Why Black Women Do Not Respect Black Men

do you know wash that blood off your fingers after sticking your fingers in the wound or do you just lick it off your fingers?
Really? Well, they talked about Jesus Christ and called him all kinds of things. Why wouldn't folks talk about me, in my lowly station? Fortunately, I have considered the source.
And because I disagree with you, vehemently, and recognize your propensity to exercise "white privilege", doesn't make me mentally unstable. On the contrary, I'm as astute using the English language (if not more), as you are. Hardly the mark of mental instability. LOL

I suggest that you read Mein Kampf, it is actually quite well written but it is still the ravings of a lunatic.
I actually was quite surprised by the article when I encountered it however I am not in the least bit surprised by the reaction.

What white lowlife would stoop so low as to post an article by a disgruntled black woman, disenchanted with black men, as "evidence" that black men are to be viewed with disdain? Why you Tom.....you.
She can talk about black men...having had the experience. You cannot, coming from a biased and racist place. See how that works?
Good. I am glad you are having fun. Me? Cry? From you? Don't be silly. You can't do anything to me.

I find it interesting how you normally post like a civil person,now you are going all "street". You trying to play the big, bad black man hoping I will cower in a corner? Won't happen my good brother.

You are indeed an ignorant butt-hugger.


Yet, like the bitch that you are, here you are again posting to me when I've already told you that I don't read your ignorance because you're stupid.

Goddamn girl, don't you have any fucking self-respect?

I would NEVER post to someone who thinks I'm as disgusting and putrid as I think about you. But you keep hanging on my dick anyway ,, no matter how much I piss on you.

You like being pissed on, huh?

When are you going to kill yourself?
This article is an example of how blacks can be talked into hating themselves by a society that treats them so badly
You are indeed an ignorant butt-hugger.


Yet, like the bitch that you are, here you are again posting to me when I've already told you that I don't read your ignorance because you're stupid.

Goddamn girl, don't you have any fucking self-respect?

I would NEVER post to someone who thinks I'm as disgusting and putrid as I think about you. But you keep hanging on my dick anyway ,, no matter how much I piss on you.

You like being pissed on, huh?

When are you going to kill yourself?

Now you are going all homophobic? Nice
I suggest that you read Mein Kampf, it is actually quite well written but it is still the ravings of a lunatic.

I studied German for two years in high school...dicey, because of the obvious truth of the Third Reich. I know enough about history to understand the dynamics of Germany and its' difficulty with coming to terms with its' defeat in WWI, and Hitler using unrest and resentment to orchestrate the scapegoating of the Jews...much like the American Right, scapegoating blacks, specifically "black men" (whom they fear more than the monsters under their beds). I have read excerpts of Mein Kampf.....and realized that no matter how well-written, it was the writings and ravings of a lunatic. And no comparison to me. However, I surmise that you have more in common with Adolf Hitler than I ever could.
Not sure how anyone could be confused about him now.

The sheets are off.

And donned by him....as he treks to the next British equivalent of a klan meeting. Instead of BBQ and fried chicken, they'll be serving figgy pudding and shepherd's pie, and ale.
Tom has a few people fooled, the good news? Tom used to have A LOT of people fooled.

Please. I read him, early on....and tried to pull that class thing with me. I was a choirboy after the English tradition. A playa. The bitch was taken aback. LOL.
And donned by him....as he treks to the next British equivalent of a klan meeting. Instead of BBQ and fried chicken, they'll be serving figgy pudding and shepherd's pie, and ale.

.. and, you guessed it .. Pig testicles

Pig's testicles
Eating testicles is always a transcendental, yet unsettling experience.

They are fiddly to prepare, removing them from the membrane and then chopping them into small chunks. They taste a little musky, and... well... frankly... testicular.
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He took a position by posing the question, which, in and of itself, was motivated by his racism.
I'm sorry but you need to verify that or I'll have to conclude that's an assumption.

I'm no apologist for anyone but I don't have a problem with someone asking tough difficult questions that make you squirm. Lord knows I've done enough of that.

So what evidence do you have to question his motivation or are you just angered by his apparent insensitivity?
I'm sorry but you need to verify that or I'll have to conclude that's an assumption.

I'm no apologist for anyone but I don't have a problem with someone asking tough difficult questions that make you squirm. Lord knows I've done enough of that.

So what evidence do you have to question his motivation or are you just angered by his apparent insensitivity?

He's a racist .. what other proof do you need?

What do you think is the motivation behind these 'black' threads by white males? A desire to reach out or understand?