Who are some of your favorite guitarists all-time, in any music genre?

Mike Bloomfield, the one Dylan called the “greatest guitar player,” earn his respect coming up thru the actual Chicago Blues scene, a rarity for any rock guitar player, also a victim of drugs, not a rarity for any rock person

Nothing like a guy who can't play guitar telling you who is the best. That's like Trump analyzing Tiger's golf.
Not the greatest (that's always debatable), but at the age of 23 and at that time, this was one of the best live recordings (IMHO it still is).

Back in the day, everyone had this album and Dark Side Of The Moon...
Mike Bloomfield, the one Dylan called the “greatest guitar player,” earn his respect coming up thru the actual Chicago Blues scene, a rarity for any rock guitar player, also a victim of drugs, not a rarity for any rock person

Thanks for mentioning him, he WAS a great guitarist.:cool:
I hear people say so-and-so is a better guitar player than so-and-so all the time. And I mostly hear this from people who are not even guitar players or true music fans.

It's like arguing about who the prettiest woman in the world is.

The truth is, when you master your craft, there isn't anyone better than you! Once you become a master at the guitar, you can then legitimately be compared to the very best in the field.

People are going to choose someone in their Genre of music they listen to, to be their favorite or, best in their opinion, guitar players.

Here is one such master who is also an actress, but her career is that of being one of the very best guitar players in the world.
The Beautiful Charo is 78 years old, still as beautiful as she ever was, and still one of the finest guitar players on the planet.

I hear people say so-and-so is a better guitar player than so-and-so all the time. And I mostly hear this from people who are not even guitar players or true music fans.

It's like arguing about who the prettiest woman in the world is.

The truth is, when you master your craft, there isn't anyone better than you! Once you become a master at the guitar, you can then legitimately be compared to the very best in the field.

People are going to choose someone in their Genre of music they listen to, to be their favorite or, best in their opinion, guitar players.

Here is one such master who is also an actress, but her career is that of being one of the very best guitar players in the world.
The Beautiful Charo is 78 years old, still as beautiful as she ever was, and still one of the finest guitar players on the planet.

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KXM featuring George Lynch, esp. 4 to 5 min mark. Let those harmonics fly, Lynch

Ray Luzier of Korn also a godhead on the drms..
Forgot Robert Fripp.
And the maestro Chet Atkins.

Yep, my guitar teacher was classical and studied with Segovia, and he loved Chet Atkins.

Chet does great takes on standards incorporating the vocal lines. For me a bit musak like sometimes.

You know who I loved as a kid? Roy Clark. I watched Hee Haw just to see him pick and grin.