Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

I don't need to ask Tom shit.

What .. you think he's going to admit that he's a fucking racist?

I ask you again, what do you think is the motivation behind these 'black' threads by white males?
If Tom's OP (which I don't agree with) is indeed meant as an ad hominen on black males than he is indeed being racist.

Having said that I want to be clear that no one group, race, ethnicity, poliety or individual is above objective criticism. To use an example of what I mean, would my postings that criticize the shortcomings of southern culture, such as, their inability to deal with racial or gender equity or their attempts at undermining secular governance make me a bigot because I'm a northerner?
Two questions. What simplistic analysis by the left and what do you mean by we? If you mean "Europeans" how can you reconcile that with Europes hideous historical record of racial bigotry?

The analysis that states only a particular ethnicity/sex can comment on such matters coupled with the patronising paternalistic/maternalistic attitude that they know what's best. In the UK, we went through decades of socialism and fortunately we are starting to shed some of that agitprop bullshit so reminiscent of student politics and the likes of Darla. IF you want to know what the dictatorship of the proletariat is all about then look no further than on here.

I was actually talking about the UK not Europe and as far as that goes we can hold our heads up high as the first nation to abolish slavery many decades before good old Abe even got elected.
If Tom's OP (which I don't agree with) is indeed meant as an ad hominen on black males than he is indeed being racist.

Having said that I want to be clear that no one group, race, ethnicity, poliety or individual is above objective criticism. To use an example of what I mean, would my postings that criticize the shortcomings of southern culture, such as, their inability to deal with racial or gender equity or their attempts at undermining secular governance make me a bigot because I'm a northerner?

Yes if that was the case then you would be right, but I think you've known me long enough to know that I'm extremely catholic in my posts and a contrarian as well. I think I have just about pissed everybody off on here at one time or the other, something I am quite proud actually as people try but find it hard to pin a label on me.
Well that's easy Grind. It's because you don't know whent to shut up......which from Darla's perspective.....is pretty much most of the time. ;)

What pisses her off is that she really believed that he was her own personal handbag dog to be taken out and shown off as and when needed. Although I almost totally disagree with a lot of what he says, I am glad that he's had the cohones to unhitch his wagon from her mules.
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The analysis that states only a particular ethnicity/sex can comment on such matters coupled with the patronising paternalistic/maternalistic attitude that they know what's best. In the UK, we went through decades of socialism and fortunately we are starting to shed some of that agitprop bullshit so reminiscent of student politics and the likes of Darla. IF you want to know what the dictatorship of the proletariat is all about then look no further than on here.

I was actually talking about the UK not Europe and as far as that goes we can hold our heads up high as the first nation to abolish slavery many decades before good old Abe even got elected.
You don't think British Colonialism wasn't racist? You don't think the US wasn't racist long after Booth busted a cap on Lincoln?
Yes if that was the case then you would be right, but I think you've known me long enough to know that I'm extremely catholic in my posts and a contrarian as well. I think I have just about pissed everybody off on here at one time or the other, something I am quite proud actually as people try but find it hard to pin a label on me.
LOL I have to admit....you go places where I fear to tread.
What pisses her off is that she really believed that he was her own personal handbag dog to be taken out and shown off as and when needed. Although I almost totally disagree with a lot of what he says, I am glad that he's had the cohones to unhitch his wagon from her mules.

really pisses you off when a man shows respect to a woman huh?

bros before hoes huh.

your world view isn't clever

its racist
You don't think British Colonialism wasn't racist? You don't think the US wasn't racist long after Booth busted a cap on Lincoln?

Yes of course British colonialism was racist but so was what was there before it. Pre-Raj india was ruled by despots and tyrants in the main, Africa wasn't so much racist as tribal but there wasn't much solidarity or black brotherhood there.
Um... look at the anti-muslim skinhead groups in the UK. It's still very racist. Not saying the US isn't, but the UK is still very racist.

No - the treachery of the Labour party means that a few silly young men fall for this crap, but it hardly matters.
Um... look at the anti-muslim skinhead groups in the UK. It's still very racist. Not saying the US isn't, but the UK is still very racist.

I am sorry but you really don't have a clue about racism over here. Considering how tightly packed we are, or maybe because of it, we all get on remarkably well. There is a large Muslim area just two miles from me and there is very little trouble apart from a few boy racers.
racism Is a tool they use to divide people

that is why they don't really want to solve the problem.

Instead they march around with stupid insults like "race card" and call the entire population of black people in this country liars when they say
"but I fear for my children".
No - the treachery of the Labour party means that a few silly young men fall for this crap, but it hardly matters.


"An NUS report released this week shows that racism is more widespread than previously assumed and perceptions of racism are creating barriers to the participation of Black students in further and higher education."


Maybe it's not as bad as it looks over here, but the UK does appear racist based on what we read. Of course, we may not be getting the full story.

"An NUS report released this week shows that racism is more widespread than previously assumed and perceptions of racism are creating barriers to the participation of Black students in further and higher education."


Maybe it's not as bad as it looks over here, but the UK does appear racist based on what we read. Of course, we may not be getting the full story.

Never said that racism doesn't exist, it does, but we are rank amateurs compared to you guys.
I'm sorry but you need to verify that or I'll have to conclude that's an assumption.

I'm no apologist for anyone but I don't have a problem with someone asking tough difficult questions that make you squirm. Lord knows I've done enough of that.

So what evidence do you have to question his motivation or are you just angered by his apparent insensitivity?

Honestly Mott, we poor simpletons don't realy need the white male daddy to come in here and "make us squirm" with their "tough questions" about black men, or rape, or black women, or whatever your cause of the day is. Start a damned club where you can fascinate each other with your tough questions, okay? Thanks.
Tough question: If a woman isn't cut with a knife, is it rape?


Just being a big white daddy "scientist"!

Wow, fucking clueless man. YOu guys. You see, this is why people here think I hate men. Because so many of the men on here, are morons and pricks. Racists, racism apologists, rape apologists, etc.

The fact is, I fucking love men! I love the decent ones I get to know harder, because of you guys. So I guess I should thank you for that.
There's nothing "brave" about posting racist things Mott. There is nothing brave about "pissing off the bitches" by posting pro-rape articles.

It's sick. It's diseased.

It's not brave.

BRave would be Tom saying any of the shit he said in this thread to BAC's face. But we know that's not happening. A shame because I don't know any men who are in need of an ass beating more than Tom. And he'd get it.
Tough question: If a woman isn't cut with a knife, is it rape?


Just being a big white daddy "scientist"!

Wow, fucking clueless man. YOu guys. You see, this is why people here think I hate men. Because so many of the men on here, are morons and pricks. Racists, racism apologists, rape apologists, etc.

The fact is, I fucking love men! I love the decent ones I get to know harder, because of you guys. So I guess I should thank you for that.
Damn Darla.......I tihnk I'm getting a woody. :)