Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

That is OK my brother. You are free to whatever you choose. I see you are trying to bait me like you did once before. Oooooh maybe if you put together the right combination of words, I will lash out a d use the dreaded "N" word again.

Not going to happen my good brother. I am on to you. That was your game last time. I allowed you to goad me into doing it and all of a sudden you slid off as the victim yet again and it became about me.

There is no need for you to lash out at me like this. Your black privilege will always give you a leg up with Desh and Darla.

I actually pity you

I'm not your brother bitch .. and you ain't (eb) my sister either motherfucker. :0)

Who gives a fuck about what you pity you stank whore?

There ain't shit you can do for me but kill yourself. :0) No jokey. :0)

Why don't you go do that and follow what white gun loving shitbags like you do .. kill yourself?

Hopefully your next post to me will be coming from somewhere near Margaret Thatchers cold and wrinkled-up ass. :0)
Justice my American Elbow! A racist was allowed to shoot a boy because in his sick, racist mind he believed he was threatened because that boy was 'black', under an insane law passed by the scumbag disciples of the NRA, and the thing decided by a half-jury.

Those who support this filth are traitors to the human race.

There was no evidence that Zimmerman was or is a racist. Sorry. I know you wanted revenge because you were manipulated by the media but that wouldn't have been justice.

Meanwhile you ignore Darius Simmons. Odd.
Justice my American Elbow! A racist was allowed to shoot a boy because in his sick, racist mind he believed he was threatened because that boy was 'black', under an insane law passed by the scumbag disciples of the NRA, and the thing decided by a half-jury.

Those who support this filth are traitors to the human race.

Period. What they fail to realize is that Zimmerman's life is essentially over. He'll live in fear for the rest of his days. A special kind of hell. And those who supported him or the verdict, will forever be seen in the same light...as cowardly racists who do not value human life.
I'm not your brother bitch .. and you ain't (eb) my sister either motherfucker. :0)

Who gives a fuck about what you pity you stank whore?

There ain't shit you can do for me but kill yourself. :0) No jokey. :0)

Why don't you go do that and follow what white gun loving shitbags like you do .. kill yourself?

Hopefully your next post to me will be coming from somewhere near Margaret Thatchers cold and wrinkled-up ass. :0)

Touche'. These bitches are getting way too familiar.
I'm not your brother bitch .. and you ain't (eb) my sister either motherfucker. :0)

Who gives a fuck about what you pity you stank whore?

There ain't shit you can do for me but kill yourself. :0) No jokey. :0)

Why don't you go do that and follow what white gun loving shitbags like you do .. kill yourself?

Hopefully your next post to me will be coming from somewhere near Margaret Thatchers cold and wrinkled-up ass. :0)

I understand your anger my brother. If lashing out at me makes you feel better than I am happy to be here for you.
They got justice. You just don't like the outcome. But you got justice

What is amazing is the hell fire you are creating around Trayvon and in my book the story from your other thread is more egregious.

Something is fishy about the outrage. Something fishy indeed.

its called human emotion.

sociopaths don't understand human emotion
There was no evidence that Zimmerman was or is a racist. Sorry. I know you wanted revenge because you were manipulated by the media but that wouldn't have been justice.

Meanwhile you ignore Darius Simmons. Odd.

his own family member said he killed trayvon because he was black
these are the scar of racism.

idiots who think it normal to hate people and kill their children and then taunt the living afterwards.

then these idiots often talk about Jesus and being Christians
They taunt those with hearts and human compassion in an attempt to feel any real emotions themselves.

I don't have time to get into the irony of a sexist, MRA type using the fact that he is married to a Thai woman as "proof" that he's not racist. I have an important appointment. But anyone who knows MRA's and how they fetishize Asian women (and subject them to ridiculous stereotyping) while demonizing western white women, will get a real laugh out of that claim.
What's an MRA type?
You don't know me, stupid racist wanker. I said I was banned because I show racist whites (who usually run moderation and the board) no quarter. Cowardly they ban me because they fear me, and would rather not be taken to task, day in and day out.

I know enough about you to know you are mentally unstable.