?
MLK Jr never recognized America as a Christian nation. If he did, what denomination?

He respected the separation.

Christians played a massive role in the fight against doesn't make it so.
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.