Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

look at him using words of kindness as a knife

You sure have an odd outlook on life. BACs hateful words don't bother you. My kind words bother you. Is that you and BAC aren't getting your desired result of trying to bait me into returning fire?

Oh I could. But what purpose would that serve? This is much better.

Have a blessed day.

BTW I will pray for BAC. I never realized until recently how anguished he is. I will pray for the good Lord to relieve his anguish and hatred for his fellow man.
I have no doubt what you say is true, for the most part, but is that the whole story? Did you read the article by Selena Gray?

You mean the OP? Yes I did and I'm sure you're right that economics and education are not the whole story but be that is it may they are the predominant predictors of such behavior and not race or culture.
What's an MRA type?

It stands for Male Rape Apologist, I had never heard of it either before she used it. Actually as regards rape itself, I find myself agreeing more and more with Germaine Greer on the need to abolish the crime altogether and just have degrees of sexual assault instead. She also says that women should not hide behind anonymity in court. She makes a hell of a lot more sense than radical feminists like Darla, in my opinion.

The law of rape is anachronistic, unworkable and should be struck down. Tinkering with it has resulted in a huge expenditure of resources and effort by police forces which have little enough of either, in return for no improvement whatsoever in women's chances of redress. The fault lies in the very concept of rape itself.

The current situation is one of damage maximisation, from the crime to the investigation to the outcome. The suggestion that distraught women in the immediate aftermath of the event should be videotaped and the tape shown to the jury is outrageous. Few raped women now go to the police. The prospect of ordeal by video will reduce their numbers still further.

There is a solution, but it is not recognised as such by feminists or legislators. That is to abolish the crime of rape altogether, and instead to expand the law of assault to include sexual assault in varying degrees of gravity; so that, for example, mutilating assaults on children would be recognised as many times graver than penetration of a grown woman.

If we return to the case of Alison, it can be seen that what she endured is what we might call petty rape. I doubt she would have wanted her assailant to be imprisoned for years; but seeing him sentenced to 100 hours of community service might have gone a long way to making her feel better. It might even have taught him something about taking women for granted. Other aspects of the offence, such as whether it exposed the victim to the risk of pregnancy or infection, could also be taken into consideration.

There are feminists who would be outraged at the idea of downgrading the crime of rape in such a way; indeed some feminists have demanded that convicted rapists be castrated, which is to give to the penis the same exaggerated importance as men do. To increase the penalties for the unlucky few who get convicted of this very common crime, while the vast majority get off scot-free, is not the way to go. Besides, a castrated rapist will use something more dangerous than his penis next time.

In exchange for allowing the offence to be downgraded, women should demand the lessening of the burden of proof. No one could take the uncorroborated statement of a complainant as sufficient basis for depriving a man of his liberty for years. But if what is alleged is common assault with a sexual component, and carries a lighter penalty, women's testimony could safely be given more weight. And we would not all be subjected to the silliness of protracted and hugely expensive trials involving inebriated undergraduates who collapsed in bed together and woke up unable to remember exactly what transpired. This is not the first time that a reformer has suggested the removal of the crime of rape from the statute. Some countries have already revised their criminal codes to some extent, but so far they have not gone far enough, and judges have simply treated the new offences as if they were the old ones with different names.

What we need is a full investigation of the whole panoply of sexual offences, and a repositioning of the right of all individuals, male and female, married and unmarried, gay and straight, children and adults, to sexual autonomy. Nothing less will do.

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the children aint buying it folks.

you can polish your little turd all day long for the rest of your lives.

The world is rejecting it in droves.

they are simply walking an ever widening circle around you and your highly polished turd you snuggle so closely
You sure have an odd outlook on life. BACs hateful words don't bother you. My kind words bother you. Is that you and BAC aren't getting your desired result of trying to bait me into returning fire?

Oh I could. But what purpose would that serve? This is much better.

Have a blessed day.

BTW I will pray for BAC. I never realized until recently how anguished he is. I will pray for the good Lord to relieve his anguish and hatred for his fellow man.

:0) You're a bitch .. who gives a fuck what you do.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm having a lot of fun fucking with you and the other racist bozos here.

What .. you gonna' cry bitch?

"Pray for me" :0) who is going to hear you? God knows you're a bitch .. she favors me. :0)
I know enough about you to know you are mentally unstable.

Really? Well, they talked about Jesus Christ and called him all kinds of things. Why wouldn't folks talk about me, in my lowly station? Fortunately, I have considered the source.
And because I disagree with you, vehemently, and recognize your propensity to exercise "white privilege", doesn't make me mentally unstable. On the contrary, I'm as astute using the English language (if not more), as you are. Hardly the mark of mental instability. LOL
:0) You're a bitch .. who gives a fuck what you do.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm having a lot of fun fucking with you and the other racist bozos here.

What .. you gonna' cry bitch?

"Pray for me" :0) who is going to hear you? God knows you're a bitch .. she favors me. :0)

Good. I am glad you are having fun. Me? Cry? From you? Don't be silly. You can't do anything to me.

I find it interesting how you normally post like a civil person,now you are going all "street". You trying to play the big, bad black man hoping I will cower in a corner? Won't happen my good brother.
Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

is the name of the title.

tell me do you really think black women hate black men?
No, it stand for Men's Rights Activists, and Tom has not only heard of it, he has posted articles from Male Right's activists.

It does not stand for male rape apologist. Which he also is.

Also Tom is a racist Mott, and his posting this thread was not a "question". Please. Are you really that blind? giving cover to his racism is what allows Tom to continue to post rape fetish and rape apologia threads, and racist threads.

I'm at the point where I simply will not engage with people who allow tom to use this veneer. I'm done with that.