Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

Stick a dick in your ear dummy.

You must be talking about your mama getting out of jail free motherfucker. I've never been.

I sincerely apologize if you thought I implied that you were ever incarcerated. I can imagine how that hurt you so much given the high incarceration rate of African Americans. It was a figure of speech.

I will let the "your mama" joke go because I know that only blacks like yourself are allowed to do "your mama" jokes due to your black privilege.
It's racist because only BAC or Poet can speak on behalf of Negroes and sexist because only Darla can speak on behalf of women.

No. It's racist because a white man is using a commentary on black men by a black woman to demean black men. And white racists can't speak on behalf of African-Americans, and men who hate women or are misogynists or who see women purely as sex objects cannot speak on behalf of women. Period.
No. It's racist because a white man is using a commentary on black men by a black woman to demean black men. And white racists can't speak on behalf of African-Americans, and men who hate women or are misogynists or who see women purely as sex objects cannot speak on behalf of women. Period.

Based on your description , it would appear the only one who can comment on these issues is a gay black guy
Just more of your black privilege on display. Rather disturbing images you have. You should see someone for that. I think it is covered free under Obamacare

how is it that the Christians I see on the internets are the meanest people ever?

I have met a few who actually are kind like Jesus wanted but most are real nasty bits of work just like you.
I sincerely apologize if you thought I implied that you were ever incarcerated. I can imagine how that hurt you so much given the high incarceration rate of African Americans. It was a figure of speech.

I will let the "your mama" joke go because I know that only blacks like yourself are allowed to do "your mama" jokes due to your black privilege.

:0) Don't apologize to me dickhead .. go apologize to that stank hole you crawled out of.

I know, I know .. there's an unborn life stuck up there so you must be careful. :0)
Of course it is anecdotal, as to whether it is without merit is another question. There has to be some reason why in 2005 49% of all murders in the US were committed by blacks, with 93% being against fellow blacks, and the abortion rate is five times higher for black women than white women. Maybe you think this black women's experience is lacking in merit as well?


BS. Made up stats, by white people who despise blacks, and seek to serve an agenda which demeans them. Whites are more likely to commit mass murder, serial killings and incest. Want the stats for that line of reasoning?
Some are, most are not. I know that you are trying to paint me as a racist yet my wife is Thai, my oldest son's partner is Vietnamese and two of my dearest friends, who I have known for over thirty years, are of West Indian extraction.
No true Scotsman.
Fuck you and fuck your wife .. you're a racist piece of shit limey bastard with bad teeth and foul odor.

I have an idea .. why don't you stick your head up some black woman's ass while asking her what she thinks of black men? I mean, what the fuck else do you have to do in that shit-stain country you live in BUT stick your head up an American's ass.

Of course, you could pass the time by doing some research on the marvels of toothpaste and deodorant. :0)
Tou mf'ing che'.
how is it that the Christians I see on the internets are the meanest people ever?

I have met a few who actually are kind like Jesus wanted but most are real nasty bits of work just like you.

Are you not reading BACs posts? You claim mine are mean? Seriously? Oh wait. Does his black privilege and prior slavery give him a pass to speak to white folk anyway he wants?
He's disgusting and about 50 steps down on the evolutionary scale. He's also an extremely stupid person who has passed himself off as "smart" to people too dumb to know better. I've always thought he was a borderline moron, so...

He's ignorant .. and obviously a stank racist.
Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men ?

What sort of weirdo believes any one block of humanity has an unvarying, shared opinion of any other, as if individuals didn't exist? Racism rots the brain.
Don't you have a movie theater to shoot up .. maybe some high school kids to use as target practice?

Sorry brother but your baiting tactics aren't going to work. I understand that you are upset about the verdict and if lashing out at me gives you a measure of comfort then I will be here for you my brother.

You should see Desh's link. That seems more like an issue of an innocent black boy being gunned down for no reason and outrages me. But you seem to want to focus on 12 year old Trayvon. Your choice.