Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

A state-by-state breakdown of data from The Sentencing Project, a private group that favors sentencing reform, shows that in 17 states the estimated percentage of disenfranchised black men is even higher than 13 percent.

In Florida and Alabama, for instance, the figure is 31 percent, while in Mississippi it is 29 percent. In Virginia, 25 percent of otherwise eligible black men cannot vote.

Sorry brother but your baiting tactics aren't going to work. I understand that you are upset about the verdict and if lashing out at me gives you a measure of comfort then I will be here for you my brother.

You should see Desh's link. That seems more like an issue of an innocent black boy being gunned down for no reason and outrages me. But you seem to want to focus on 12 year old Trayvon. Your choice.

Yo bitch .. you should know that I don't even read your fucking posts. All I need to see is you posting to me and I immediately speak to you any way I want .. and it's going to taste nasty. :0)

Yes you, idiot bubblehead motherfucker. :0)

Post some more dumb shit to me .. be my guest. :0)
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A state-by-state breakdown of data from The Sentencing Project, a private group that favors sentencing reform, shows that in 17 states the estimated percentage of disenfranchised black men is even higher than 13 percent.

In Florida and Alabama, for instance, the figure is 31 percent, while in Mississippi it is 29 percent. In Virginia, 25 percent of otherwise eligible black men cannot vote.


Stats composed and compiled by racist white people.
Stats composed and compiled by racist white people.

He forgot that Lincoln freed the slaves....and with that comes the freedom to speak to white folk anyway we want...and with zest. LOL

The sack of putrid snot doesn't even know what century this is. :0) .. and I'll speak to that ignorant fuck anyway I choose.

He must be from Rosewood. :0)

What are they looking for .. respect .. civility?
The sack of putrid snot doesn't even know what century this is. :0) .. and I'll speak to that ignorant fuck anyway I choose.

He must be from Rosewood. :0)

Why do you think I've been banned from scores of political debate forums? Because I never bite my tongue for white racist fucks. They hate me with a passion. It whitens my teeth.
Yo bitch .. you should know that I don't even read your fucking posts. All I need to see is you posting to me and I immediately speak yo you any way I want .. and it's going to taste nasty. :0)

Yes you, idiot bubblehead motherfucker. :0)

Post some more dumb shit to me .. be my guest. :0)

That is OK my brother. You are free to whatever you choose. I see you are trying to bait me like you did once before. Oooooh maybe if you put together the right combination of words, I will lash out a d use the dreaded "N" word again.

Not going to happen my good brother. I am on to you. That was your game last time. I allowed you to goad me into doing it and all of a sudden you slid off as the victim yet again and it became about me.

There is no need for you to lash out at me like this. Your black privilege will always give you a leg up with Desh and Darla.

I actually pity you
Why do you think I've been banned from scores of political debate forums? Because I never bite my tongue for white racist fucks. They hate me with a passion. It whitens my teeth.

I don't hate you. That is too strong an emotion to expend on someone like you. It does seem an odd pathology to enjoy being hated. But, hey like you and BAC claim maybe it is a "black thing" and us honkey's just don't understand. Maybe Desh will explain it?
You've been banned because you are a lunatic.

You don't know me, stupid racist wanker. I said I was banned because I show racist whites (who usually run moderation and the board) no quarter. Cowardly they ban me because they fear me, and would rather not be taken to task, day in and day out.
You don't know me, stupid racist wanker. I said I was banned because I show racist whites (who usually run moderation and the board) no quarter. Cowardly they ban me because they fear me, and would rather not be taken to task, day in and day out.

Or maybe that is just what you tell yourself?
That statement is incredibly racist and, at the same time, insightful as to your true nature and warped mindset.

Are you stupid or what? JFK, RFK, and MLK were murdered by whites. Do you not think that there isn't a contingency of whites, compiling statistics and data, all which paint blacks (and other persons of color) in a negative light? The rest of us know to what lengths you and your ilk are willing to go to, to maintain control and privilege. Short of selling your own mothers for money. And maybe even that far. The white British are among the most classist and racist people on the planet.
you cant twist and squirm all you want to pretend to yourselves your not racist.

the taint is all over your world views and your kind are destined for the trash heap of society
they cant ban the world from getting in.

the people will not be denied justice

They got justice. You just don't like the outcome. But you got justice

What is amazing is the hell fire you are creating around Trayvon and in my book the story from your other thread is more egregious.

Something is fishy about the outrage. Something fishy indeed.
They got justice. You just don't like the outcome. But you got justice

What is amazing is the hell fire you are creating around Trayvon and in my book the story from your other thread is more egregious.

Something is fishy about the outrage. Something fishy indeed.

Justice my American Elbow! A racist was allowed to shoot a boy because in his sick, racist mind he believed he was threatened because that boy was 'black', under an insane law passed by the scumbag disciples of the NRA, and the thing decided by a half-jury.

Those who support this filth are traitors to the human race.