Team Israel consists of all those who:
I say you have things backwards, you say I do.
1. Engage in a special pleading fallacy whereby they defend to the death all atrocities and war crimes committed by Israel, just because the perpetrater is Israel, that they would otherwise decry had they been committed by anyone else.
Using the term "fallacy" might seem like an easy dismissal, but it doesn't engage with the substance of the argument. It suggests an attempt to critique motives but lacks depth. To clarify, my stance isn't rooted in racial prejudice or an unconditional love for Israel at the expense of others. It's straightforward:
I choose to support democratic systems over authoritarian regimes. Among Israel's neighbors, which country truly embraces freedom? Which of these nations fosters an environment where people of all races and religions can coexist peacefully? Israel is encircled by regimes that control their populations through intimidation and force.
Moreover, nearly all of Israel's neighbors have publicly advocated for the eradication of the Jewish state and its people - an echo of genocidal intentions seen throughout history. My inclination to trust Israel more than its adversaries is based on numerous factors, including these neighbors' open hostility not just towards Israel, but also towards America and anyone who doesn't adhere to their particular, exclusive interpretation of faith. This isn't about choosing sides out of bias; it's about recognizing where the threats to freedom and peace originate.
2. cheer on Israel"s genocide of Gazan civilian non-combatants (who never attacked Israel and who had nobody hiding behind them) and will not demand any accountability, just because Israel is the one commiting the ethnic cleansing.
My view, certainly propaganda
3. support Israel's highly illegal and morally reprehensible assassinations without explanation, and invasions of sovereign countries that never attacked Israel.
I'm sure you could find many supporting stories backing up your claim. I say propaganda, you're not getting the truth from politically motivated reports. You say, bullshit
So you support Gazans right to exist? There are roughly 20,000 dead Gazan children who were alive and well before the IDF simply slaughtered them. There was nobody hiding behind them.
Of course, when put that way, I must come off as the villain. But for Gazans to truly move forward, the first step should be ceasing to indoctrinate children with hatred and violence towards Jewish people. I've seen the educational materials firsthand - textbooks, and even Al-Aqsa TV, which glorifies martyrdom and incites attacks against Jews, down to cartoons aimed at the youngest audiences. You'll probably retort with "bullshit," but I assure you, it's not; I've witnessed it. And so, back and forth we go.
... presumably against those who are attacking, not against those who never attacked and who have no ability to fight back.
When you consider the situation, they keep discovering rockets, suicide bombs, and the like. Revisit the neighbor analogy I mentioned earlier. I would hope to have total superiority in such a way that I wouldn't lose a single family member while neutralizing all threats from their side. Remember, the scenario posits my neighbor has explicitly threatened to murder my family in a brutal, torturous manner, including raping my daughter and beheading my loved ones in front of me - acts we saw on October 7th. I'd be both naive and irresponsible not to do everything in my power to protect my family and eliminate the threats permanently. The distinction here is, I wouldn't resort to torture, rape, or beheading; a bullet in the head would suffice for me.
by attacking people other than those who attacked Israel?
Yes, if they're part of the 'family' indoctrinated and trained to kill my family. For instance, if "daddy murderer" has already killed my wife, it would be wise to deal with him and his entire family, even if they haven't yet acted. They've been taught and trained to kill my family, so I'd be both naive and foolish not to neutralize the threat as quickly as possible.
Iran attacked Israel on 7 October via their proxy Al Qassam. Israel knows this, but Netanyahu wants to be reelected so he seized the opportunity to effect the 2nd Nakba. The IDF never invaded Iran.
Again, your sources are propaganda, there were many factions that attacked on or before the 7th. Here are a few: Hamas, Hezbollah, PIJ, PFLP, AAMB, Lion's Den. Your statement about the 2nd Nakba is unfounded. You say: no yours are
Israel is committed to wiping Arab Semites off the face of the Earth.
This is not the position of the Israeli government, never been stated. You might have article that claim Israeli leadership has made comments. You can't show me direct quotes from credible sources. You might say you have seen the articles, I'll say propaganda.
Israeli children are indoctrinated to HATE Arabs from the cradle.
I'll say show me proof, that's bullshit, without credible proof you're again a victim of propaganda. You might have an article that make the claim. and say it credible. I'll say bullshit
Three questions:
1. If, after saying he wants your family dead, your neighbor were to slaughter you and your family, should any and all of your neighbor's criminal activity be investigated and brought to justice, or should your neighbor be celebrated with thunderous applause?
Saying it's a "terrible analogy" might be an understatement, but I figured you'd understand that my house and family symbolize a country. In that scenario, it's my duty to safeguard my family and neutralize the threat - I'd be entirely justified. Your analogy then veers into... well, I'm not sure where. If this malevolent, homicidal "guy" (Country) decimated my family (Country), one would hope other nations would see the peril in allowing such a murderous state to persist and would act to eliminate it before it targets others. Ignoring the evil "family" would only invite further disaster.
2. Since the 1950's, Israel has pledged to commit the 2nd Nakba and now they're doing it. Should Israel's war crimes be investigated with criminals brought to justice, or should their atrocities be applauded and legitimized?
Throwing 'fallacy' into the mix doesn't actually contribute anything substantial. It might allude to some underlying motives, but it's fundamentally empty. To set the record straight, I'm not some racist who idolizes Israel while despising everyone else. It's really not that complicated: I'm in favor of democracies over oppressive dictatorships. Which of Israel's neighboring 'innocent' countries is truly free? Do any of these nations actually champion freedom, or permit people of all races and religions to live in peace within their borders? Israel is encircled by autocrats who rule through coercion and terror. Most of Israel's neighbors are vocal about their desire to wipe out an entire ethnic group - where have we seen that in history? There are countless reasons why I lean more towards trusting Israel than its adversaries. After all, these adversaries are not subtle about their wish to see every American dead, along with anyone who doesn't conform to their narrow, intolerant religious views.
3. Israel and the United States are signatories to the Geneva Conventions. Shouldn't the US require Israel to adhere to it? Air strikes into public population centers are illegal everywhere.
If you're well-versed in the Geneva Convention, you'd understand that Israel isn't breaching the rules since they're targeting military objectives while taking steps to reduce collateral damage and issuing warnings to civilians. Unfortunately, Hamas employs human shields. You might dismiss this as "bullshit," but I'd argue you're falling for propaganda.
That is not something of which to be proud.
I say I'm shocked that you fall for what is clearly propaganda that's so obvious to me and so many others. You say no, you are brainwashed with propaganda.
The fact is we agree on many things, but this one, we're miles apart and not likely to reach consensus anytime soon. I understand that individual thinkers will nearly always have differing opinions. I don't harbor hate and can still manage to focus on where there is agreement. It's the best way to move forward with the hope of more agreement in the future. I hope you hold a similar point of view regarding my last point. Feel free to respond with any clarifications or with more areas of disagreement. I'm not sure what if anything it will accomplish. Regardless, I'm at least pleased that you refrained from the usual plethora of insults that normally comes from those I disagree with on this subject.