Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

I'm sorry but you need to verify that or I'll have to conclude that's an assumption.

I'm no apologist for anyone but I don't have a problem with someone asking tough difficult questions that make you squirm. Lord knows I've done enough of that.

So what evidence do you have to question his motivation or are you just angered by his apparent insensitivity?
Evidence to question his motivation???????? I don't need any evidence to question his motivation. He is as open to criticism and critique as I am. I have his postings, his insults, his racist and bigoted statements, his misogyny and his apparent arrogance for fodder. And I don't have to verify (though I often do) anything, as those on the right fail to verify their positions and stances. If I assume anything, it's from an informed position.
Based on current rates of incarceration, 28.5 percent of black males will likely serve time in a state or federal prison for a felony conviction, a rate seven times that for white males.


Which is more about the racism in our judicial system than about black men actually committing that many more crimes.

For example, non-black people are more likely to abuse drugs than black people, but a higher proportion of black people get locked up for drugs.

Racism sucks.
Which is more about the racism in our judicial system than about black men actually committing that many more crimes.

For example, non-black people are more likely to abuse drugs than black people, but a higher proportion of black people get locked up for drugs.

Racism sucks.

The powers that be figured out that black despair could be exploited, so Iran-Contra introduced a flood of cocaine into America, and folks figured out, in quick fashion that crack cocaine was a cheap, affordable version of the drug that could be marketed, bought and sold by the minority masses, and they could be arrested, convicted and introduced into the criminal justice system, and thus, "controlled" and "contained", all in a fell swoop. Voila! Legal Institutionalized Slavery. And boy, did it work. But now folks are finally waking up. I did.
Which brings up the question. What conclusion do you draw from the article? What is your answer to your question?

I have read several articles in the same vein from different sources, I suppose the main conclusion that I draw is that life is far more complex than the rather simplistic analysis portrayed by the hard left. I would also conclude that we are further along the path to racial harmony, than the US, and these sort of issues are starting to be aired without a constant Greek chorus in the background shouting inanities. Of course it helps that we don't have your insane gun laws.

Did you read the article by Selena Gray, a supremely talented black British writer about her experiences growing up in London.

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I try not to question others motivations. That's a question you'll need to ask Tom.

I don't need to ask Tom shit.

What .. you think he's going to admit that he's a fucking racist?

I ask you again, what do you think is the motivation behind these 'black' threads by white males?
I don't need to ask Tom shit.

What .. you think he's going to admit that he's a fucking racist?

I ask you again, what do you think is the motivation behind these 'black' threads by white males?
As if they have the gravitas to do so, as a foregone conclusion.
Nope. Nipping that shit "in the bud". I completely understand their indignity and incredulity...as funny as it is.
Fuck you and fuck your wife .. you're a racist piece of shit limey bastard with bad teeth and foul odor.

I have an idea .. why don't you stick your head up some black woman's ass while asking her what she thinks of black men? I mean, what the fuck else do you have to do in that shit-stain country you live in BUT stick your head up an American's ass.

Of course, you could pass the time by doing some research on the marvels of toothpaste and deodorant. :0)

How did that feel Tom? LOL
How do you guys like this? This is the guy who posted rape apology after rape apology, and other than the ones he posted written by himself, they were all from women. That's what he excels at. Hardly anyone said anything to this woman hating piece of shit.

Now he's moved on to racism.

But some of my liberal friends like Mott and others will actually entertain this filth as if he is any better than ILA or Bravo.

He's not.

That's why I told off Grind. If you hate women? If you celebrate rape culture? If you are a racist? If you repeat and defned racists and their arguments? If you celebrate the death of a 17 teenager in an early and eternal grave while you get to live? Fuck you. I don't care who you are.

Because keeping my mouth shut to get along will never be me.

ummmmm i do not support toms OP here.

Don't know why I am getting dragged into things as usual.
I have read several articles in the same vein from different sources, I suppose the main conclusion that I draw is that life is far more complex than the rather simplistic analysis portrayed by the hard left. I would also conclude that we are further along the path to racial harmony, than the US, and these sort of issues are starting to be aired without a constant Greek chorus in the background shouting inanities. Of course it helps that we don't have your insane gun laws.

Did you read the article by Selena Gray, a supremely talented black British writer about her experiences growing up in London.

Two questions. What simplistic analysis by the left and what do you mean by we? If you mean "Europeans" how can you reconcile that with Europes hideous historical record of racial bigotry?
If the OP were true would it be just another aspect of racist thinking or racist programming? Next question. How many white women lose respect for white men? Ever see divorce courts first hand, add white and every color in between to the list of lost respect, but white people generally are privileged with magical powers, you know like God is white cause of the sun and evolution. If God hadn't created sunny climes, we'd all be white or if it was sunny all the time darker. You should have seen my dad in the summer. I take after mom, which when I started in corporate America was probably a good thing. You know those spics just can't be trusted. LOL Sorry, like Seinfeld this topic still requires comedy for people have not mentally evolved past simple labels. Now the search is on for another article that confirms another bias, how long will it take, any guesses. There's always tomorrow.