You cannot be racist against entities that aren't human to begin with, which the Chinese aren't. They're semi-sentient roachoids.
MSG just said one of the most racist things I have seen here.
You cannot be racist against entities that aren't human to begin with, which the Chinese aren't. They're semi-sentient roachoids.
Because you were unable to resist the urge to fuck with me after I warned you.
Now, you will see what you bought yourself.
Zieg Heil, or is it As-salamu alaykum?
MSG just said one of the most racist things I have seen here.
This may seem simplistic to some, especially those who are also affected by the same social forces who would likely say, "it didn't affect ME like that!" Or, "How come we don't see dozens and dozens of shootings like this all the time?"
We do, but we have become accustomed to them. AND there are OTHER symptoms besides this. AND there will be more like this as time goes on. And worse than this, I fear.
This guy and all like them, are just like canaries in the coal mines kept there as a barometer of the air quality in the mine. When the canaries fell dead to the floor of their cage, the miners would know their own lives were in danger because the canaries keeled over from the poison gases in their subterranean atmosphere. If they didn't get out of there FAST, they would succumb to that same toxic environment next.
Over the years, the move to make America Communist released poisons into our society which have made our society toxic and has slowly taken us down, down, down to the danger zone.
The reasons started when Communism set out to conquer America.
45 Communist goals for America - TheBlaze
Setting these goals was designed to make US think and feel differently than we HAD been thinking in the 1950s and before. They were meant to make US want to follow Communism. Accomplishing these goals in America meant setting social rules that were not natural to US. The new rules stopped us from thinking and doing things we used to normally do and begin doing things that Communists do or the things that people thought and did before they began doing what Communists do.
Bottom line, the Communists have tried to make America Communist, but we were already well steeped in AMERICANISM and like what happens climatologically when a cold front meets a warm front. Violent thunderstorms and tornadoes and hurricanes happen.
A-Hole is a drop of rain compared to what other changes are in store for US.
This is the copy & pasted results from the 1st page of a web search.
How many more do you need to see before we believe it and begin to focus on the attempts to brainwash and conquer our society as the reasons America is "going to hell in a hand basket?"
America seems to me to be all about competition, and the trouble with that is that very few people can win, though the system does produce, potentially, enough for everyone's needs. If you also make the means of murder easily available in a society where no-one trusts anyone else and is full of resentment, you will get constant killing - it's a simple as that. Bawling and bellowing about some fantasy called 'communism' is simply confusing the issue. Societies should look at themselves, not pretend versions of others.
Isn't it time for prayers?
Or are you busy sukking off your incel members?
That dork looks like he's never gotten laid. A few trips to an Asian massage parlor and this could have been avoided.
women arent happy with the change either.Hello Iolo/Penderyn,
A good assessment. A big issue over recent decades is that we have transitioned from a male-dominated society to more equality. Many men have been pushed out of dominant roles and resent the change. They have not accepted this very well. Young men were raised to believe they would be the head of household, but that has not occurred as frequently as it used to. There is a lot of resentment over this. Families have broken up. Many younger people are raised without a traditional functional two-parent family upbringing. Young men sometimes feel they have been cheated out of a life they 'deserved.'
Traditionally male dominated work roles have slipped away. Men find themselves displaced by female workers on the job and often relegated to lessor roles. If they live in a household where women earn more than they do, they no longer enjoy autonomy in making all the decisions.
Notice that these mass shooters are almost always male. It's a fractured male ego thing.
When was the last story we've heard of a mass shooter being female?
Some parts of the world definitely are running out of easily accessible fresh water. But the wealthier areas are able to make their own fresh water from salt water. The great problem with solar power is that it only works during the day, but fresh water created during the day can be easily stored for when there is no sunshine. Israel and Cyprus are proving this.
Europe, Eastern USA, and many other places have no shortage of fresh water, or rather little shortage. I suppose there are always droughts from time to time.
If you are poor in this world, you are screwed... But hopefully fewer people are poor over time.
MSG just said one of the most racist things I have seen here.
You started attacking me months ago. You attacked me because I disagreed with you, and you cannot deal with that. Doing more attacking of me will just make you look bad.
So I want you to do it. Show everyone your true self. No need to hold back.
It has become so normal to threaten to kill me and my family on this site, that it is actually boring. The Alt Right has lost any actual logical arguments, so have turned to pathetic keyboard terrorism.
you caved like a chilean coal miner. you have the mind virus, to unlock your system send me money.
so you're just another paranoid jew?
The Blaze? Are you fucking kidding?
Lower right quadrant for morons, idiots, conspiracists.
A lot of the mass shooters/terrorists are in their 50's and 60's. It seems like a time that you would calm down in life, but they are revving up. I really do not understand it.
Actually, RB here meets the profile nearly exactly. Maybe RB can explain to us where the anger comes from?
We just completed the first quarter of 2021 and look at the number of shootings. I don't know when people are going to start taking this seriously.
We're Americans.
It's simply what we do.
Asking Americans to not shoot is like asking scorpions to not sting.
I would have guessed that it's genetically baked in, but we're so diverse that such would be hard to explain.I agree. Violence is glorified in America.
If you move that entire chart one square to the Left and skew the left side down about one and the right side up about one, it's about correct. Not completely, but closer to reality.